Vladimir Brukhin
Author Identifiers: Web of Science ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID, ORCID iD, Google Scholar
Academic degree, academic title: Dr.Sc.
Position: Leading Researcher
E-mail: VBrukhin@binran.ru
Phone number: +7 (812) 372-54-41
Research interests:
- Functional genetics.
- Amphimixis and apomixis.
- Developmental biology.
- Epigenetics.
- Comparative genomics.
- Biology of sexual and asexual reproduction of plants.
Keywords: Whole genome assembly and annotation, Boechera, Arabidopsis, apomixis, meiosis, apomeiosis, diplospory, pseudogamy, genomics, heterozygosity, female gametophyte
Education and work experience:
1983–1988 — MS, PhD, St. Petersburg (Leningrad) State University.
Grants and research projects:
Project leader:
- 2022. Fulbright visiting scholar.
- 2020–2023. RFBR №20-54-46002 «Phylogenetic and functional analysis of genes associated with apomixis in representatives of the genus Boechera».
- 2016–2018. RFBR №16-54-21014 «Sequencing, assembly and annotation of the highly heterozygous genome of the apomictic plant Boechera divaricarpa».
- 2015–2016. RFBR №15-54-45001 «Establishment of hybrid vigor through asexual reproduction — a genetic screening aimed at the induction of apomixis in flowering plants».
- 2005–2006. Kredit zur Förderung des akademischen Nachwuchses Stiefel-Zangger-Stiftung (Zurich, Switzerland).
- 2003–2005. Novartis research grant (Basel, Switzerland).
- 1999–2000. Svenska Institutet fellowship (Stockholm, Sweden).
- 1997–1998. French Ministry of Education, Research and Technology fellowship (Paris, France).
- 1996–1997. Wageningen Agricultural University fellowship (The Netherlands).
- 1994–1995. Grant for successful young scientists by Russian Academy of Science.
Member of research team:
- 2013–2020. Mega-grant from the Ministry of Science and Education of the Russian Federation for the creation of the Laboratory of Genomic Bioinformatics. Head prof. S.J. O'Brien.
- 2011–2013. Leverhulme Trust (London, UK).
- 2008–2011. CRUK (Coca Research, UK). Head prof. Mike Wilkinson.
Conferences and workshops:
Organizing committee:
- 26th IASPRR Plant Reproduction Conference (ICSPR2022). Czech Republic, Prague, June 20–24, 2022.
- Future of Biomedicine. Russia, Vladivostok, September 2019.
- VII Congress of Vavilov Society of Genetics and Breeders. Russia, Saint Petersburg, June 2019.
- XXVII Plant and Animal Conference. USA San Diego CA, January 2019.
- International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR). Finland, Turku, June 2018.
- 25th ICSPR (International Conference on Sexual Plant Reproduction). Japan, Gifu, June 2018.
- XXVI Plant and Animal Conference. USA San Diego CA, January 2018.
- ESHG conference. Denmark, Copenhagen, May 2017.
- 5th Plant Genomics and Gene Editing Congress. Netherlands, Amsterdam, March 2017.
- XXV Plant and Animal Conference. USA, San Diego CA, January 2017.
- Latest Advances in Plant Development and Environmental Response. Japan, Awaji, November 2016.
- ASHG. USA, Baltimore, October, 2015.
- Oslo Epigenetics Symposium. Norway, Oslo, April 2014.
- Genome 10K Meeting. USA Fort Lauderdale, FL, April 2013.
- XXI International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction. UK, Bristol, August 2010.
- World AgriGenomic Congress. Belgium, Brussels, July 2010.
- World Epigenetic Congress. Germany, Berlin, September 2009.
- Plant Science Wales. UK Cardiff, January 2009.
- American Society of Plant Biologists. USA, Chicago, June 2007.
- Plant Biology Symposium and Plant Proteomics Mini-Symposium. USA Columbia, Missouri; May 21–24, 2007.
