Ivan Zmitrovich
Author Identifiers: Web of Science ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID, Russian Science Citation Index, ORCID iD, Google Scholar
Academic degree, academic title: Dr.Sc.
Position: Leading Researcher
E-mail: IZmitrovich@binran.ru
Research interests:
- Monographic researcher of Atheliaceae and Amylocorticiaceae of Russia, researcher of Agaricomycetesi of Israel, where he made 8 trips in the period 2003–2011 and as a result of which fundamental collective monographs «Biodiversity of Heterobasidiomycetes and non-gilled Hymenomycetes (former Aphyllophorales) of Israel» and «Agaricomycetes of Israel» were published.
- Currently I.V. Zmitrovich deals with taxonomy and phylogenetics of basidiomycetes, the theory of morphogenesis, treats the problems of adaptation and speciation in basidiomycetes, taxonomy and geography of fungi of the orders Polyporales (Basidiomycota), Pucciniales (Basidiomycota), and Capnodiales (Ascomycota).
- The beginning of the scientific activity of I.V. Zmitrovich is closely related with St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region. His Ph.D. thesis «Corticoid and heterobasidiomycetous macromycetes of the Leningrad region» (1998) was devoted to the study of biodiversity and ecology of two important groups of wood-inhabiting basidiomycetes of the region. This researcher carried out a comparative study of the ecological spectra of the organisms studied by him in biomes of the city of different intensity of anthropogenic pressure - the city center, industrial and residential zones.
- In the future, the area of his interests became the East of the Leningrad Region - the Nizhnesvirsky Reserve and the Veps Plateau, which is poorly studied in mycofloristic terms, to which he traveled as a teacher as part of the children's ecological expedition «Aqua Vita»" organized by the Government of St. Petersburg (1998-2002).
- Since 2006, he has participated in the course on forest biological value assessment at the stand level, elaborated by L. Anderson (Uppsala, Sweden), in which he visited Sweden and Norway, and also taught the course “Species recommended for use in assessing forest biological value at the allotment level in the «Veps forest» nature park and the «Kurgalsky» reserve.
- In 2003-2005, he worked in the deciduous forests of the Zhigulevsky reserve, in the Oksky reserve, in the forest reserves of the Rostov and Novgorod regions. He is the author of essays on protected species of fungi for the Red Data Books of the Leningrad Region and St. Petersburg, Novgorod Region, Krasnodar Region, Karachay-Cherkessia, Russia.
- In the course of field research, I.V. Zmitrovich has accumulated observations on the ecomorphological features of the organisms studied by him and the problems of adaptationogenesis, ecomorphogenesis, ecotypic differentiation in a phylogenetic aspect become the subject of his theoretical research. An important role in the formation of the theoretical developments of I.V. Zmitrovich was played by research in Israel, in particular in the Evolutionary Canyon by E. Nevo, the territories with contrasting ecological regimes, where intraspecific ecotypic differentiation is especially pronounced. Research in I.V. Zmitrovich in the field of ecomorphology are summarized in his article «The plant epiphenomena and their ecomorphological essence», in the monograph «Epimorphology and tectomorphology of higher fungi» as well as in a number of chapters in monographs devoted to the ecology, taxonomy and biotechnology of wood-destroying fungi.
- Also, he participated in the analysis of biodiversity and structure of the mycobiota of polar deserts and created an elaborated ecomorpheme of basidiomycetes. For his work in the field of evolutionary morphology, I.V. Zmitrovich was awarded the Academician V.E. Sokolov Prize of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2001).
- Since 2013, he has been carrying out molecular phylogenetic reconstructions in the order Polyporales. Comparing the obtained data with the data of comparative morphology and ecomorphology, I.V. Zmitrovich has revealed the modes of morphological evolution of polyporaceous fungi, refined a number of generic concepts, created the macrosystem of this group with a description of new genera. The results of these studies are summarized in his Dr. Sci. dissertation «Phylogenesis and adaptatiogenesis of polyporaceous fungi (family Polyporaceae s. str.)» (2017) and the monograph "Conspectus systematis Polyporacearum".
- Since 2006 I.V. Zmitrovich participates in research on medicinal mushrooms, coordinated by S.P. Wasser, in particular, is a co-author of the monograph «Morphological traits of Ganoderma lucidum complex highlighting G. tsugae var. jannieae: The current generalization».
Keywords: Polyporales, Capnodiales, Pucciniales, Сercospora, Cerioporus, Picipes, Lentinus, Ganoderma, Oxyporaceae
Education and work experience:
1995 – Graduated from the Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Botany. MSs work «Aphyllophoraceous fungi of St. Petersburg», .
1999 – PhD thesis «Corticoid and heterobasidiomycetous macromycetes of the Leningrad region», Komarov Botanical Institute RAS, (supervisor M. A. Bondartseva).
