Larisa Orlova
Author Identifiers: Web of Science ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID, Russian Science Citation Index, ORCID iD, Google Scholar
Academic degree, academic title: Ph.D.
Position: Research Scientist
Phone number: +7 (812) 372-54-51 ext. 2253
Research interests:
- Botany.
- Plant taxonomy (Pinaceae, Cupressaceae, Taxaceae, Oleaceae etc.).
- Plant geography (North-West Russia, Ural, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Tyumen region, Primorsky Territory, Hungary, Republic of Poland, Finland, Kyrgyzstan).
- Dendrology.
- Herbarium collections.
Keywords: Botany, plant taxonomy, plant geography, dendrology, gymnosperms, conifers, Pinaceae, Cupressaceae, Taxaceae, Herbaria, plant typification
Education and work experience:
1983-1989 – student of the Faculty of Biology and Soil Science, Leningrad State University.
1995-2000 – Post-graduate student of the Department of Herbarium of Higher Plants, Komarov Botanical Institute RAS (scientific adviser Prof. N.N. Tsvelev).
1989-1995 –Laboratory Assistant, Botanical Garden, Komarov Botanical Institute RAS.
2000-2004 – Research Assistant, Herbarium of Higher Plants, Komarov Botanical Institute RAS.
2004 – until now – Research Scientist, Herbarium of Higher Plants, Komarov Botanical Institute RAS.
2020-2021 – Assistant Professor, Department of Botany and Dendrology, St. Petersburg State Forestry University (external part-time).
Grants and research projects:
Project leader:
- 2012-2014. RFBR № 11-04-01183-a «Systematics and phylogeny of species of the genus Larix (Pinaceae) of Russia based on the use of morphological and molecular genetic methods».
- 2012. RFBR № 12-04-10158-к «Organization and implementation of expeditionary work to study wild and introduced species of the genus Larix in South Primorye (Ussuriysky, Anuchinsky, Olginsky districts)».
- 2004-2006. RFBR № 04-04-48846-а «Morphological and anatomical study of wild and introduced representatives of pine (Pinaceae) of Russia».
Member of research team:
- 2014-2016. RFBR № 14-04-01418 «Molecular phylogeography and intraspecific differentiation of spruce (Picea A. Dietr.) species on the territory of the Russian Federation».
- 2014-2015. International grant of Andrew Mellon Foundation (2014–2015). Scanning of type specimens in the Herbarium of the Department. Botanists of St. Petersburg State University (LECB) within the framework of the Global Plant Initiative (GPI)» (supervisor V.V. Byalt).
- 2012-2017. «Research of adaptation processes of deciduous and coniferous trees in arctic and subarctic natural and climatic zones» State contract No. 01-15 / 4 dated July 25, 2012. Department for Science and Innovation of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug 2012-2017(supervisor A.A. Egorov).
- 2012-2014: International grant Andrew Mellon Foundation (2012–2014). Scanning of type specimens in the Herbarium. I.P. Borodin SPgLTU (KFTA) within the framework of the «Global Plant Initiative (GPI)» (supervisor V.V. Byalt).
- 2012-2013. Subprogram «Biodiversity: state and dynamics» of the Program of fundamental research of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences «Wildlife: current state and development problems». The title of the project: «Characterization of the diversity of vascular plants in Russia at the level of large natural regions (subkingdom, region, province), - as a basis for the creation and maintenance of the «Red Data Books of Russia and the subjects of the Federation»» (supervisor R.V. Kamelin).
- 2012-2013. Program of the President of the Russian Federation to support leading scientific schools: grant NSh 7000.2012.4 «Biodiversity of vascular plants of Eurasia: flora, taxonomy, geography, evolution» (Lead by N.N. Tsvelev).
- 2011. Research of adaptation processes of deciduous and coniferous trees in arctic and subarctic natural and climatic zones. Stage I: «Development of environmental criteria for the selection of tree species for the conditions of arctic and subarctic natural and climatic zones» contract No. 01-15 / 5 of September 27, 2011 Department of Science and Innovation of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (supervisor A.A. Egorov).
- 2009-2011. RFBR № 09-04-00602-a «Systematics and phylogeny of the Crassulaceae family of Eastern Europe and the Caucasus based on the use of anatomical, morphological and molecular genetic characters» (supervisor V.V. Byalt).
