Nadezda Sekretaryova

Nadezda Sekretaryova

Author Identifiers: Scopus Author ID, Russian Science Citation Index

Academic degree, academic title: Ph.D.

Position: Leading Specialist


Research interests:

  • Vegetation and flora of the Arctic: Chukotka, Taimyr, Yakutia, Polar Ural.

Keywords: Flora, vegetation, classification, Arctic

Education and work experience:

1968-1973 – Leningrad State University, Faculty of Geography, Department of Botanical Geography.
1989 — PhD thesis «Plant communities of shrubby willows of the East of the Chukchi Peninsula» (B. A. Yurtsev, head).

1978-1989 – Senior Laboratory Assistant, Komarov Botanical Institute Academy of Sciences of the USSR.
1989-1992 – Research Assistant , Komarov Botanical Institute Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Far North Vegetation Laboratory.
1992-2001 – Research Scientist , Komarov Botanical Institute RAS, Far North Vegetation Laboratory.
2002-2020 – Senior Researcher, Komarov Botanical Institute RAS, Far North Vegetation Laboratory and the Laboratory of Geography and Vegetation Mapping.
2020-2021 – Leading Specialist, Komarov Botanical Institute RAS, Laboratory of Geography and Vegetation Mapping.

Conferences and workshops:

Organizing committee:

  • All-Russian Scientific Conference with international participation «Domestic Geobotany: main milestones and prospects». St. Petersburg, September 2011. Member of the organizing committee.


  • All-Russian scientific conference with international participation «Domestic geobotany: main milestones and prospects». Russia, St. Petersburg, September 2011. Oral presentation.
  • All-Russian School-Seminar on Comparative Floristics, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the «Oka Flora» A. F. Flerov. Russia, Ryazan, 2010. Oral presentation.
  • All-Russian conference «Fundamental and applied problems of botany at the beginning of the XXI century». Russia, Petrozavodsk, 2008. Oral presentation.
  • III All-Russian School-Conference «Actual Problems of Geobotany». Russia, Petrozavodsk, September 2007. Poster.
  • All-Russian conference «Biodiversity of vegetation cover of the Far North: inventory, monitoring, protection». Russia, Syktyvkar, 2006. Oral presentation.

Professional memberships:

Editorial activity:

Selected publications:


Secretareva N.A. Vascular plants of the Russian Arctic and adjacent territories. Moscow. 2004. 131 p. [In Russian]

Zheleznov-Chukotsky N.K., Sekretareva N.A., Astakhova T.I., Zhukova A.I., Tikhomirov Yu.B., Lozovskaya S.A. Natural conditions and resources of the Chukotka Peninsula. [Prirodnye usloviya I resursy Chukotskogo poluostrova]. M. Geos 2003. 503 p. [In Russian]


Sekretareva N.A., Razzhivin V.Yu., Petrovsky V.V. Local floras of the northeastern part of the Chukotka Peninsula (basin of the Chegitun and Utaveem Rivers). Botanical journal. 2020. 105(7): 646–671.

Sekretareva N.A. Local flora of the Beringia National Park (South-east of the Chukotka Peninsula) [Lokalnaya flora naczionalnogo parka beringiya (yugo-vostok Chukotskogo poluostrova]. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2018. 103(1): 64–94. [In Russian]

Razzhivin V.Yu., Sekretareva N.A., Petrovsky V.V. On the flora of the south-western part of the Chukotka Highlands. [O flore yugo-zapadnoi chasti Chukotskogo nagorya]. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2013. 98(7): 801–827. [In Russian]

Petrovsky V.V., Razzhivin V.Yu., Sekretareva N.A. Flora of the Ekiatap ridge (Chukotka highlands). [Flara Ekiatapskogo khrebta (Chukotskoe nagore)]. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2011. 96(1): 22-51. [In Russian]

Petrovsky V.V., Sekretareva N.A. On the flora sof northern part of' Olenek-Lena watershed (republic of Sakha) [K flore severnoy chasti Leno-Olenekskogo mezhdurechya]. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2011. 96(8): 1006–1036. [In Russian]

