Alexey Gomankov
Author Identifiers: Web of Science ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID, Russian Science Citation Index, ORCID iD, Google Scholar
Academic degree, academic title: Dr.Sc.
Position: Leading Researcher
Research interests:
- The Upper Palaeozoic palaeobotany
- Palynology and stratigraphy
- Theoretical biology
- Theoretical stratigraphy
Keywords: Palaeobotany, palynology, stratigraphy, the Permian, the Triassic, mprphology, taxonomy, evolution
Education and work experience:
1975 — Graduated from the Moscow State University, Diploma in Palaeontology.
1983 — Ph.D. from the Geological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
2002 – Doctor Earth Sci. from the Geological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
1975-1977 — Research Trainee, Lab. of Palaeofloristics, Geological Institute.
1977-1985 — Research Assistant, Lab. of Palaeofloristics, Geological Institute.
1985-1991 — Research Scientist, Lab. of Palaeofloristics, Geological Institute.
1991-2003 — Senior Researcher, Lab. of Palaeofloristics, Geological Institute.
2003-2006 — Senior Researcher, Lab. of Palaeobotany, Komarov Botanical Institute.
2006 – until now — Leading Researcher, Lab. of Palaeobotany, Komarov Botanical Institute.
Grants and research projects:
Project leader:
- 2015-2017. RFBR № 15-05-07528 «Floristic substantiation study of the Kazanian-Urzhumian boundary at the East-European Platform» (2015–2017).
Professional memberships:
Editorial activity:
- Member of Editorial Board of journal «Palaeobotany»
Responsible editor of the monograph:
- The type section of Tatarian Stage at Vyatka river. Moscow, GEOS, 2001. 145 p.
Selected publications:
Gomankov A.V. The Bible and the nature: evolution, creationism and christian doctrine. Moscow, GEOS Press. 2014. 188 pp. [in Russian].
Gomankov A.V. Geological time and its measurment. Moscow, KMK Press. 2007. 58 pp. [in Russian].
Gomankov A.V. (ed.). The type section of Tatarian Stage at Vyatka river. Moscow, GEOS Press. 2001. 140 pp. [in Russian].
Gomankov A.V., Meyen S.V. Tatarina flora (composition and distribution in the Late Permian of Eurasia). Moscow, Nauka Press. 1986. 174 pp. [in Russian].
Gomankov A.V. Peculiar lycopsids from Yaman-Us locality (the Upper Permian of the Southern Mongolia). [Neobychnye plaunovidnye iz mestonakhozdeniia Yamn-Us (verkhniaia perm’ Yuzhnoii Mongolii)]. Lethaea rossica. The Russian Journal of Palaeobotany. 2020. 20: 34–43. [in Russian]
Gomankov A.V. Orestovia-like plants from the Devonian of Russia: morphology and taxonomic position [Orestovia-podobnye rasteniia iz devona Rossii: morfologiia i taksonomicheskoe polozhenie]. Lethaea rossica. The Russian Journal of Palaeobotany. 2019. 18: 16–31. [in Russian]
Gomankov A.V. New species of Rufloria S. Meyen (Cordaitanthales, Rufloriaceae) and its significance for the stratigraphy of the Angaran Permian [Novyi vid roda Rufloria S. Meyen (Cordaitanthales, Rufloriaceae) i ego znachenie dlia stratigrafii permskikh otlozhenii Angaridy]. Lethaea rossica. The Russian Journal of Palaeobotany. 2018. 16: 23–32. [in Russian]
Gomankov A.V. The form of the system as reflection of the form of evolution [Forma sistemy kak otrazhenie formy evoliutsii]. Paleobotanicheskii vremennik. Supplement to “Lethaea rossica. The Russian Journal of Palaeobotany”. 2015. 2: 146–154. [in Russian]
Gomankov A.V. Steirophyllum gomankovii (S. Meyen et Smoller) comb. nov. (Pinopsida incertae sedis) from the Urzhumian of Sukhona River [Steirophyllum gomankovii (S. Meyen et Smoller) comb. nov. (Pinopsida incertae sedis) iz urzhumskikh otlozhenii basseina r. Sukhona]. Lethaea rossica. The Russian Journal of Palaeobotany. 2013. 8: 1–8. [in Russian]