2017 – Doctoral dissertation «Phylogenesis and adaptation genesis of polyporaceous fungi (family Polyporaceae s. str.)», Komarov Botanical Institute RAS, (scientific consultant M. A. Bondartseva).
1995-1998 – full-time postgraduate student of the Komarov Botanical Institute RAS.
1998-2000 – Research Assistant at the Komarov Botanical Institute RAS.
2000-2003 – Research Scientist at the Komarov Botanical Institute RAS.
2003-2016 – Senior Researcher at the Komarov Botanical Institute RAS.
2016 – present time – leading researcher at the Komarov Botanical Institute RAS.
Grants and research projects:
Project leader:
- 2014. RFBR № 14-34-50179 «Aphyllophoroid fungi of the biogeographic province of Pechenga Lapland, Murmansk region»
Member of research team:
- 2020-2021. RFBR № 20-011-42010 «From the Cabinet of Curiosities to Herbalism. The development of botany in Russia in the first half of the 18th century».
- 2020-2021. RFBR № 19-54-44002 «Adaptation of spore organisms to extreme environmental conditions in the ultracontinental zones of Asia (Russia - Mongolia), on the example of model species of basidiomycetes».
- 2019-2020. RFBR № 19-04-00024 «Heterobasidiomycetous fungi Pucciniomycotina (Basidiomycetes) in the light of the evolutionary approach: phylogeny, group diversity and functional role in natural communities».
- 2015-2017. RFBR № 15-29-02622 «Evaluation of the «hidden diversity»of higher fungi and myxomycetes in the soils of vulnerable natural ecosystems based on the metagenomic approach and classical molecular analysis».
- 2014-2016. RFBR № 14-04-98818 «Features and nature of the distribution of mycobiota in the coastal and insular subarctic territories of the North of Russia (on the example of the Arkhangelsk region)».
- 2012-2014. RFBR № 12-04-33018 «The main directions of the divergence of cryptic species of fungi and myxomycetes as a result of climate change and an indicator of the functional state of ecosystems».
- 2009‒2011. RFBR № 09-04-01064 «Substrate confinement and spatial structure of biota of aphyllophoroid fungi in natural ecosystems of European Russia».
- 2008‒2010 RFBR № 08-04-00193 «Mycobiota of arid territories of the south-west of Russia».
- 2008‒2010. RFBR № 08-04-98805 «Regularities of the formation of fungal biota of boreal forests in the north-west of the Russian Plain in the conditions of karst landscapes».
- 2007‒2009. RFBR № 07-04-01408 «Macromycetes of broad-leaved forests of reserves of Russia».
- 2006-2008. RFBR № 06-04-49043 «Structural and functional features of the formation of the generative stage in basidiaomycetous macromycetes under pure culture conditions».
- 2006-2008. RFBR № 06-04-49524 «Biodiversity, taxonomic and ecological characteristics of cantarella, gomphoid, telephoric and corticoid fungi of Russia».
- 2006–2009. Russian-Swedish project «Development of a methodology for identifying and examining forests with high biological value in the southern taiga zone».
- 2004‒2006. RFBR–BelFBR № 04-025-81027 «Mycobiota of natural ecosystems of the Belarusian-Valdai Lake District».
- 2003‒2005. RFBR № 03-04-49604 «Ex situ conservation of the diversity of macromycetes in Russia».
- 2002‒2004. RFBR № 02-04-49558 «Taxonomy, ecology and geography of aphyllophoroid macromycetes in Russia. Families Atheliaceae, Bankeraceae, Clavariaceae s. lato».
- 1999.RFBR «Red Data Book of the Leningrad Region».
- 1998‒2000. RFBR № 95-04-11790А «Definitorium fungorum Rossicum».
Other projects:
- 2017-2019. The program of the Russian Academyn of Sciences «Resource potential of plants and fungi» of the theme «Pathogenic macromycetes on the territory of the Peter the Great Botanical Garden of the BIN RAS: monitoring, control and prognosis of distribution».
The monitoring of trees and shrubs state in the arboretum of the Peter the Great Botanical Garden during 2016—2020 has revealed the frost cracks in 410 species of trees and shrubs belonging to 34 genera and 20 families of vascular plants. The most common frosts cracks are found in hardwood species such as Acer platanoides (124 exemplars) and Quercus robur (84 exemplars). All thsea are the native flora representatives and form the basis of the park’s stand. The coniferous trees are much more resistant to frost cracks, and if they appear on the trunks, they quickly overgrow without the formation of cracks, hollows and rot. A total of 25 species of pathogenic xylotrophic fungi are common over the garden, 22 of them cause a white rot, and only 3 species cause a brown rot. The broadest substrate spectrum in the Peter the Great Botanical Garden is shown by such pathogens as Armillaria lutea (15 host species), Phellinus alni (13 host species), Laetiporus sulphureus (9 host species), Oxyporus populinus (7 host species), Ganoderma applanatum (6 host species), and Chondrostereum purpureum (4 host species). However, the nature and intensity of the impact of various species of pathogenic xylotrophic fungi on the tree and shrub species are different. Continuous monitoring of the garden’s trees and shrubs is very important issue in order to develop the adequate responses to the pathogens expansion during a climate change.