- 2009-2011. The program of fundamental research of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences «Inventory of the biological diversity of Russia» (2. Inventory of the diversity of the plant world), subprogram «Biodiversity: inventory, functions, conservation». Project title: «Monographic processing of complex groups of vascular plants within the entire area, extratropical Eurasia or Russia» (supervisor R.V. Kamelin).
- 2009-2011. Visualization of the collection of E.L. Wolf's type specimens in the dendrological herbarium of the St. Petersburg State Forestry Academy (KFTA) AVTsP «Development of the scientific potential of higher education (2009-2011)» Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
- 2009-2011. «The reaction of native and introduced conifers to climate change in the North-West of Russia» 2.1.1 / 11545 (3859) AVTsP «Development of the scientific potential of higher education (2009-2011)» Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
- 2009-2011. «Analysis of the state, forecast of development and information and analytical support of unique objects of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation» (3392) AVTsP «Development of the scientific potential of higher education (2009-2011)» Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
- 2008-2010. RFBR № 08-04-00858-a «Vascular Plants of Eastern Europe» (supervisor N.N. Tsvelev).
- 2006-2008. Program of fundamental research of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences «Biodiversity and dynamics of gene pools» project «Biodiversity of vascular plants in Russia» (supervisor R.V. Kamelin).
Conferences and workshops:
- XIII Delegate Congress of the Botanical Society. Russia, Togliatti, September 2013. 2 poster and 1 oral presentations.
- «Forests of Russia: Politics. industry, science, education». Russia, St. Petersburg, May 22-25, 2019. Oral presentation.
Professional memberships:
Selected publications:
Byalt V.V., Orlova L.V., Potokin A.F., Egorov A.A., Byalt A.V. Catalogue of type specimens of vascular and non-vascular plants stored in the Herbarium named after I.P. Borodin St. Petersburg Saint-Petersburg State Forestry University (KFTA). Part 1 / ed. V.T. Yarmishko (editor-in-chief). St. Petersburg: Digital scientific publication. 2021. 396 p. 54 ill.
Firsov G.A., Orlova L.V., Volchanskaya A.V. Annotated catalog of gymnosperms in the arboretum of the Peter the Great Botanical Garden, BIN RAS [Annotirovannyj katalog golosemennyh rastenij parka-dendrariya Botanicheskogo sada Petra Velikogo BIN RAN]. Saint-Petersburg: IP Keller T.Yu., 2020. 208 p.. Russ. (En).
Firsov G.A., Orlova L.V. Conifers in Saint-Petersburg [Hvojnye v Sankt-Peterburge]. Saint-Petersburg: Publishing House "Dom sadovoj literatury", 2019. 492 p: ill. Second edition, expanded and revised. Russ. (En).
Byalt V.V., Firsov G.A., Byalt A.V., Orlova L.V. Overview of the cultural flora of St. Petersburg (Russia): [monograph] [Obzor kul'turnoj flory Sankt-Peterburga (Rossiya): [monografiya]. Editor in Chief Prof. V.T. Yarmishko; Russian Academy of Sciences. Komarov Botanical Institute. Moscow: ROSA Publishing House, 2019. 180 p. Russ. (En).
Orlova L.V., Firsov G.A., Egorov A.A.,Neverovsky V.Yu. Conifers of the St. Petersburg Forestry Academy (Annotated catalog) [Hvojnye Sankt-Peterburgskoj lesotekhnicheskoj akademii (Annotirovannyj katalog)] Saint-Petersburg: SPbGLTA, 2011. 88 p. Russ. (En).
Byalt V.V., Orlova L.V., Potokin A.F., Egorov A.A. Catalog of standard samples E.L. Wolf in the Herbarium of the St. Petersburg Forestry Academy (KFTA) [Katalog tipovyh obrazcov E.L. Vol'fa v Gerbarii Sankt-Peterburgskoj lesotekhnicheskoj akademii (KFTA)]. Saint-Petersburg: SPbLTA, 2011. 120 p. Russ. (En).
Orlova L.V. et al. Genus Rubus L. in Kurtto A., Weber H.E., Lampinen R. & Sennikov A.N. (eds.). Atlas Florae Europaea. Distribution of Vascular Plants in Europe. 15. Rosaceae (Rubus). The Committee for Mapping the Flora of Europe & Societas Biologica Fennica Vanamo. Helsinki, 2010. 362 p.
