Mikhail Andreev

Mikhail Andreev

Author Identifiers: Web of Science ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID, Russian Science Citation Index, ORCID iD

Academic degree, academic title: Dr.Sc.

Position: Laboratory Head

E-mail: andreevmp@binran.ru

Phone number: +7(812) 372-54-11 ext. 2211

Research interests:

  • Flora and systematics of lichens.
  • Lichens of Antarctic.
  • Lichens of Arctic, mountain and arid regions.
  • Saxicolous lichens.
  • Lichens of the families Lecideaceae и Lecanoraceae.

Keywords: Lichens, Antarctic, Arctic, flora, vegetation, systematics, ecology, geography

Education and work experience:

1971–1976 — Student of the Biological faculty (Department of Geobotany) of the Leningrad State University.
1976–1979 — Postgraduate student at the Leningrad State University.
1980 — Graduated to the Candidate of Biological Sciences (Ph.D.).
2004 — Graduated to the Doctor of Biological Sciences (D.Sc.).

1979–2004 — Research Scientist at the Laboratory of Lichenology and Bryology of the Komarov Botanical Institute of the RAS (Leningrad, St. Petersburg).
2004 — until now — the Head of the Laboratory of Lichenology and Bryology of the Komarov Botanical Institute of the RAS.

Grants and research projects:

Project leader:

  • 2021. RFBR №21-14-00013-d «Publication of the scientific book «The Lichen Flora of Russia. Family Parmeliaceae»».
  • 2019–2021. RFBR №18-05-60093-Арктика «Spatial and temporal changes in lichen- and bryophyte flora of Russian Arctic and adjacent territories in relation to natural processes and anthropogenic influence».
  • 2017. RFBR №17-14-00079-д «Publication of the scientific book «The Lichen Flora of Russia. Genus Protoparmelia, families Coenogoniaceae, Gyalectaceae and Umbilicariaceae»».
  • 2015–2017. RFBR №15-44-05105-р_восток_а «Lichens of Sakha Republic (Yakutia): systematics, biology, ecology and analysis of distribution of rare taxa for the conservation of unic plant communities in conditions of the anthropogenic impact».
  • 2014. RFBR №14-04-20149-г «Project of organization of the Second international conference «Lichenology in Russia: actual problems and perspectives»».
  • 2014. RFBR №14-04-10091-к «The scienific project of expedition to North-Eastern Stanovoe Upland to investigate taxonomical diversity and distribution of lichen families Bacidiaceae, Coenogoniaceae, Gyalectaceae, Lecanoraceae and Umbilicariaceae as far as the regional lichen flora».
  • 2012–2015. RFBR №14-04-01411-а «Families Bacidiaceae, Coenogoniaceae, Gyalectaceae, Lecanoraceae and Umbilicariaceae in the lichen flora of Russia: taxonomy, ecology and geography».
  • 2012–2013. RFBR №13-04-07028-д «Publication of the monograph «Lichen flora of Russia. Biology, ecology, diversity, distribution and study methods»».
  • 2013. RFBR №13-04-10034-к «Scientific project of expedition to the highlands of Kodar glacial area in the western part of the Stanovoye Plateau, aimed to study the diversity and distribution of the family Parmeliaceae and the lichen flora of the area».
  • 2012. RFBR №12-04-10076-к «Organization and realization of expedition to the mountain tundra in the western part of the Stanovoye Plateau (Eastern Siberia, Russia), with the object of study the taxonomy of the family Parmeliaceae and the lichen flora of the area».
  • 2011. RFBR №11-04-90704-моб_ст «Scientific work of Davydov Eugenii Aleksandrovich from the Altai University, Barnaul. Dimorphic taxa in family Umbilicariaceae: morphology, evolution and molecular-phylogenetic test of conspecific ».
  • 2011. RFBR №11-04-10017-к «Organization and realization of expedition to the Northbaikal region of the Stanovoye Plateau with the object of study the taxonomy of the family Parmeliaceae and the lichen flora of the area».
  • 2011–2013. RFBR №11-04-00901-а «Lichen flora of Russia - anatomy, morphology, geography and ecology of the familie Parmeliaceae».
  • 2010. RFBR №10-04-07109-д «Publishing of «News of systematics of unvascular plants», Vol. 44».
  • 2010. RFBR №10-04-90702-моб_ст «Scientific work of Davydov Eugenii Aleksandrovich from the Altai University, Barnaul. Molecular-phylogeny, evolution and geography of the family Umbilicariaceae world-wide».
  • 2008–2010. RFBR №08-04-00569-а «Lichen flora of the north-eastern part of Eurasia: calicioid and parmelioid lichens».