- XII Embryology Conference. Poland, Krakow Sept. 5–7, 2005.
- 18th International Congress Sexual Plant Reproduction Research. China, Beijing, August 2004.
- Conference on Plant Gametophytes. Switzerland, Ascona, June 2003.
- Workshop on Embryogenesis and Developmental Regulation in Plants. Italy Turin, March 6–7, 2003.
- 17th International Congress Sexual Plant Reproduction Research. Poland, Lublin, July 2002.
- Conference «Signal Transduction meets Functional Genomics». Denmark, Copenhagen, June 11–12, 2001.
- Forest Biotechnology’99. UK, Oxford, July 1999.
- 15th International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction Research. Netherlands, Wageningen, August 1998.
- 18th Congress of SPPS. Sweden Uppsala, June 1998.
- 5th Conference of European Embryologists. Poland, Lublin, Sept.1995.
- The 26th IASPRR Plant Reproduction Conference (ICSPR2022). Prague, Czech Republic. June 2022. Invited Report «Phylogenetic and expression analysis of CENH3 and APOLLO genes in sexual and apomictic Boechera species».
- Nova South-Eastern University. Florida, USA. May 2022. Invited Report «Reference free heterozygous plant genome assembly».
- Future of Biomedecine 2019 Conference, FEFU School of Biomedicine, Vladivostok, Russia. September 2019. Invited Report «Diversity of genomic variants and population genetics of ethnic and regional groups across Russia».
- VII Congress of Vavilov Society of Genetics and Breeders. Saint Petersburg, Russia. June 2019. Invited Report «Evolutional and ecological role of apomixis and asexual reproduction».
- Seminar in Mendel Centre CEITEC, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic. April 2019. Invited Report «Sexual and Apomictic Development: From Biology to Genomics».
- XXVII Plant and Animal Conference. San Diego, California, USA. January 2019. Invited Report «Genome of some apomictic Boechera species and evolution of apomixis associated genes».
- International Conference V Moscow International Conference «Molecular Phylogenetics and Biodiversity Biobanking». Moscow, Russia. August 2018. Invited Report «Assembly and comparative analysis of some apomictic genus Boechera species genomes».
- International Conference Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure/Systems Biology. Novosibirsk, Russia. August 2018. Invited Report «Assembly and annotation of genomes of some species from the apomictic genus Boechera and evolutionary analysis of apomixis-associated genes».
- 25th ICSPR (International Conference on Sexual Plant Reproduction). Gifu, Japan. June 2018. Invited Report «Assembly and annotation of the Boechera retrofracta genome and evolutionary analysis of apomixis-associated genes».
- XXVI Plant and Animal Conference. San Diego USA. January 2018. Invited Report «Boechera species: de novo assembly of genomes of sexual and apomictic accessions and apomixis associated genes analysis».
- Int conf. «The role of botanical gardens and arboretums in the conservation, study and sustainable use of plant diversity». Minsk, Belorussia. June 2017. Invited Report «Is it possible to avoid sex? Genetic regulation of apomixis in Angiosperms».
- 5th Plant Genomics and Gene Editing Congress Europe. Amsterdam Netherlands. March 2017. Invited Report «Towards the genome assembly and annotation of highly heterozygous apomictic plant Boechera divaricarpa (fam. Brassicaceae)».
- XXV Plant and Animal Genome meeting. San Diego USA. January 2017. Invited Report «Genome Assembly and Annotation of Boechera holboellii (fam. Brassicaceae)».
- VII Int. School of Young Scientists Genomics and System Biology. Moscow-Zvenigorod. November 2016. Invited Report «Molecular genetic properties of plant reproduction».
- V International School «Embryology, Genetics, and Biotechnology». St. Petersburg. October 2016. Invited Report «Molecular-Genetic regulation of apomixes».
- Genome Russia meeting. Skolkovo. April 2016. Invited Report «Genome Russia aims and goals».