Sekretareva N.A. On the geographical structure of the high-altitude floras of the Polar Urals (on the example of the flora of the middle course of the R. B. Paipudyn). [o geograficheskoi structure vysokogornykh flor polyarnogo Urala (na primere flory sredney chasti r. Bolschaya Paipudyna]. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2011. 96(9): 1185–1196. [In Russian]

Sekretareva N.A. On the terminology of geographical latitudinal elements in the Arctic [O terminologii geograficheskikh latitudinal elements v Arktike]. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2010. 95(4): 448–463. [In Russian]

Petrovsky V.V., Sekretareva N.A. To the flora of the mountain part of the Ust-Lensky Nature Reserve and adjacent territories (Republic of Sakha [K flore gornoy chasti Ust-Lenskogo zapovednik i sborozhelnykh territorii (republic of Sakha)]. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2010. 95(10): 36–61. [In Russian]

Secretareva N.A. New species of the genus Taraxacum (Asteraceae) for the flora of the Polar Urals [Novye vidy roda Taraxacum dlya flory Polyarnogo Urala]. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2009. 94(8): 1242–1244. [In Russian]

Petrovsky V.V., Sekretareva N.A. Local flora of the upper reaches of the Unknown River (Wrangel Island). [Lokalnaya flora verkhovev r. neizvestnoi]. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2008. 93(6): 28–46. [In Russian]

Koroleva T.M., Zverev A.A., ... Sekretareva N.A. et al. Longitude geographical structure of local and regional floras of the Asian Arctic. [Dolgotnaya geolgraficheskaya structura lokalnykh I regionalnykh flor asiatskoy Arctica]. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2008. 93(2): 193–220. [In Russian]

Korobkov A.A., Sekretareva N.A. Taxonomic and geographical structure of the flora of the Anadyr River basin (Chukotka Autonomous Okrug) [Taksonomicheskaya I geografocheskaya structura flory basseina r. Anadyr]. Byulleten BSI FEB RAS (Bot. garden-Institute FEB RAS). Vladivostok. 2007. 1(1): 51–70. [In Russian]

Sekretareva N.A., Sytin A.K. Monitoring of flora in the vicinity of Tiksi Bay (Arctic Yakutia). [Monitoring flory okrestnostei bukhty Tiksi]. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2006. 91(1): 3–22. [In Russian]

Yurtsev B.A., Zverev A.A., ... Sekretareva N.A. et al. Spatial structure of species diversity of local and regional floras of the Asian Arctic [Struktura vidovpogo rasnoobrasia lokalnykh I regionalnylh flor Asiatskoi Arctici]. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2004. 89(11): 1689–1727. [In Russian]

Sekretareva N.A. Eutrophic communities of shrubby willows in the middle reaches of the Palyavaam River (western part of the Chukchi highlands, North-East Asia). Vegetation of Russia. SPb. 2003. 5: 41–49. [In Russian]

Yurtsev B.A., Zverev A.A., ... Sekretareva N.A. et al. Gradients of taxonomic parameters of local and regional floras of the Asian Arctic (in the network of biodiversity monitoring points). [Gradienty taksonomicheskogo rasnoobrasiya lokalnykh I regionalnykh flor Asiatskoi Arctici]. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2002. 2002. 87(6): 1–28. [In Russian]

Sekretareva N.A. Floristic characteristics of ecotopes in the upper reaches of the Long River (Northern Koryakia, North-East Asia). [Floristicheslie kharacteristici ecotopov verkhovev r. Dlinnoi]. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2002. 87(9): 56–77. [In Russian]

Sekretareva N.A. Communities of shrubby willows in the upper reaches of the Long River (Northern Koryakia, North-East Asia). Rastitelnost Rossii. St. Petersburg, 2001. 1: 36–42. [In Russian]

Korobkov A.A., Sekretareva N.A. Analysis of the flora of "Southern Chukotka" (Nizhneanadyrsky okrug) [Analizh flory Yuzhnoi Chukotki]. Krylovia. 2001. 3(2): 63–77. [In Russian]

Yurtsev B.A., Katenin A.E., ... Sekretareva N.A. et al. Experience of creating a network of monitoring points of biodiversity in the Asian Arctic at the level of local floras: zonal trends. [Opyt issledovania biorasnoobrasia seti tochek lokalnykh flor asiatskoi Arctici: zonalnye trendy]. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2001. 86(9): 1–27. [In Russian]