Tatiana Ivchenko
Author Identifiers: Web of Science ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID, Russian Science Citation Index, ORCID iD, Google Scholar
Academic degree, academic title: Dr.Sc., Docent
Position: Senior Researcher
E-mail: TIvchenko@binran.ru
Phone number: +7 (812) 372-54-18
Research interests:
- Phytocenotic diversity of mire vegetation in Russia.
- Vegetation classification and typology of mires in the Ural region.
- Ecology of species and plant communities of mires.
- Rare species and plant communities of mires and their protection.
Keywords: Geobotany, biogeography, mires, classification, structure, ecology, protection of plant communities, biodiversity, botanical-geographical differentiation, Ural
Education and work experience:
1996 — graduated from the Biology and Soil Faculty of Tomsk State University (Department of Botany). E.D. Lapshina head.
1999–2004 — graduate school in the Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Yekaterinburg.
2005 — Ph.D. thesis. Academician P.L. Gorchakovsky head.
2011–2014 — doctoral probation Komarov Botanical Institute RAS.
2019 — doctoral thesis «Mire vegetation of the South Ural region (within the Chelyabinsk region)».
1996–1998 — Assistant at the Department of Human Anatomy of the Ural State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports, Chelyabinsk.
1998–1999 — Assistant of the Department of Botany, Ecology and Methods of Teaching Biology, Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University.
2004–2011 — Senior Lecturer, then Associate Professor of the Department of Ecology, Chelyabinsk State University.
2014–2019 — Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Geography and Vegetation Cartography, Komarov Botanical Institute RAS.
2019 — until now — Senior Researcher at the Laboratory of General Geobotany Komarov Botanical Institute RAS.
Grants and research projects:
Project leader:
- 2019–2021. RFBR №19-05-00830 А «Bogs of South Ural region in system of botanic-geographical division».
- 2014–2016. RFBR №14-04-00362 А «Regional structure and mapping of the vegetation of the South Urals spring eutrophic fens».
- 2014. RFBR №14-04-10004 К «Research project of the field work on the grant № 14-04-00362 A».
Member of research team:
- 2005–2007. RFBR №05-04-48424 «Methodological foundations for the creation of phytoecological maps reflecting the current state, the level of anthropogenic transformation and dynamic tendencies of the vegetation cover of specially protected natural areas», the leader P.L. Gorchakovsky.
- 2006–2007. Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for support of the leading scientific school №Sh-5551.2006.4 «Anthropogenic transformation of vegetation cover and strategy for the conservation of phyto-diversity», the leader P.L. Gorchakovsky.
- 2003–2005. Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for support of the leading scientific school №Sh-2140.2003.4 «Development of scientific ideas about the essence and patterns of anthropogenic transformation of vegetation cover», the leader P.L. Gorchakovsky.
Conferences and workshops:
Organizing committee:
- International Bryological Conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of A.L. Abramova. St. Petersburg, October 12–16, 2015. Organizing Committee. Oral presentation.
- In Russian Federation: yearly participation in 1–2 conferences on mire topics, problems of classification of vegetation and vegetation protection issues.
- International meetings: Slovenia (2014), Romania (2014), France (2015).
Professional memberships:
Editorial activity:
- Member of the editorial board of the collection of articles: Trudy Gosudarstvennogo zapovednika «Basegi». Vypusk 6. Perm': Izd-vo Perm. nac. issled. politekhn. un-ta, 2021.
Selected publications:
Kuznetsova I.A., Pustovalova L.A., Golovatin M.G., Gilev A.V., Ivchenko T.G., Stepanov L.N., Chernaya L.V., Yarushina M.I. Monitoring of specially protected natural areas of various categories in the Sverdlovsk region: monograph [Monitoring osobo okhranyayemykh prirodnykh territoriy razlichnykh kategoriy v Sverdlovskoy oblasti : monografiya]. Yekaterinburg: Izd-vo Ural. un-ta, 2022. 120 p. [In Russian]
Bajteryakov V.G., Bogdanov V.D., Vejsberg E.I. et al. Red Data Book of the Chelyabinsk Region. Animals, plants, fungi [Krasnaya kniga Chelyabinskoy oblasti. Zhivotnye, rasteniya, griby]. Moscow, 2017. 511 p. [In Russian]
Ivchenko T. G. Chorology of mire complexes of the Il'menski Nature Reserve and its geobotanical mapping [Khorologiya bolotnykh kompleksov Il'menskogo zapovednika i ee otobrazhenie na geobotanicheskikh kartakh]. Chelyabinsk: Entsiklopediya, 2009. 144 s. [In Russian]
Jiménez-Alfaro B., Aunina L., … Ivchenko T. et al. Habitat-based biodiversity responses to macroclimate and edaphic factors in European fen ecosystems. Global Change Biology. 2023. 29: 6756-6771.