- VI International School of Young Scientists «Genomics and System Biology». Moscow. November 2014. Invited Report «Epigenetics — the genome’s secondary code, it’s role in phenotype plasticity».
- Oslo University, Norway. April 2013. Invited Report «Whole Genome Methylation in Domestic Cat».
- East Anglia University, UK. June 2012. Invited Report «Identification of mechanisms of cell-cell interaction that contribute to identity maintenance in tissue».
- University of Bielefeld, Germany. May 2011. Invited Report «Genetics of Female Gametophytic and Embryo lethal Mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana».
- World AgriGenomic Congress. Brussels. July 2010. Invited Report «The search for functional homology in epigenetic control in Arabidopsis and Theobroma».
- World Epigenetic Congress. Berlin. September 2009. Invited Report «Making use epigenetic information from model plant Arabidopsis to crop Theobroma».
- Komarov Botanical Institute, Russian Academy of Science, St. Petersburg, Russia. October 2005. Presentation at the meeting of Russian Botanical Society «Screening and Molecular-Genetic Analysis of the Gametophytic and Embryo-lethal mutants in Arabidopsis».
- Seminar at the National Institute for Agricultural Botany (NIAB), Cambridge, UK. September 2005. Invited Report «The role of the ubiquitin/ proteasome pathway in plant embryogenesis and morphogenesis, under the scope for plant breeding and genetics».
- Leicester University, Seminar at the Department of Biology, Leicester, UK. July 2005. Invited Report «Mutants in Subunits of the 26S Proteasome and Plant Reproduction».
- Institute Seminar at the Institute of Plant Biology, University of Zurich, Switzerland. June 2005. Invited Report «Death for the Sake of Birth: The Ubiquitin 26S Proteasome Proteolytic Pathway and Plant Reproduction».
- Seminar at the Institute of Biotechnology, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich, Switzerland. January 2005. Invited Report «Utilization of the Ubiquitin 26S Proteasome Pathway in Biotechnology».
- Seminar at the Institute of Plant Molecular Biology CNRS, Strasbourg, France. December 2004. Invited Report «The Ubiquitin 26S Proteasome Proteolytic Pathway and Plant Reproduction».
- University College Cork, Seminar at the Department of Zoology, Ecology and Plant Science, Cork, Ireland. October 2004. Invited Report «Role of The Ubiquitin 26S Proteasome Pathway in Plant Development».
- Oxford Brookes University, Seminar at the School of Biological and Molecular Sciences, Oxford, UK. June 2004. Invited Report «Application of Microscopic Techniques for the Investigations in Plant Development».
- John Innes Centre, Seminar at the Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, Norwich, UK. May 2003. Invited Report «Generation and Analysis of Semi Sterile Mutants in Arabidopsis».
- Institute Seminar at the Institute of Plant Biology, University of Zurich, Switzerland. May 2003. Invited Report «Stranger Than Eden: EXOTIC Mutants in Arabidopsis».
- Seminar at the Royal Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences DIAS, Denmark. May 2003. Invited Report «Gametophytic and Zygotic Embryo Lethal Mutants in Arabidopsis».
Professional memberships:
- The International Association of Sexual Plant Reproduction Research (IASPR).
- Russian Vavilov Society of Geneticists and Breeders (VOGiS).
Editorial activity:
- Editorial Board member of «Epigenomes».
- Editorial Board member of «Plants».
Selected publications:
Vinogradova G.Y., Chimitov D.G., Brukhin V.B. Development of female and male reproductive structures in Borodinia macrophylla (Brassicaceae). Botanicheskiy Zhurnal. 2024. 109(7): 688–696. [In Russian]
Vingradova G.Yu., Sinelnikova N.V., Tashkin K.M., Brukhin V.B. Development of female reproductive structures in Boechera (Brassicaceae) species under sexual and apomictic reproductive modes. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2023. 108(12): 1100–1118. [In Russian]
Soltis D.E., Mavrodiev E.V., Brukhin V. et al. Tragopogon pratensis: Multiple introductions to North America, circumscription, and the formation of the allotetraploid T. miscellus. TAXON. 2023. 72(4): 848–861.
