Maria Yurchak

Maria Yurchak

Author Identifiers: Web of Science ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID, Russian Science Citation Index, ORCID iD

Position: Research Assistant


Research interests:

  • Morphology and systematic of diatoms: monoraphids (order Achnanthales).
  • Studying floras of diatoms of marine and freshwater bodies of water.

Keywords: Diatoms, morphology, taxonomy, Cocconeis, microphytobenthos, biodiversity

Education and work experience:

2019 — graduated from Saint-Petersburg State University with bachelor’s degree in Biology.
2021 — graduated from Saint-Petersburg State University with master’s degree in Biology.
2022 — until now — postgraduate student at the Komarov Botanical Institute RAS.

Selected publications:

Gogorev R.M., Yurchak M.I., Sokolova I.V., Glushchenko A.M., Kulokovskiy M.S. Nomenclature and systematics of two Baikalian Cocconeis species (Bacillariophyta): Cocconeis baicalensis and Cocconeis skvortzowii. PhytoKeys. 2024. 247: 219–248.

Yurchak M.I., Gogorev R.M. Composition and position of monoraphid diatoms in classification systems. Voprosy sovremennoi algologii (Issues of modern algology). 2023. 1(31): 1–18.