Member of research team:

  • 2019–2021. RFBR №19-54-18003-Болг_а «Assesment of the regional contribution of soils in selected Antarctic Islands to global balance through determining the stabilization and humification rates of organic matter».
  • 2019–2021. RFBR №19-44-390003-р_а «Lichenological assessment of forest ecosystems of the Kaliningrad region aimed to protect them and predict the consequences of anthropogenic transformation».
  • 2018–2020. RFBR №18-04-00900-а «Ornitogenic soils of Antarctica: formation, georgaphy and biogeochemistry».
  • 2011–2013. RFBR №11-04-01247-а «Рeculiarities of postglacial development and the modern condition of cryptogamic flora of Antarctic free-ice territories ».
  • 2009–2010. RFBR №09-04-07066-д «Publishing of «News of systematics of unvascular plants», Vol. 43».

Professional memberships:

Editorial activity:

Selected publications:


Andreev M.P., Stepanchikova I.S., Himelbrant D.E. Lichen flora / Monument of nature «Bukhta Zholtaya» / ed. A.Yu. Doronina. SPb.: Papirus, 2024. 81–89.

Red Book of Russian Federation. Plants and и fungi / ed. D.V. Geltman. 2-ed. Moscow: Ecology, 2024. 944 p. Part 6. Lichens. Ed. M.P. Andreev. 706–780.

The Lichen flora of Russia: Family Parmeliaceae II / Andreev M.P., Ahti T., Gagarina L.V., Himelbrant D.E., Stepanchikova I.S. (eds). Moscow; SPb: KMK, 2023. 137 p.

The Lichen flora of Russia: Family Parmeliaceae / M.P. Andreev, T. Ahti, L.V. Gagarina, D.E. Himelbrant (eds). Moscow, KMK, 2022. 187 p.

The Lichen Flora of Russia. Genus Protoparmelia, families Coenogoniaceae, Gyalectaceae and Umbilicariaceae / M. P. Andreev, D. E. Himelbrant (eds). Moscow, KMK, 2017. 195 p.

The Lichen Flora of Russia. Biology, Ecology, Diversity, Distribution and Methods to Study Lichens / M. P. Andreev, D. E. Himelbrant (eds). Moscow, KMK, 2014. 392 p.


Andreev M. P., Kuznetsova E. S., Stepanchikova I. S., Himelbrant D. E. Teuvo Ahti — «the uncle of the Russian lichenology» — celebrated his 90th birthday. Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rastenii. 2024. 58(2): D3–D13.

Andreev M.P. Lichens of Larsemann Hills and adjacent oases in the area of Prydz Bay (Princess Elizabeth Land and MacRobertson Land, Antarctica). Polar Science. 2023. 38: 1−9.

Himelbrant D.E., Stepanchikova I.S., Tsurykau A., Andreev M.P. New records of lichens and allied fungi from the Leningrad Region, Russia. XII. Folia Cryptog. Estonica. 2022. 59: 17−22.

Himelbrant D., Stepanchikova I., Andreev M., Korolev K., Konoreva L., Chesnokov S., Petrenko D. New and noteworthy lichenized and lichen associated fungi from the Kaliningrad region (former Ostpreußen). Herzogia. 2022. 35(2): 475−493.

Kandelinskaya O., Grischenko H., ... Andreev M. et al. Chemical compounds and antioxidant activity of Antarctic lichens. Antarctic Science. 2022. 34(1): 3−15.

Abakumov E.V., Parnikoza I.Yu., ... Andreev M.P. et al. Ornithogenic factor of soil formation in Antarctica: A review. Soil science. 2021. (4): 451–464.

Lagostina E., Andreev M., Dal Grande F. et al. Effects of dispersal strategy and migration history on genetic diversity and population structure of Antarctic lichens. J Biogeogr. 2021. 00: 1–19.

Abakumov E., Lupachev A., Andreev M., Wang Wenjuan, Ji Xiaowen The influence of brown and south polar skua on the content of plant nutrient in the soils from the Fildes Peninsula (King George Island, West Antarctica). Chemistry and Ecology. 2020. 37(2): 185−199.

Andreev M.P., Kurbatova L.E. Lichens and bryophytes of Antarctica — the history and results of research by Soviet and Russian botanists. Problems of Geography. 2020. 150. Antarctic Research. 112−134.

Andreev M., Andersen D., Kurbatova L., Smirnova S., Chaplygina O. Lichens, bryophytes and terrestrial algae of the Lake Untersee Oasis (Wohlthat Massiv, Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica). Czech Polar Reports. 2020. 10(2): 203−225.

Stepanchikova I. S., Himelbrant D. E., Schiefelbein U., Motiejūnaitė J., Ahti T., Andreev M. P. The lichens of Moshchny Island (Lavansaari) – one of the remote islands in the Gulf of Finland. Folia Cryptog. Estonica. 2019. 56: 31–52.

Shelyakin M. A., Andreev M. P., Tabalenkova G. N., Golovko T. K. Respiratory activity of some lichen species – representatives of Antarctic Flora. Contemporary Problems of Ecology. 2019. 12(4): 332–338.

Davydov E. A., Chesnokov S. V., Konoreva L. A., Andreev M. P. Umbilicariaceae (lichenized Ascomycota) from the Stanovoye Nagor’e Highlands (South Siberia, Russia. Herzogia. 2019. 32(2): 472–484.