Byalt V.V., Orlova L.V., Potokin A.F. Botany. Herbarium business. Textbook for students of the specialty 250201 "Forestry" [Botanika. Gerbarnoe delo. Uchebnoe posobie dlya studentov special'nosti 250201 «Lesnoe hozyajstvo»]. Saint-Peteresburg: LTA, 2009. 52 p., 7 figures. Russ. (En).
Firsov G.A., Orlova L.V. Conifers in St. Petersburg [Hvojnye v Sankt-Peterburge]. Saint-Petersburg: ООО «Rostok». 2008. 336 с. Russ. (En).
Orlova L.V. et al. Genus Alchemilla in Kurtto A., Fröhner S.E. & Lampinen R. (eds.). Atlas Florae Europaea. Distribution of Vascular Plants in Europe. 14. Rosaceae (Alchemilla and Aphanes). The Committee for Mapping the Flora of Europe & Societas Biologica Fennica Vanamo. Helsinki. 2007. 200 pp.
Orlova L.V. Genera Spiraea, Aruncus, Filipendula, Agrimonia, Sanguisorba, Geum, Waldsteinia, Fragariain Kurtto A., Lampinen R. & Junikka L. (eds.). Atlas Florae Europaea. Distribution of Vascular Plants in Europe. 13. Rosaceae (Spiraea to Fragaria, excl. Rubus). The Committee for Mapping the Flora of Europe & Societas Biologica Fennica Vanamo. Helsinki. 2004. 320 pp.
Orlova L.V., Byalt V.V., Korshunov M.V. Cultivated and wild-growing species of gymnosperms in the flora of the emirate of Fujairah. Hortus botanicus. 2021. 16.
Orlova L., Gussarova G., Glazkova E., Egorov A., Potokin A., Ivanov S. Systematics and distribution of spruce species in the North-West of Russia. Dendrobiology. 2020. 84: 12–29.
Byalt V. V., Firsov G. A., Byalt A. V., Orlova L. V. The cultural flora of St. Petersburg (Russia) and its analysis [Kul'turnaya flora g. Sankt-Peterburga (Rossiya) i ee analiz]. Vestnik of Orenburg State Pedagogical University. Electronic Scientific Journal. 2019. 2(30): 11–103. Russ. (En).
Orlova L.V., Glazkova E.A. Overview of the wild coniferous islands of the Russian sector of the Gulf of Finland of the Baltic Sea [Obzor dikorastushchih hvojnyh ostrovov rossijskogo sektora Finskogo zaliva Baltijskogo moray]. Turczaninowia. 2018. 21(2): 228–256. Russ. (En).
Orlova L.V., Potokin A.F., Koptseva E.M., Vasiliev E.Yu., Kirillov P.S., Egorov A.A. Taxonomic diversity of spruce forests and their distribution on the territory of the Taganai National Park (South Urals) [Taksonomicheskoe raznoobrazie el'nikov i ih raspredelenie na territorii nacional'nogo parka «Taganaj» (YUzhnyj Ural). Izvestiya Sankt-Peterburgskoj lesotekhnicheskoj akademii. Saint-Petersburg: SPBGLTU, 2017. 218: 43-60. – ISBN 978-5-9239-0828-2, ISSN 2079-4304. Russ. (En).
Byalt V.V., Potokin A. F., Orlova L. V., Egorov A. A. The foundation, history and current condition of the I.P. Borodin Herbarium (KFTA), St. Petersburg, Russia. Skvortsovia. 2016. 2(3): 14–31.
Byalt V.V., Potokin A.F., Orlova L.V. Type specimens of taxa of fam. Betulaceae in the collection of the herbarium. I. P. Borodin, SPBGTU (KFTA) in St. Petersburg (Russia) [Tipovye obrazcy taksonov sem. berezovye (Betulaceae) v kollekcii Gerbariya im. I.P. Borodina SPbGLTU (KFTA) v Sankt-Peterburge (Rossiya)]. Izvestia Sankt-Peterburgskoj Lesotehniceskoj Akademii. 2016. 214: 27–41. Russ. (En).
Orlova L., Firsov G., Egorov A., Volchanskaya A. Abies semenovii in North West Russia; taxonomy, ecology, cultivation and conservation. Dendrobiology. 2016. 75: 131–139.
