Vasily Yarmishko
Author Identifiers: Scopus Author ID, Russian Science Citation Index
Academic degree, academic title: Dr.Sc., Professor
Position: Department Head
Research interests:
- Phytocenology.
- Ecology.
- Structure.
- Dendroindication.
- Productivity.
Keywords: Ecology of communities, structure of forest communities, restoration successions, dendroindication, impact of natural and anthropogenic factors
Education and work experience:
1973 – graduated from the Leningrad Forestry Academy named after Kirov (Forestry Engineer).
1976 - Candidate of Science in Biology (Ph.D.).
1994 - Doctor of Science in Biology ( Dr.Sc.).
1978-1990 – Research Assistant, Research Scientist and Senior Researcher at the Komarov Botanical Institute RAS.
1990-1996 – Head of the Laboratory of Ecology of Plant Communities, Komarov Botanical Institute RAS.
1996-2001 – Deputy Director of the Komarov Botanical Institute RAS for scientific work.
2001-2016 – Director of the Komarov Botanical Institute RAS.
2016 – until now – Head of the Department of the Botanical Garden of Peter the Great, Komarov Botanical Institute RAS.
1996 – until now – Head of the Department of Botany and Dendrology, St. Petersburg State Forestry University named after S.M. Kirov (concurrently).
Grants and research projects:
Member of research team:
- 2015-2017. RAS Program «Biodiversity of Natural Systems. Biological Resources of Russia: Assessment of the State and Fundamental Basis of Monitoring «Project» Dynamics of Vegetation in Natural and Anthropogenically Disturbed Ecosystems».
- 2013-2014. RAS program «Biological Resources of Russia: Dynamics in the Conditions of Global Climatic and Anthropogenic Impacts". Project "Restorative dynamics of forest resources under conditions of intensive anthropogenic impact in the European North»
Conferences and workshops:
Organizing committee:
- III International Scientific and Practical Conference «Botanical Gardens in the Modern World: Science, Education, Management», St. Petersburg, April 20-22, 2021.
- International Conference dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Joint Russian-Mongolian Integrated Biological Expedition of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Moscow, October 23-25, 20191.
- XIV Congress of the Russian Botanical Society and the conference «Botany in the modern world». Makhachkala, June 18-23, 2018.
- XIII Delegate Congress of the Russian Botanical Society «Scientific bases of protection and rational use of vegetation cover of the Volga basin». Russia, Tolyatti, September 16-22, 2013.
Professional memberships:
- Vice-president of the Russian Botanical Society
Editorial activity:
- «Izvestiya RAS. Biological series».
- «Plant resources».
- «Proceedings of the KarSC RAS. Ecology».
- «Siberian Forest Journal».
- «Industrial Botany of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine».
Editorial Board Member of the Journals:
Selected publications:
Firsov G.A., Yarmishko V.T. Botanic Garden Peter the Great on Aptekarsky Island in St. Petersburg – open-air museum. Moscow: ROSA Publishing House, 2020. 86 p.
Ignatieva O.V., Chepik F.A., Yarmishko V.T. Contribution of botanists to the establishment of Forest education and science in Russia. Proceeding of the International Conference Process Management and Scientific Developments. Birmingham, UK. 2021. Part 2: 190-197.
Yarmishko V.T., Ignatieva O.V., Chepik F.A. Historical development of botany as a foundation forest education and science in Russia. ЭКОБИОТЕХ. 2020. 3(3): 379-389.
Yarmishko, V.T., Potokin, A.F., Antonov, O.I., Ignatieva, O.V., Kapitsa, E.A. The composition and structure of mature aspen forests in Lisinsky Forestry Unit of the Leningrad region. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2020. 574 (1): № 012087.
Yarmishko V.T., Ignatieva O.V. Long-term impact monitoring of pine forests in the central part of the Kola Peninsula. Izvestiya RAS. A series of biological. 2019. 6:. 658-668.
Yarmishko V.T., Ignatieva O.V. Multiear Impact Monitoring of Pine Forests in the Central Part of the Kola Peninsula. Biology Bulletin. 2019. 46(6): 636-645.
Firsov G.A., Yarmishko V.T., Volchanskaya A.V., Varfolomeeva E.A., Malysheva E.F., Malysheva V.F. Desiccation of tree species and distribution of Phytophthora and Pythium species in the Peter the Great Botanical Garden BIN RAS: monitoring 2018. Hortus bot. 2019. 14: 113-133.
Lyanguzova I., Yarmishko V., Gorshkov V., Stavrova N., Bakkal I. Impact of Heavy Metals on Forest Ecosystems of the European North of Russia. Heavy Metals. 2018. 6: 92-114.