Ochkalova S., Korchagin V. ... Brukhin V. et al. Darevskia valentini involved in formation of several parthenogenetic species. Genes. 2022. 13(9): 1569.
Bakin E., Sezer F., Ozbilen A., Kilic I., Uner B., Rayko M., Taskin K.M., Brukhin V. Phylogenetic and expression analysis of CENH3 and APOLLO genes in sexual and apomictic Boechera species. Plants (MDPI), Basel Switzerland, special issue Genomic Study and Molecular Genetic Regulation of Apomixis. 2022. 11(3): 387.
Brukhin V., Albertini E. Epigenetic Modifications in Plant Development and Reproduction. Epigenomes. 2021. 5(4): 25.
Ryakhovsky S.S., Dikaya V.A. ... Brukhin V.B. et al. De novo transcriptome assembly and annotation of parthenogenetic lizard Darevskia unisexualis and its parental ancestors Darevskia valentini and Darevskia raddei nairensis. Data Brief. 2021. Dec 6;39: 107685.
Brukhin V.B., Andrusenko E.V. Functional genetics and genomics: textbook. St. Petersburg: Ed. ITMO University, 2021. 113 p.
Brukhin V. Epigenetic Control in Plants. Epigenomes. 2020. 4: 11.
Zhernakova D.V., Brukhin V., Malov S. et al. Genome-wide sequence analyses of ethnic populations across Russia. Genomics. 2020. 112(1): 442–458.
Brukhin V., Osadtchiy J.V., Florez-Rueda A. M., Smetanin D., Nobre M.S., Bakin E., Grossniklaus U. The Boechera Genus as a Resource for Apomixis Research. Frontiers in Plant Science - Special Issue Plant Breeding. 2019. 10: 392.
Brukhin V., Baskar R. A brief note on genes that trigger components of apomixis. Journal of Biosciences. 2019 44: 45.
Kliver S., Rayko M. ... Brukhin V. et al. Assembly of the Boechera retrofracta Genome and Evolutionary Analysis of Apomixis-Associated Genes. Genes (Basel). 2018. 9(4): pii: E185.
Brukhin V. Is sex irreplaceable? Towards the molecular regulation of apomixis. Int. J. Plant Reproduct. Biol. 2017. 9(2): 153–169.
Yurchenko A., Yudin N. ... Brukhin V. et al. Genome-wide genotyping uncovers genetic profiles and history of the Russian cattle breeds. Heredity. 2018. 120: 125–137.
Osadtchiy J.V., Naumova T.N., Brukhin V.B. Apomixis in the genus Boechera (Brassicaceae). Bot. J. 2017. 102(12): 1587–1607.
Brukhin V. Molecular and Genetic Regulation of Apomixis. Russ J Genetics. 2017. 53(9): 1001–1024.
Oleksyk T.K., Brukhin V., O’Brien S.J. Putting Russia on the genome map. Science. 2015. 13;350(6262): 747.
Oleksyk T.K., Brukhin V., O’Brien S.J. The Genome Russia project: closing the largest remaining omission on the world Genome map. Gigascience. 2015. 4: 53.
Dobrynin P., Liu S., Tamazian G. ... Brukhin V. et al. Genomic legacy of the African cheetah, Acinonyx jubatus. Genome Biol. 2015. 16: 277.
Tamazian G., Simonov S., Pontius J. ... Brukhin V. et al. Annotated Features of Domestic Cat — Felis Catus. GigaScience. 2014. 3: 13.
Brukhin V., Jaciubek, M., Bolanos Carpio A., Kuzmina V., Grossniklaus U. Female Gametophytic mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana identified in a gene Trap Insertional Mutagenesis Screen. Int. J. Dev. Biol. 2011. 55: 73–84.