Potokina E.K., Orlova L.V., Vishnevskaya M.S., Alekseeva E.A., Potokin A.F., Egorov A. A. Genetic differentiation of spruce populations in northwest Russia according to the results of microsatellite loci analysis. Russian Journal of Genetics: Applied Research. 2013. 3(5): 352–360.
Orlova L.V. Abstract of wild and some introduced species of the genus Larix Mill. (Pinaceae) Flora of Eastern Europe [Konspekt dikorastushchih i nekotoryh introducirovannyh vidov roda Larix Mill. (Pinaceae) Flory Vostochnoj Evropy]. Novosti sistematiki vysshih rastenij. Moscow; Saint-Petersburg: KMK Scientific Publishing Association, 2012. 43: 5–19. Russ. (En).
Orlova L.V. Division 4. Pinophyta - Gymnosperms. Synopsis of the Flora of Eastern Europe [Otdel 4. Pinophyta – Golosemennye. Konspekt Flory Vostochnoj Evropy]. Moscow; Saint-Petersburg: Partnership of scientific publications KMK, 2012. Part 1: 49–90. Russ. (En).
Orlova L.V. Division Pinophyta (Gymnospermae). Catalog of type specimens of vascular plants of Siberia and the Far East, stored in the Herbarium of the Botanical Institute named after V.L. Komarov RAS (LE) [Otdel Pinophyta (Gymnospermae). Katalog tipovyh obrazcov sosudistyh rastenij Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka, hranyashchihsya v Gerbarii Botanicheskogo instituta imeni V.L. Komarova RAN (LE)]. Moscow; Saint-Petersburg: Partnership of scientific publications KMK, 2012. Part 1: 48-61.
Potokina E.K., Orlova L.V., Vishnevskaya M.S., Alekseeva E.A., Potokin A.F., Egorov A.A. Genetic differentiation of spruce populations in northwestern Russia based on the results of marking microsatellite loci [Geneticheskaya differenciaciya populyacij eli na severo-zapade Rossii po rezul'tatam markirovaniya mikrosatellitnyh lokusov]. Ekologicheskaya genetika. 2012. X(2): 40-49. Russ. (En).
Kopylova T.A., Orlova L.V., Egorov A.A., Potokina E.K. Identification of Picea abies, P. fennica, P. obovata (Pinaceae) and their forms using molecular labeling methods [Identifikaciya Picea abies, P. fennica, P. obovata (Pinaceae) i ih form s pomoshch'yu metodov molekulyarnogo markirovaniya]. Botanicheskij zhurnal. 2012. 97(11): 1416–1423. Russ. (En).
Orlova L.V., Egorov A.A. On the taxonomy and geographical distribution of Finnish spruce (Picea fennica (Regel) Kom., Pinaceae) [K sistematike i geograficheskomu rasprostraneniyu eli finskoj (Picea fennica (Regel) Kom., Pinaceae)]. Novosti sistematiki vysshih rastenij. Мoscow-Saint-Petersburg, 2011. 42: 5–23. Russ. (En).
Egorov A.A., Orlova L.V., Firsov G.A., Byalt V.V. Collection of conifers of the St. Petersburg State Forestry Academy [Kollekciya hvojnyh rastenij Sankt-Peterburgskoj gosudarstvennoj lesotekhnicheskoj akademii]. Izvestiya Sankt-Peterburgskoj lesotekhnicheskoj akademii. 2009. 189: 4–13. Russ. (En).
Neshatayeva V.Y., Firsov G.A., Orlova L.V., Fet G.N. Ein einzigartiger Tannen-Hain auf Kamtschatka. Der Palmengarten. 2009. 72(2): 127–134.
Orlova L.V., Byalt V.V. . Novosti sistematiki vysshih rastenij. 2008. 40: 245–284. Russ. (En).
Christensen K.I., Orlova L.V. Typification of specific and infraspecific names in Abies, Larix, Picea and Pinus (Pinaceae). Feddes Repertorium. 2006. 117(7-8): 519–525.
Orlova L.V., Byalt V.V. Conspectus familiae Pinaceae florae Tuvainicae. Novosti sistematiki vysshih rastenij. 2006. 38: 7–22. Russ. (En).
