Tatyana Krestovskaya
Author Identifiers: Web of Science ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID, Russian Science Citation Index, ORCID iD, Google Scholar
Academic degree, academic title: Ph.D.
Position: Senior Researcher
E-mail: tatyana.krestovskaya@binran.ru
Phone number: +7 (812) 372-54-50 ext. 2226
Research interests:
- Taxonomy of genus Stachys L. (Lamiaceae) of Eurasia and Africa and some genera of Labiatae from Caucasus and Eastern Europe.
- Typification of names of taxa from Siberia and Far East.
Keywords: Taxonomy, Stachys, Eurasia, Lamiaceae, typification
Education and work experience:
1970-1975 – graduation program at Saint-Petersburg State University.
1989 – PhD from Komarov Botanical Institute RAS.
1975– up to now – Komarov Botanical Institute RAS, Senior Researcher.
Grants and research projects:
State assignment
- 2018-2023. № АААА-А19-119031290052-1 Institutional research project: Vascular plants of Eurasia: systematics, flora, plant resources. Monographic revision of genus Stachys L. for «Synopsis of Flora of Eastern Europe», «Synopsis of Caucasus Flora», «Plants of Central Asia».
Project leader:
- 1994-1995. Soros Foundation (ISF) - NV 330 Monographic study of the genus Stachys L.(Labiatae).
Member of research team:
- 2014-2016. RFBR № 14-04-00727 «Types of taxa of vascular plants of Siberia and Far East in the Herbarium of the Komarov Botanical Institute RAS (LE)».
- 2009-2011. RFBR № 09-04-00-632 «Types of taxa of vascular plants of Siberia and Far East in the Herbarium of the Komarov Botanical Institute RAS (LE)».
- 2006-2008. RFBR № 06-04-48-299 «Catalog of the type specimens of vascular plants of China in the Herbarium of the Komarov Botanical Institute (LE)».
- 2003-2004. RFBR № 02-04-48-479а «Catalog of the type specimens of vascular plants in the Herbarium of the Komarov Botanical Institute (LE). Types of southern China».
- 1999-2001. RFBR № 99-04-49761 «Catalog of the type specimens of vascular plants in the Herbarium of the Komarov Botanical Institute (LE). 2. Types of eastern Asia».
- 1996. RFBR № 96-04-50421 «Catalog of the type specimens of Central Asian vascular plants in the Herbarium of the Komarov Botanical Institute (LE)».
Conferences and workshops:
- Advances in Labiate sciences. England, Kew, April, 2-5, 1991. Oral presentation.
Professional memberships:
Selected publications:
Krestovskaya T.V. Taxonomic note on Stachys mucronata (Lamiaceae) and its position in the genus system. Novitates Systematicae Plantarum Vascularum. 2019. 50: 154–157. (In Russ.).
Krestovskaya T.V., Sokolova I.V., Grebenjuk A.V. Nomenclatural history and lectotypification of Gentiana algida Pall. (Gentianaceae). Turczaninowia. 2019. 22(3): 117–132.
Krestovskaya T.V. Review of species of the Stachys section Satureoides (Lamiaceae). Novitates Systematicae Plantarum Vascularum. 2018. 49: 125–129.
Krestovskaya T.V. Synopsis of the genus Stachys (Lamiaceae) of North Africa. Botanicheskii Zhurnal. 2017. 102(11): 1527–1543. [In Russ.]
Krestovskaya T.V. Taxonomic review of species of the Stachys L. section Candidae (Lamiaceae). Novitates Systematicae Plantarum Vascularum. 2017. 48: 118–122. (In Russ.).
Krestovskaya T.V. The review of species of the genus Stachys L. section Rosulatae Krestovsk. (Lamiaceae). Novitates Systematicae Plantarum Vascularum. 2016. 47: 100–102. (In Russ.).
Krestovskaya T.V. Synopsis of Malvaceae in the Central Asia. Novitates Systematicae Plantarum Vascularum. 2015. 46: 134–146. (In Russ.).
Krestovskaya T.V. Synopsis of the genus Stachys L. section Pontostachys (Lamiaceae). Botanicheskii Zhurnal. 2015. 100(6): 583–587. (In Russ.).
Krestovskaya T.V. To the systematics of the genus Stachys L. (Lamiaceae). Novitates Systematicae Plantarum Vascularum. 2014. 45: 91–95. (In Russ.).
Krestovskaya T.V. Synopsis of the genus Betonica L. (Lamiaceae). Novitates Systematicae Plantarum Vascularum. 2014. 45: 96–109. (In Russ.).
Krestovskaya T.V. Type specimens of the Siberian and Russian Far Eastern taxa of Lamiaceae Martinov kept in the Herbarium of the Komarov Botanical Institute (LE). Turczaninowia. 2012. 15(3): 45–58. (In Russ.).
Krestovskaya T.V. A new section of the genus Stachys (Lamiaceae) from Africa. Botanicheskii Zhurnal. 2007. 92(2): 285–293. (In Russ.).
Krestovskaya T.V. Menitskia – a new genus of the Labiatae family. Botanicheskii Zhurnal. 2006. 91(12): 1892–1894. (In Russ.).
Krestovskaya T. V. A new genus of the Labiatae family from Southern Africa. Botanicheskii Zhurnal. 2006. 91(8): 1255–1259. (In Russ.).
Krestovskaya T.V. A new section of the genus Stachys (Lamiaceae) from South-West Africa. Botanicheskii Zhurnal. 2006. 91(10): 1584–1586. (In Russ.).
Krestovskaya T.V. On species of the genus Stachys (Lamiaceae) section Ambleia from Africa. Botanicheskii Zhurnal. 2005. 90(9): 1445–1464. (In Russ.).
Harley R.M., Atkins S.A., ... Krestovskaja T. et al. Flowering Plants, Dicotyledons: Lamiales. Ed. by K. Kubitzki. The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants. Berlin-Heidelberg, Springer. 2004. 7: 167–275.
Krestovskaya T.V. Note on Stachys aspera Michx. (Lamiaceae). Turczaninowia. 2004. 7(4): 18–21. (In Russ.).
Krestovskaja T. Systematics and phytogeography of genus Leonurus. In: R.M Harley and T. Reynolds, Advances in Labiate sciences. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. 1992. 139–148.