Kosykh N.P., Koronatova N.G., Mironycheva-Tokareva N.P., Vishnyakova E.K., Ivchenko T.G., Kurbatskaya S.S., Peregon A.M. The Bogs in a Forest–Steppe Region of Western Siberia: Plant Biomass and Net Primary Production (NPP). Water. 2023. 15(20): 3526.
Ivchenko T.G., Knyazev M.S., Smirnova (Makarova) M.A., Erokhina O.V. Findings of new and rare species of vascular plants in mires of the Urals and the Trans-Urals. Turczaninowia. 2023. 26(1): 124-135. [In Russian]
Veselkin D.V., Dubrovin D.I., Korzhinevskaya A.A., Podgaevskaya E.N., Pustovalova L.A., Ivchenko T.G., Zolotareva N.V. Invasion Levels of Alien Plants in Various Habitat Types in the Middle Urals. Russian Journal of Ecology. 2023. 54(4): 266–276. https://doi.org/10.1134/S1067413623040124
Jiroušek M., Peterka T., … Ivchenko T.G. et al. Classification of European bog vegetation of the Oxycocco-Sphagnetea class. Applied Vegetation Science. 2022. 25(1): e12646.
Ivchenko T.G., Znamenskiy S.R. Main ecological-geographical factors of mire vegetation syntaxa differentiation in Southern Urals. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2022. 1093: 012015.
Kotkova V.M., Afonina O.M., … Ivchenko T.G. et al. New cryptogamic records. 10. Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rastenii. 2022. 56(2): 477–517.
Sofronova E.V., Afonina O.M., … Ivchenko T.G. et al. New bryophyte records. 19. Arctoa. 2022. 31(2): 227–246.
Hájek M., Těšitel J., ... Ivchenko T. et al. Rising temperature modulates pH niches of fen species. Global Change Biology. 2022. 28(3): 1023–1037.
Kotkova V.M., Afonina O.M., ... Ivchenko T.G. et al. New cryptogamic records. 8. Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rastenii. 2021. 55(2): 495–516.
Melnikov D.G., Glazunov V.A., … Ivchenko T.G. et al. Floristic records in the Urals and adjacent territories. Flora and Vegetation of Asian Russia. 2021. 14(3): 225–242. [In Russian]
Ivchenko T.G. Flora of mires of mountain and plain areas of Chelyabinsk region. [Flora bolot gornykh i ravninnykh territorij Chelyabinskoj oblasti]. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2020. 105(2): 169–175. [In Russian]
Ivchenko T.G., Erokhina O.V., Pustovalova L.A. Mid-mountain high raised bogs of the western slope of the Southern Urals (within the Chelyabinsk Region). [Srednegornye verhovye bolota zapadnogo makrosklona Yuzhnogo Urala (v predelah Chelyabinskoj oblasti)]. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2020. 105(11): 1075–1092. [In Russian]
Ellis L.T., Afonina O.M., Czernyadjeva I.V., Ivchenko T.G., et al. New national and regional bryophyte records, 61. Journal of Bryology. 2019. 41(4): 364–384.
Znamenskiy S., Ivchenko T. From mountains to plains: ecological structure of the South Ural (Russia) fen vegetation. Wetlands. 2018. 38(6): 1269–1283.
Ellis L. T., Aleffi M., Asthana G., ... Ivchenko T.G., et al. New national and regional bryophyte records, 57. Journal of Bryology. 2018. 40(4): 399–419.
Peterka T., Hájek M., Jiroušek M., ... Ivchenko T., et al. Formalized classification of European fen vegetation at the alliance level. Applied Vegetation Science. 2017. 20(1): 124–142.
Ivchenko T.G. Mire habitats of the species of european importance as bases for monitoring in the system of Pan-european ecological network. [Bolotnye mestoobitaniya vidov rastenij evropejskogo znacheniya kak osnova monitoringa v sisteme Pan"evropejskoj ekologicheskoj seti]. Vestnik Tverskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya: Biologiya i Ekologiya. 2017. 3: 132–140. [In Russian]
Ivchenko T.G., Znamenskiy S.R. Ecological structure of plant communities on spring fens in the mountain taiga belt of the Southern Urals. Russian Journal of Ecology. 2016. 47(5): 453–459.
