Nadezhda Matveyeva
Author Identifiers: Russian Science Citation Index
Academic degree, academic title: Dr.Sc.
Position: Leading Researcher
Research interests:
Arctic (Taymyr, Severnaya Zemlya, European North, Canadian Arctic Archipelago, North-East Land), polar deserts, tundra, biodiversity, flora, vegetation, classification, structure and dynamics of plant communities, biogeography, zonation
Education and work experience:
1957 — entered the Leningrad State Univesity, Biology Department, from which graduated with honors in geobotany in 1962
1962 — entered the Komarov Botanical Institute (BIN) to the post of Jr. laboratory assistant
1966 — enrolled in graduate school BIN (B. A. Tikhomirov, head), from which graduated in 1969
1969 — enlisted in BIN to the post Jr. researcher in the Laboratory of far North
1970 — PhD thesis "Features of the vegetation structure of the main types of tundra in the middle reaches of the river Pyasina (Western taymyr)"
1995 — doctoral thesis "Zonal environment factors and plant cover of the tundra zone (with Taymyr as an example)"
Grants and research projects:
Grants RFBR
- Initiative:
- 1993–1995. 93-04-06321-а. Adaptive strategy in the extreme environments; participant
- 1996–1998. 96-04-51080-а. Climatic gradients and species diversity of communities; participant
- 1997–1999. 97-04-48952-а. Composition and structure of the polar desert communities; head
- 1999–2001. 99-04-48888-а Latitudinal gradients of climate heat and taxonomical structure of the Arctic biota; participant
- 2000–2002. 00-04-49439-а. Botanical criteria of the tundra and polar desert zones subdivision; head
- 2002–2004. 02-04-48663-а Taxonomical diversity and community organization in the Arctic; participant
- 2003–2005. 03-04-49400-а. Regional features of flora and vegetation of polar deserts and their altitudinal analogues; head
- 2006–2008. 06-04-49295-а. Syntaxonomical diversities within the Arctic and its dependence on the ecological and geographical factors; head
- 2010–2012. 10-04-01114-а. Species and community chorology analysis both for the purposes of the latitudinal zonal typology and an assessment of climatogenic dynamics of the Arctic plant cover; head
- 2013–2015. 13-04-01385. Geobotanical regionalization of East-European tundra as a basis for evaluation and maintaining their coenoticdiversity; participant
- Expeditions:
- 1997. 97-04-63024-к. (Bolshevik Isl.); participant
- 1998. 98-04-63055-к. (о-в Большевик); participant
- 1999. 99-04-63039-к (Canadian arctic archipelago); participant
- 2000. 00-04-63045-к. (Bolshevik Isl.); participant
- 2001. 01-04-63038-к (Nenetz autonomic district); participant
- 2002. 02-04-63050-к. (the lower reaches of the Kolyma river); participant
- 2010. 10-04-10121-к (Taymyr); participant
- 2012.10064-к. (Taymyr); head
- Publishing:
- 1997. 97-04-62055-д. The publication of the monograph "Zonation in plant cover of the Arctic"; head
- 2015. 15-04-07031. The publication of the collective monograph "Plants and fungi of the polar deserts in the northern hemisphere"; head
- The publication of the series "Vegetation of Russia" No 4, 5, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16; participant
Programms of the Presidium of RAS
- Biodiversity and The living nature
- 2006–2008. Syntaxonomy and latidudinal-zonal variation of the structure of the Arctic plant communities; head
- 2009–2011. The chorology of species and communities for the diagnostic of the the units of the Arctic zonal and floristic and geobotanical subdivision; head
- 2012–2016. The diversity and dynamics of the Arctic plant cover and the mechanisms for its sustainability; head
- 2003–2005. Study of the trends in parameters of diversity of the Arctic ecosystems, mechanisms of influence of climatic and anthropogenic factors on its dynamics; responsible performer on BIN
- Projects under the leadership by academician Yu. I. Chernov
- 2004–2009. Evolution of the holocene and modern communities and ecosystems; responsible performer on BIN
- 2010–2013. Communities in extreme environments: models of synecological structures of ancient land; responsible performer on BIN
- Scientific school by academician Yu. I. Chernov
- 2000–2013. Responsible performer on BIN
Conferences and workshops:
- In Russian Federation: yearly participation in 1–2 conferences on northern topics and problems of classification of vegetation.
- International meetings beginning since 1986: Germany (1986, 2008), Denmark (1993, 1995), Iceland (2004), Canada (1995), The Netherlands (1987), Norway (1993, 1995, 2004), Poland (2013), USA (1992, 1996, 1997), Finland (1990, 1993), Sweden (1998, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2004), Japan (1990).
Professional memberships:
- Russia
- Komi: 1964 — field station “Sivaya Maska” (B. N. Norin, head)
- Taymyr (in total 25): 1965–1967, 1969–1970, 2010 — Tareya; 1972–1973 — Maria Pronchishtseva bay; 1974 — Cape Chelyuskin; 1975–1977 — Kresty; 1978–1979, 2012 — Dickson; 1980 — Lenivaya river, Sibiryakov Isl., Dickson; 1981 — the rivers Osipovka, Efremov Kamen, Uboinaya; 1982 — the rivers Syradasai, Ragozinka; 1983 — Ragozinka river;1985 — Ragozinka river, Kresty;1986 — Ragozinka river, Koso-Turku lake; 1988 — Uboinaya river; 1990 — the rivers Ragozinka, Efremova, Uboinaya; 1993 — Taymyr lake; 1996 — Putorana plateau
- Northern Zemlya: 1997–1998, 2000 — Bolshevik Isl.
- European North: 1964 — Sivaya Maska, 2001 — Kuznetskaya (Pechora sea), 2003–2004, 2006 — Dolgyi Isl. (Barents sea), 2008 — route Naryan-Mar Usinsk, 2014 — Pakhanchesskaya Bay (Barents sea)
- Yakutia: 2002 — Kolyma river (Cherskyi Ambarchik)
- Canada
- Canadian arctic archipelago: 1989, 1991 — Devon Isl.; 1999 — CANTRAN-99 (Banks, Victory, Ellesmere, Amund Ringnes Islands), 2005 — Ellef Ringnes Isl.
- Kazakhstan
- Karaganda Region: 1961 — biocomplex expedition BIN in Kazakhstan, field station Zhan-Arka (university diploma practice)
- Norway
- Spitsbergrn: 2007 (West Spitsbergrn, North-East Land)
Editorial activity:
Editor in chief of the Journal "Vegetation of Russia"
- Sekretareva N. A. 1999. Vascular plants of the Russian Arctic and the adjacent territories
- Sekretareva N. A. 2004. Vascular plants of the Russian Arctic and the adjacent territories
- Afonina O. M. 2004. Moss flora of Chukotka
- Red Data Book of Nenets Autonomous Okrug. 2006
- Dedov A. A. 2006. Vegetation of Malozemelskaya and Timanskaya tundras
- Sergienko V. G. 2013Concrete floras of the Kanin-Mezenski region
- Plants and fungi of the polar deserts in the northern hemisphere. 2015
Scientific-organizational and teaching activities:
- Member of doctor scientific council in BIN RAS
- The head of the Phd thesises: Zanokha L. L. (1989), Chinenko S. V. (2005), Babina N. S. (2007); Yanchenko Z. A. (2007)
- Opponent of the PhD and Dr. Sci. Thesises