Gomankov A.V. The structure of the diversity in spore-pollen srectra: from the mathematical models towards the palaeoclimatic conclusions [Struktura raznoobraziia sporovo-pyl’tsevykh spektrov: ot matematicheskikh modelei k paleoklimaticheskim vyvodam]. Paleobotanicheskii vremennik. Supplement to “Lethaea rossica. The Russian Journal of Palaeobotany”. 2013. 1: 21–28. [in Rusian]
Gomankov A.V. On the female peltaspermous fructifications from the Permian of the East-European Platform [O zhenskikh fruktifikatsiiakh pel’taspemovykh v permskikh otlozheniiakh Vostochno-Evropeiskoi platformy]. Lethaea rossica. The Russian Journal of Palaeobotany. 2010. 2: 28–44. [in Russian]
Gomankov A.V. Conifers from the Permian of the Kargala Mines (Southern Foreurals) [Khvoinye iz permskikh otlozhenii Kargalinskikh rudnikov (Yuzhnoe Priural’e)]. Palaeobotany. 2010. 1: 5–21. [in Russian]
Gomankov A.V. The evolutionary progress: The criticism and apology of Darwinism [Evoliutsionnyi progress: kritika i apologia darvinizma]. In: Charles Darwin and Modern Biology. Proceedings of the International Academic Conference (21–23 September, 2009). St.-Petersburg: Nestor-Historia. 2010. 789–795. [in Russian]
Gomankov A.V. Pollen evolution in cordaites and early conifers. Paleontological Journal. 2009. 43(10): 1245–1252.
Gomankov A.V. The Tatarian peltasperms of the Russian Platform: Morphology, ecology, and evolution [Tatarskie pel’taspermovye Russkoi platformy: morfologiia, ekologiia i evoliutsia]. In: L. Yu. Budantsev (ed.) Aspects of palaeofloristics and systematics of fossil plants Lectures in memory of A. N. Kryshtofovich. Ser. 6). St.-Petersburg. 2008. 42–60. [in Russian]
Gomankov A.V. A new species of Lepidopteris (Peltaspermaceae, Peltaspermales) from the Upper Permian of the Russian Platform [Novyi vid roda Lepidopteris (Peltaspermaceae, Peltaspermales) iz verkhnepermskikh otlozhenii Russkoi platform]. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2006. 91(12): 1906–1914. [in Russian]
Gomankov A.V. On the representatives of Doliostomia (Cardiolepidaceae, Peltaspermales) from the Tatarian of the Southern Cis-Urals [O predstaviteliakh roda Doliostomia (Cardiolepidaceae, Peltaspermales) iz verkhnepermskikh otlozhenii Yuzhnogo Priural’ia]. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2005. 90(6): 947–956. [in Russian]
Gomankov A.V. New Upper Permian (Tatarian) Lycopsids of the Angaraland [Novye pozdnepermskie (tatarskie) lepidofity Angaridy]. In: Special volume, dedicated to the memory of the Corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Professor Vsevolod Andreevich Vakhrameev (to the 90,h anniversary of his birth). Moscow: GEOS. 2002. 218–231. [in Russian]
Gomankov A.V., Khoroshavina A.S. New data on morphology and occurrence of Sashinia, an Upper Permian conifer from Russian Platform [Novye dannye o morfologii i geograficheskom rasprostranenii sashinii (khvoinye) iz verkhnei permi Russkoi plity]. Biulleten’ Moskovskogo Obshchestva Ispytatelei Prirody. Otdel Geologicheskii. 1999. 74(2): 49–53. [in Russian]
Gomankov A.V., Balme B.E., Foster C.B. Tatarian palynology of the Russia Platform: a review. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. 1998. 110(½): 115–137.
Gomankov A.V. Dispersed Cuticles from the Shikhovo-Tchirkee Locality (the Kazanian Stage of the Vyatka River). Paleonotological Journal. 1997. 2: 154–160.
Gomankov A.V. The interregional correlation of the Tatarian and the problem of the Permian upper boundary. International Geology Review. 1992. 34(10): 1015–1020.