Ivchenko T.G., Znamenskiy S.R. Phytocoenotic diversity of spring fen vegetation in the mountain taiga belt of the Southern Ural (Chelyabinsk Region). [Fitocenoticheskoe raznoobrazie klyuchevykh bolot gorno-taezhnogo poyasa Yuzhnogo Urala (v predelakh Chelyabinskoj oblasti)]. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2015. 100(11): 1167–1184. [In Russian]
Ivchenko T.G., Potemkin A.D. Liverworts of mire ecosystems of South Urals within Chelyabinsk province. [Pechenochniki bolotnykh ekosistem Yuzhnoural'skogo regiona (v predelakh Chelyabinskoj oblasti)]. Arctoa. 2015. 24: 574–583. [In Russian]
Ivchenko T.G., Kulikov P.V. Floristic records of rare vascular plants on the mires of the Chelyabinsk region (Southern Urals). [Novye mestonahozhdeniya redkih vidov sosudistyh rastenij na bolotah Chelyabinskoj oblasti (Yuzhnyj Ural)]. Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta. Seriya 3: Biologiya. 2014. 4: 67–76. [In Russian]
Ivchenko T.G., Potemkin A.D. The liverworts of the mires of the Southern Urals (Chelyabinsk region). [Pechenochniki bolot Yuzhnogo Urala (Chelyabinskaya oblast')]. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2014. 99(3): 303–317. [In Russian]
Sofronova E.V., Afonina O.M., ... Ivchenko T.G. et al. New bryophyte records. 3. Arctoa. 2014. 23: 219–238. [In Russian]
Ivchenko T.G., Kulikov P.V. Floristic records of rare vascular plants on the mires of the Southern Urals (Chelyabinsk region). [Nakhodki redkikh vidov sosudistykh rastenij na bolotakh Yuzhnogo Urala (Chelyabinskaya oblast')]. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2013. 98(3): 371–382. [In Russian]
Ivchenko T.G. Convex subboreal bogs forest-steppe zone of the Western Siberia at the limit of their range (Chelyabinsk region). [Vypuklye verkhovye subboreal'nye bolota lesostepnoj zony Zapadnoj Sibiri na granitse areala (Chelyabinskaya oblast')]. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2013. 98(7): 885–902. [In Russian]
Ivchenko T.G. Mire vegetation of the Il'menski State Nature Reserve, the Southern Urals. [Rastitel'nost' bolot Il'menskogo gosudarstvennogo zapovednika (Yuzhnyj Ural)]. Vegetation of Russia. 2013. 22: 38–62. [In Russian]
Denisenkov V.P., Ivchenko T.G., Kuz'mina E.Yu. Mires of northern forest-steppe of Western Siberia in Chelyabinsk region. [Bolota severnoj lesostepi Zapadno-Sibirskoj nizmennosti v predelakh Chelyabinskoj oblasti]. Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta. Seriya 7: Geologiya. Geografiya. 2013. 4: 131–141. [In Russian]
Sofronova E.V. (red.), Abakarova A. S., ... Ivchenko T.G. et al. New bryophyte records. 2. Arctoa. 2013. 22: 239–262. [In Russian]
Ivchenko T.G., Denisenkov V.P. Peculiarity of the vegetation and peat deposit of the mire on the ridge Zigalga (South Ural). [Osobennosti rastitel'nosti i torfyanoj zalezhi bolota na khrebte Zigal'ga (Yuzhnyj Ural)]. Izvestiya Samarskogo nauchnogo tsentra Rossijskoj akademii nauk. 2012. 14(1(5)): 1244–1248. [In Russian]
Ivchenko T.G. Rare mire communities with Schoenus ferrugineus in the Southern Urals (Chelyabinsk region). [Redkie bolotnye soobshchestva s Schoenus ferrugineus L. na territorii Chelyabinskoj oblasti (Yuzhnyj Ural)]. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2012. 97(6): 79–86. [In Russian]
Sofronova E.V. (red.), Abakarova A.S., ... Ivchenko T.G. et al. New moss records. 1. Arctoa. 2012. 21: 275–300. [In Russian]
Ivchenko T.G. The degree of study and protection tasks of the diversity of mire ecosystems of the Chelyabinsk region. [Stepen' izuchennosti i zadachi okhrany raznoobraziya bolotnykh ekosistem Chelyabinskoj oblasti]. Vestnik Chelyabinskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serya Ekologiya i Prirodopol'zovanie. 2011. 5: 90–94. [In Russian]
Ivchenko T.G. Mire complexes of the Il'menski Nature Reserve (South Ural) [Bolotnye kompleksy Il'menskogo zapovednika (Yuzhnyj Ural)]. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2005. 90(4): 544–554. [In Russian]
Ivchenko T.G. Biomorphological structure of the flora of the mire communities of the Il'menski Nature Reserve. [Biomorfologicheskaya struktura flory bolotnyh soobshchestv Il'menskogo zapovednika]. Vestnik Chelyabinskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serya Ekologiya i Prirodopol'zovanie. 2005. 1: 31–35. [In Russian]