Raisa Beljakova

Raisa Beljakova

Author Identifiers: Scopus Author ID, Russian Science Citation Index, ORCID iD, Google Scholar

Academic degree, academic title: Ph.D.

Position: Leading Researcher

E-mail: RBelyakova@binran.ru

Research interests:

  • Flora, systematics, biogeography of marine and freshwater Cyanoprokaryots.
  • Cyanobacteria of Russia and foreign countries.
  • Rare and endangered of Cyanoprokaryota species of the North-West of Russian.
  • Invasion species in reservoirs of Russian North-West.

Keywords: Cyanoprokaryota, Cyanobacteria, seas and freshwater reservoirs, invasion species

Education and work experience:

1972 – graduated from Zhdanov Leningrad State University, Faculty of Biology and Soil Science, Department of Non-vascular Plants.
1988 – PhD thesis: «Cyanophyta Benthic flora of the Far Eastern seas of the USSR».

Professional memberships:

Selected publications:

Beljakova R.N., Smirnova S.V. Stichosiphon subarcticus sp. nov. (Cyanoprokaryota, Chroococcales) from the White Sea. Novosti Sist. Nizsh. Rast. 2018. 52(2): 235–244. (In Russian.)

Smirnova S.V., Beljakova R.N. New species of genus Stichosiphon (Cyanoprokaryota) from waterbodies of Valdaysky national park (Novgorod region). Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2016. 101(12): 1466–1481. (In Russian.)

Orlova M.I., Antsulevich A.E., Belyakova R.N. et al. Ecosystem of the Neva River estuary: biological diversity and ecological problems. Moscow. 2008. 287–327. (In Russian.)

Beljakova R.N. Cyanophyta / Cyanoprokaryota / Cyanobacteria / Ed. K.L. Vinogradova. Bloom-Forming Algae in water bodies of Northwestern Russia. Moscow. 2006. 26–132. (In Russian.)

Beljakova R.N. Cyanoprokaryota from the Eastern Murman (Barents sea). Novosti Sist. Nizsh. Rast. 2005. 38: 8–21. (In Russian.)

Beljakova R.N., Fushtey T.V. Cyanoprokaryota of the Sea of Azov plankton. Novosti Sist. Nizsh. Rast. 2004. 37: 21–35. (In Russian.)

Beljakova R.N. Supplement to the flora of Cyanoprokaryota of the Russian Northern and Far-Eastern Seas. 3. Oscillatoriales. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2000. 85(12): 60–77. (In Russian.)

Beljakova R.N. Supplement to the flora of Cyanoprokaryota of the Russian Northern and Far-Eastern Seas. 2. Chroococcales (Entophysalidaceae, Dermocarpellaceae, Xenococcaceae, Hydrococcaceae). Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2000. 85 (11): 87–98. (In Russian.)

Beljakova R.N. Supplement to the flora of Cyanoprokaryota of the Russian Northern and Far-Eastern Seas. 1. Chroococcales (Microcystaceae, Chroococcaceae). Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2000. 85(2): 106–118. (In Russian.)

Beljakova R.N. New species of Cyanophyta from the Far Eastern seas of the USSR. Novosti Sist. Nizsh. Rast. 1989. 26: 17–23. (In Russian.)

Beljakova R.N. Species composition of blue-green algae in the islands of the southwestern part of the Pacific Ocean. Novosti Sist. Nizsh. Rast. 1987. 24: 8–13. (In Russian.)

Beljakova R.N. Blue-green algae of King George Island (Antarctica). Novosti Sist. Nizsh. Rast. 1987. 24: 13–22. (In Russian.)