Orlova L.V., Novoselova M.S. Pinophyta (Gymnospermae). Catalogue of the type specimens of East-Asian vascular plants in the Herbarium of the Komarov Botanical Institute (LE) [Katalog tipovyh obrazcov sosudistyh rastenij Vostochnoj Azii, hranyashchihsya v Gerbarii Botanicheskogo instituta imeni V.L. Komarova (LE)]. Moscow-Saint-Petersburg, 2004. Part 1 (Japan and Korea). 15-20. Russ. (En).
Orlova L.V., Averyanov L.V. On the taxonomical position of Ducampopinus krempfii (Pinaceae) [O sistematicheskom polozhenii Ducampopinus krempfii (Pinaceae)]. Turczaninowia. 2004. 2: 30–44. Russ. (En).
Menitsky Yu.L., Orlova L.V. Fam. 20.Pinaceae Adans. Caucasian Florae Conspectus. Т.1/ Resp. ed. acad. A.L. Takhtadzhyan / Ed. Yu.L. Menitsky, T. N. Popova. Saint-Petersburg: Publishing House of Saint-Petersburg University, 2003. 174–179.
Orlova L.V. The system of native and introduced Pinus (Pinaceae) species in Russia. 1. Subgenus Pinus [Sistema dikorastushchih i introducirovannyh vidov sosen (Pinus, Pinaceae) Rossii. II. Podrod Pinus]. Botanicheskij zhurnal. 2003. 88(6): 85-94. Russ. (En).
Orlova L.V. De positione systematica speciei Abies gracilis Kom. (Pinaceae)]. Novosti sistematiki vysshih rastenij. 2003. 35: 21–26. Russ. (En).
Orlova L.V. Taxonomical review of the family Pinaceae in the Caucasus [Taksonomicheskij obzor semejstva Pinaceae Kavkaza]. Botanicheskij zhurnal. 2002. 87(7): 99–108. Russ. (En).
Orlova L.V. Specimina typical taxorum nonnullorum e genere Pinus L. (Pinaceae) in Herbario Instituti Botanici nominee V.L. Komarovii (LE) conservata. Novitates Systematicae Plantarum Vascularium. 2002. 34: 287-298. Russ. (En).
Orlova L.V., Christensen K.I. Typification of Pinus pallasiana, P. salzmannii, P. pityusa and P. brutia (Pinaceae). Nordic Journal of Botany. 2002. 22(2): 171–175.
Orlova L.V. Systematic review of wild and some introduced species of the genus Pinus L. (Pinaceae) of the flora of Russia. Novosti sistematiki vysshih rastenij. 2001. 33: 7-40. Russ. (En).
Orlova L.V. The system of native and introduced Pinus (Pinaceae) species in Russia. 1. Subgenus Strobus [Sistema dikorastushchih i introducirovannyh vidov sosen (Pinus, Pinaceae) Rossii. I. Podrod Strobus]. Botanicheskij zhurnal. 2001. 86(4): 113–118. Russ. (En)./p>
Orlova L.V. On the diagnostic features of the vegetative organs in the genus Pinus (Pinaceae)[ O diagnosticheskih priznakah vegetativnyh organov v rode Pinus (Pinaceae)]. Botanicheskij zhurnal. 2001. 86(9): 33-44. Russ. (En).
Orlova L.V. On the diagnostic features of microstrobils and microsporophylls in pines (Pinus, Pinaceae) [O diagnosticheskih priznakah mikrostrobilov i mikrosporofillov u sosen (Pinus, Pinaceae)]. Botanicheskij zhurnal. 2000. 85 (8): 86–92. Russ. (En).
Orlova L.V. About tiny-flower pine (Pinus parviflora Sieb. et Zucc.) in Russia [O sosne melkocvetkovoj (Pinus parviflora Sieb. et Zucc.) v Rossii]. Turczaninowia. 2000. 1: 25–29. Russ. (En).
Orlova L.V. On Pinus funebris Kom., Pinaceae [O sosne pogrebal'noj (Pinus funebris Kom., Pinaceae)]. Turczaninowia. 1999. 2 (2): 41–45. Russ. (En).
Spasskaya N.A., Orlova L.V. Flora of reservation “Lindulovskaya grove” and its nearest environs [Sem. Pinaceae. Flora zakaznika "Lindulovskaya roshcha" i ego blizhajshih okrestnostej]. Botanicheskij zhurnal. 1993. 78 (7): 92–102. Russ. (En).