Lagostina E., Dal Grande F., Andreev M., Printzen Ch. The use of microsatellite markers for species delimitation in Antarctic Usnea subgenus Neuropogon. Mycology. 2018. 110(6): 1047–1057.

Chesnokov S.V., Konoreva L.A., Poryadina L.N., Paukov A.G., Kusnetsova E.S., Andreev M.P., Gagarina L.V. New and interesting lichen records for Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). III. Novosti Sist. Nizsh. Rast. 2017. 51: 220–231.

Chesnokov S.V., Konoreva L.A., Andreev M.P. New records of rare and protected species of lichens on Kodar Ridge (Kalarsky District, Trans-Baikal Territory). Turczaninowia. 2017. 20(1): 80–98.

Andreev M. P. Lichens. Botany / G. P. Yakovlev, M. Yu. Goncharov (eds). Saint Petersburg, 2017. 477–489.

Stepanchikova I.S., Andreev M.P., Himelbrant D.E., Motiejūnaitė J., Schiefelbein U., Konoreva L.A., Ahti T. The lichens of Bolshoy Tuters Island (Tytärsaari), Leningrad Region, Russia. Folia Cryptog. Estonica. 2017. 54: 95–116.

Abakumov E., Lupachev A., Andreev M. Trace element content in soils of the King George and Elephant islands, maritime Antarctica. Chemistry and Ecology. 2017. 33(9): 856–868.

Chesnokov S.V., Konoreva L.A., Yatsyna A.P., Andreev M.P., Poryadina L.N., Vondrak J., Himelbrant D.E. New and rare lichens for Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). II. Gerald of Tver State University. Series: Biology and Ecology. 2016. 4: 219–240.

Andreev M., Gruner M. Zur Flechtenflora der Fildes-Halbinsel (King George Island, Maritime Antarktis). Naturwissenschaftliche Beiträge des Museums Dessau. 2016 (2017). 28: 5–28.

Chesnokov S.V., Konoreva L.A., Poryadina L.N., Kuznetsova E.S., Himelbrant D.E., Kataeva O.A., Andreev M.P. New and interesting lichens for Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Gerald of Tver State University. Series: Biology and Ecology. 2015. 4: 173–184.

Andreev M.P., Кurbatova L.E., Dorofeev V.I., Ivanov A.Yu. Alien plants on the Russian Antarctic scientific stations. Problems of Arctic and Antarctic. 2015. 4(106): 45–54.

Urbanavichus G., Makryi T., Kuznetsova E., Gagarina L., Konoreva L., Andreev M., Himelbrant D. Keys to the genera of lichens. The Lichen Flora of Russia. Biology, Ecology, Diversity, Distribution and Methods to Study Lichens / M. P. Andreev, D. E. Himelbrant (eds). Moscow, KMK, 2014. P. 292–364. [In Russian.]

Tyutyunnik Yu.G., Andreev M.Р., Daunis-i-Estadella J., Martín-Fernández J.A., Blum O.B. Biogeochemical studies of air pollution in South Shetland Islands (Antarctica). Biosphera. 2014. 6(3): 275–284. [In Russian.]

Andreev M.P., Кurbatova L.E. Сryptogamic flora of the Clemens massif (Lambert Glacier, Continental Antarctica). Proceedings of the Belarusian State University. Series of Physiological, Biochemical and Molecular Biology Sciences. Scientific Journal. 2014(2015). 9(2): 49–57.

Andreev M.P. Lichens of the Oasis Molodyozhnyi and adjacent areas (Enderby Land, Antarctic). Novosti Sistematiki Nizshikh Rastenii. 2013. 48: 167–178. (In Russian.)

Aleksandrov V.Ya., Andreev M. P., Kurbatova L. E. Expansion of the grass Deschampsia antarctica in the vicinity of the Russian Antarctic station Bellingshausen (King George and Nelson Islands, South Shetland Islands) in connection with the common warming in the region. Problems of Arctic and Antarctic. 2012. 2(92): 72–84. [In Russian.]

Davydov E.A., Konoreva L.A., Andreev M.P., Zhdanov I.S., Dobrysh A.A. Additions to the lichen biota of the Altai Mountains (Siberia). IV. Turczaninowia. 2012. 15(3): 23–36.

Andreev M. Halecania santessonii, a new lichenicolous lichen from Russia. Lichenologist. 2010. 42(2): 1–4.

Temina M., Andreev M. P., Barinova S., Nevo E. The diversity and ecology of epiphytic lichens in “Evolution Canyon” II, Lower Nahal Keziv, Upper Western Galilee, Israel. Turk. J. Bot. 2009. 33: 263–275.

Andreev M.P., Kurbatova L.E. New data on bryophytes and lichens of the Pacific Antarctic. Novosti Sistematiki Nizshikh Rastenii. 2009. 42: 142–152. [In Russian.]

Temina M., Andreev M.P., Barinova S., Nevo E. The diversity and ecology of epiphytic lichens in “Evolution Canyon” II, Lower Nahal Keziv, Upper Western Galilee, Israel. Turk. J. Bot. 2009. 33: 263–275.