Professional memberships:
- Russia (Nizhnesvirsky Reserve, Zhigulevsky Reserve, Oksky Reserve, Veps Plateau, Izhora Plateau, Karelia Isthmus, protected nature areas of Leningrad Region, Novgorod Region, Rostov Region).
- Israel.
- Finland.
- Estonia.
- Sweden.
- Norway.
Editorial activity:
- Deputy editor-in-chief, editorial staff, executive secretary of the journal «Mikologiya i fitopatologiya»
- Member of the editorial board of the «International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms»
- Member of the editorial board of the magazine «Pharmacy Formulas»
- 2002–2008 — member of the editorial board of the collection «Novosti sistematiki nizschikh rasteniy»
- 2004–2010 — executive editor of the book series «Folia cryptogamica Petropolitana»
- Responsible editor of a number of monographs
Scientific-organizational and teaching activities:
- Member of collective of Scientific-education center of BIN RAS, compiler of lecture course «Morphology and reproduction of fungi. Taxonomy of Basidiomycetes»
- Supervisor of one successfully finished Candidate’s thesis
- Consultant of one successfully finished Candidate’s thesis
Selected publications:
Kosakyan A., Zmitrovich I.V., Didukh M., Wasser S.P. Agaricomycetes of Israel. Königstein: Koeltz Scientific Books, 2014. 375 p.
Ţura D., Zmitrovich I.V., Wasser S.P., Spirin W.A., Nevo E. Biodiversity of Heterobasidiomycetes and non-gilled Hymenomycetes (former Aphyllophorales) of Israel. Ruggell: A.R.A. Gantner Verlag K.-G., 2011. 566 p.
Wasser S.P., Zmitrovich I.V., Didukh M.Ya., Spirin W.A., Malysheva V.F. Morphological traits of Ganoderma lucidum complex highlighting G. tsugae var. jannieae: The current generalization. Ruggell: A.R.A. Gantner Verlag K.-G., 2006. 187 p.
Zmitrovich I.V., Belova N.V., Balandaykin M.E., Bondartseva M.A., Wasser S.P. Cancer without pharmacological illusions and a niche for mycotherapy (Review). International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms. 2019. 21(2): 105–119.
He M.-Q., Zhao R.-L., Hyde K.D., ... Zmitrovich I.V., et al. Notes, outline and divergence times of Basidiomycota. Fungal Diversity. 2019. 59: 1‒263.
Zmitrovich I. V. Conspectus systematis Polyporacearum v. 1.0. Folia Cryptogamica Petropolitana. 2018. 6: 3–145.
Zmitrovich I.V., Volobuev S.V., Parmasto I.H., Bondartseva M.A. Re-habilitation of Cerioporus (Polyporus) rangiferinus, a sib of Cerioporus squamosus. Nova Hedwigia. 2017. 105(3–4): 313–328.
Zmitrovich I. V., Kovalenko A. E. Lentinoid and polyporoid fungi, two generic conglomerates containing important medicinal mushrooms in molecular perspective. Int. J. Medicinal Mushrooms. 2016. 18(1): 23–38.
Psurtseva N.V., Zmitrovich I.V., Malysheva V.F. Taxonomy and developmental morphology of Rogersiomyces malaysianus comb. nov. (Cantharellales, Agaricomycetes). Botany. 2016. 94: 579–592.
Țura D., Zmitrovich I.V., Wasser S.P. Wood-inhabiting fungi: Applied aspects. Fungi: Applications and management strategies. London; New York etc.: CRC Press, 2016. 245–292.
Zmitrovich I.V., Wasser S.P., Ţura D. Wood-inhabiting fungi. Fungi from different substrates / J. K. Misra, J. P. Tewari, S. K. Deshmukh, C. Vágvölgyi (eds). N. Y.: CRC Press, Taylor and Francis group, 2015. 17–74.
Petersen R.H., Psurtseva N.V., Zmitrovich I.V., Chachuła P., Arslanov S.N., Hughes K.W. Lignomyces, a new genus of pleurotoid Agaricomycetes. Mycologia. 2015. 107(3): 1045‒1054.
Ezhov O.N., Zmitrovich I.V. Checklist of aphyllophoroid fungi (Agaricomycetes, Basidiomycota) in boreal forests of Pinega Reserve, north-east European Russia. Check List. 2015. 1(11): 1‒11.