Dumbliauskas E., Lechner E., Alioua M. ... Brukhin V. et al. The Arabidopsis CUL4-DDB1 complex interacts with MSI1 and is required to maintain MEA parental imprinting. EMBO J. 2011. 30 (4):731–43.
Chekanova J.A., Gregory B.D., Reverdatto S.V. ... Brukhin V. et al. Genome-Wide High-Resolution Mapping of Exosome Substrates Reveals Hidden Features in the Arabidopsis Transcriptome. Cell. 2007. 131(7): 1340–1353.
Brukhin V.B. Histochemical and immunohistochemical aspects of embryogenesis. In: Embryology of flowering plants Terminology and Concepts. Ed. Prof. T.Batygina. Enfield, NH, USA, Science Publisher Inc. 2006. 2: 370–373.
Batygina T.B., Brukhin V.B. Embryogenesis in Paeoniaceae. In: Embryology of flowering plants. Terminology and Concepts. Enfield, NH, USA, Science Publisher Inc, 2006. 2: 351–355.
Brukhin V., Curtis M.D., Grossniklaus U. The angiosperm female gametophyte: no longer forgotten generation. Current Science. 2005. 89(11).
Brukhin V., Gheyeselinck J., Gagliardini V., Genschik P., Grossniklaus U. The RPN1 subunit of the 26S proteasome in Arabidopsis is essential for embryogenesis. The Plant Cell. 2005. 17(10): 2723–37.
Thomann A., Brukhin V., Dieterle M., Gheyeselinck J., Grossniklaus U., Genschik P. Arabidopsis CUL3A and CUL3B genes are essential for normal embryogenesis. The Plant Journal. 2005. 43(3): 437–448.
Brukhin V., Hernould M., Gonzalez N., Chevalier C., Mouras A. Flower development schedule in tomato Lycopersicon esculentum cv. sweet cherry. Sex. Plant Reproduction. 2003. 15(6): 311–320.
Grossniklaus U., Moore J.M., Brukhin V. et al. Engineering of apomixis in crop plants: what can we learn from sexual model systems / In: I.K. Vasil (Ed) Plant Biotechnology 2002 & Beyond, Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht. 2003. 309–314.
Brukhin V., Clapham D., Elfstrand M., von Arnold S. Basta tolerance as a selectable and screening marker for transgenic plants of Norway spruce. Plant Cell Reports. 2003. 19: 899–903.
Filonova L.H., Bozhkov P.V., Brukhin V.B., Daniel G., Zhivotovsky B., von Arnold S. Two waves of programmed cell death occur during formation and development of somatic embryos in the gymnosperm Norway spruce. J Cell Sci. 2000. 113(24): 4399–4411.
Brukhin V.B., Moleva I.R., Filonova L.H., Grakhov V.P., Blume Ya.B, Bozhkov P.V. Proliferative activity of callus culture of Taxus baccata in relation to anticancer diterpenoid taxol biosynthesis. Biotechnology Letters (Chapman & Hall, London). 1996. 18(11): 1309–1314.
Brukhin V.B., Bozhkov P.V. Female gametophyte development and embryogenesis in Taxus baccata L. Acta Soc. Bot.Pol. 1996. 65(1–2): 135–139.
Tchorzewska D., Brukhin V.B., Bednara J. Organelle layers at meiocyte of Psilotum nudum. Acta Soc.Bot.Pol. 1996. 65(1–2): 91–96.
Brukhin.V., Zemanek A. The manuscripts of Russian translations of the Polish herbal /Zielnik/ (1613) by Syreniusz in St. Petersburg. Kwartalnik historii nauki i techniki (Warsaw). 1996. 41(3–4): 189–195.
Brukhin V.B. Somatic embryogenesis in vitro and in vivo.
Brukhin V.B., Batygina T.B. Morphogenesis in culture of peony in vitro. Biologia Plantarum supplement. 1994. 36: 78.
Brukhin V.B., Batygina T.B. Embryo culture and somatic embryogenesis in culture of Paeonia anomala L. Phytomorphology. 1994. 44(3–4): 151–157.