Tatiana Mikhaylova

Tatiana Mikhaylova

Author Identifiers: Web of Science ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID, Russian Science Citation Index, ORCID iD, Google Scholar

Academic degree, academic title: Ph.D.

Position: Leading Researcher, Laboratory Head

E-mail: TMikhaylova@binran.ru

Phone number: +7(812) 372-54-14 ext. 2206

Research interests:

  • Floristics, taxonomy, phytocenology of algae-macrophytes of the seas of the Arctic-Atlantic basin and the Arabian (Persian) Gulf.
  • Work with herbarium collection, digitalization.

Keywords: Seaweed, Algal Diversity, Macroalgae, Taxonomy, Marine Biodiversity, Community Structure, Marine Ecology

Education and work experience:

1986-1987 – Saratov State University, Mechanics and Mathematics Dept.
1987-1993 – St Petersburg State University ( Biology and Soil Dept.). Major: Biology, Botany (specialization - Marine Phycology), Minor - Chemistry.
2000 – Ph.D. dissertation at Komarov Botanical Institute RAS. Ph.D. Thesis «Development of kelp communities on stone’s substrates in the White Sea». Ph.Dr. degree certificate № 036151, issued by 05.12.2000.

1993-2004 – Employee at the Department of Marine algae, (Arkhangelsk Russian Federation).
2005-2019 – Senior Researcher at the Department of Algology, Komarov Botanical Institute RAS.
2007 – until now – Curator of Algal Herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS.
2019 – until now – Head of the Laboratory of Algology, Komarov Botanical Institute RAS.

Grants and research projects:

Project leader:

  • 2016-2018. RFBR № 16-04-00549. «Spatial and functional relationships between plants and animals within the belt of red algae in the White Sea».

Member of research team:

  • 2018-2020. RFBR № 18-04-00062. «Role of ecosystem engineering species in forming of associated species assemblage in fouling communities of the White Sea».
  • 2018. RFBR № 18-04-20079. Project of organization of the IV Russian scientific conference with international participation «Algae: problems of taxonomy, ecology and use in monitoring».
  • 2013-2016. RFBR № 13-04-01154. «Interactions between sessile animals and macroalgae in fouling communities of the White Sea: competition or co-existence».

Professional memberships:

Editorial activity:

Selected publications:

Mikhaylova T. A., Spiridonov V.A., Gavrilo M.V., Ivanov S.D. Macroalgae of the high-Arctic Severnaya Zemlya Archipelago. Botanica Marina. 2022. 65(5): 357-370.

Mikhaylova T.A. A comprehensive bibliography, updated checklist, and distribution patterns of Rhodophyta from the Barents Sea (the Arctic Ocean). Botanica Marina. 2021. 64(3): 211-220.

Khalaman V.V., Golubovskaya N.S., Komendantov A.Y., Malavenda S.S., Manoylina P.A., Mikhaylova T.A., Raznovskaya S.V. Balance between biological and physical components in the impact of Mytilus edulis on associated organisms. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2021. 674: 15-35.

Mikhaylova T.A. On the distribution of the Arctic endemic alga Laminaria solidungula. Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rastenii. 2021. 55(2): 325-333.

Mikhaylova T.A., Sokolova I.V. Type and authentic specimens in Algal Herbarium of the Komarov Botanical Institute (LE). II. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2020. 105(11) 1114–1126.

Mikhaylova T.A. Macrophytobenthos.In: Ecologicheskij Atlas. Barentsevo more. [Ecological Atlas. Barents Sea]. Fond “NIR”, Moscow. 2020. 138–139. (In Russian.)

Krasnaya Kniga Nenetskogo Avtonomnogo Okruga [Red Book of the Nenets Autonomous area] (N.V. Matveeva, ed). Naryan-Mar Second edition 2020. 456 p. (Mikhaylova T.A. – Saccorhiza dermatodea, Laminaria digitata, L. solidungula, Fucus serratus, F. vesiculosus, Rhodomela sibirica). (In Russian.)

Mikhaylova T.A., Aristov D.A., Naumov A.D., Malavenda S.S., Savchenko O. N., Bijagov K.L. Diversity and structure of epibenthic communities of the red algae zone in the White Sea. Polar Biology. 2019. 42: 953–968.

Mikhaylova T.A. Vegetation of the red algal belt of the White Sea (European Arctic, Russia). Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rastenii. 2019. 53(1): 39–65.

Mikhaylova T.A., Sokolova I.V. Type and authentic specimens in Algal Herbarium of the Komarov Botanical Institute (LE). I. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2019. 104(8): 1299–1312.

Khalaman V.V., Golubovskaya N.S., Komendantov A.Yu., Malavenda S.S., Mikhaylova T.A. Effect of the Spatial Orientation of a Substrate on the Formation of Early Fouling Communities in the White Sea. Biology Bulletin (Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk – Seriya Biologicheskaya). 2018. 1: 93–102. (In Russian.)

Mikhaylova T.A. Checklist of Rhodophyta of the White Sea (the Arctic Ocean). Botanica Marina. 2017. 60(1): 55–65.

Khalaman V.V., Komendantov A.Y., Malavenda S.S., Mikhaylova T.A. Algae versus animals in early fouling communities of the White Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2016. 553: 13–32.

Al-Yamani F., Polikarpov I., Al-Ghunaim A., Mikhaylova T. Field Guide for the Marine Macroalgae (Chlorophyta, Rhodophyta, Phaeophyceae) of Kuwait. Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (Publisher). 2014. 190 p.