Zmitrovich I.V., Malysheva V.F., Kosolapov D.A., Bolshakov S.Yu. Epitypification and characterization of Polyporus choseniae (Polyporales, Basidiomycota). Mikologiya i fitopatologiya. 2014. 48(4): 224–230.
Zmitrovich I.V., Malysheva V.F. Studies on Oxyporus I. Segregation of Emmia and general topology of phylogenetic tree. Mikologiya i fitopatologiya. 2014. 48(3): 161–171.
Malysheva V.F., Zmitrovich I.V. Testing the Trametes hirsuta complex. Nova Hedwigia. 2011. 93(1–2): 57–71.
Zmitrovich I.V., Ezhov O. N. Ecology and plectology of Phlebia tremelloidea (Polyporales, Agaricomycetes). Acta Mycologica. 2011. 46(1): 19–25.
Zmitrovich I.V., Wasser S.P. Phylogenetic conundrum of the mushroom-forming fungi (Agaricomycetes). Misra J. K., Tewari J. P., Desmukh S. K. Systematics and evolution of Fungi. Goregaon: Piramal Life Sciences Limited, 2011. 207–252.
Ţura D., Zmitrovich I.V., Wasser S.P., Raats D., Nevo E. Phylogenetic analyses of Phellinus s.l., and Inonotus s.l. (Hymenochaetales) inferred from rDNA ITS sequences and morphological data. Misra J. K., Tewari J. P., Desmukh S. K. Systematics and evolution of Fungi. Goregaon: Piramal Life Sciences Limited, 2011. 253–273.
Ţura D., Zmitrovich I.V., Wasser S.P., Nevo E. Checklist of Hymenomycetes (Aphyllophorales s.l.) and Heterobasidiomycetes in Israel. Mycobiology. 2010. 38(4): 256–273.
Ţura D., Zmitrovich I.V., Wasser S.P., Nevo E. Medicinal species from genera Inonotus and Phellinus (Aphyllophoromycetidae): cultural-morphological peculiarities, growth characteristics, and qualitative enzymatic activity tests. Int. J. Med. Mushrooms. 2009. 11(3): 309–328.
Ţura D., Zmitrovich I.V., Wasser S.P., Nevo E. Species diversity of heterobsidiomycetous and non-gilled hymenomycetous (Aphyllophorales s. l.) fungi in Israel . Isr. J. Plant Science. 2008. 56: 349–359.
Ţura D., Zmitrovich I.V., Wasser S.P., Nevo E. The genus Stereum in Israel. Mycotaxon. 2008. 106: 109–126.
Ţura D., Spirin W.A., Zmitrovich I.V., Wasser S.P., Nevo E. Polypores new to Israel – 1: Genera Ceriporiopsis, Postia and Skeletocutis. Mycotaxon. 2008. 103: 217–227.
Zmitrovich I.V., Malysheva V.F., Spirin W.A. A new Pachykytospora species (Basidiomycota, Polyporales) from Zhuguli, European Russia. Ukrainian Botanical Journal. 2007. 64(1): 42–46.
Spirin W., Zmitrovich I., Malysheva V. New species in genus Junghuhnia (Polyporales, Basidiomycota). Ann. Bot. Fenn. 2007. 44(4): 303–308.
Spirin W., Zmitrovich I., Malysheva V. New and noteworthy Steccherinum species (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) in Russia. Ann. Bot. Fenn. 2007. 44(4): 298–302.
Tura D., Zmitrovich I.V., Wasser S. P., Nevo E. The genus Peniophora in Israel (highlighting the variability of Peniophora quercina). Mycotaxon. 2007. 101: 385–393.
Zmitrovich I.V., Spirin W.A., Wasser S.P. Variability of Byssomerulius corium in the Mediterranean. Mycotaxon. 2006. 97: 83–90.
Zmitrovich I.V., Wasser S.P. Modern view on the origin and phylogenetics reconstruction of Homobasidiomycetes fungi. Wasser S. P. (ed.) Evolutionary theory and processes: Modern Horizons. Dordrecht, Boston, L.: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004. 230–263.
Spirin W.A., Zmitrovich I.V. Notes on some rare polypores, found in Russia. I: Genera Antrodiella, Gelatoporia, Irpex, Oxyporus, Pilatoporus and Porpomyces. Karstenia. 2003. 43(2): 67–82.
Zmitrovich I.V. Tremelloid, aphyllophoroid and pleurotoid Basidiomycetes of Veps Plateau (Northwest Russia). Karstenia. 2003. 43(1): 13–36.
Yurchenko E.O., Zmitrovich I.V. Variability of Hyphoderma setigerum (Corticiaceae s. l., Basidiomycetes) in Belarus and northwest Russia. Mycotaxon. 2001. 78: 423–434.