Galina Titova
Author Identifiers: Web of Science ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID, Russian Science Citation Index, ORCID iD
Academic degree, academic title: Ph.D.
Position: Leading Researcher, Laboratory Head
Research interests:
- Plant embryology and reproductive biology of plants.
- Morphogenesis of reproductive structures in vivo and in vitro.
- Ecological and population embryology.
- Evolutionary developmental biology.
Keywords: Embryology, reproductive biology, anther, ovule, seed, gametogenesis, fertilization, embryogenesis, polyembryony, deep morphology
Education and work experience:
1973–1979 — Leningrad State University (dep. of Plant physiology and biochemistry).
1988 — PhD thesis «Embryology of some aquatic plants (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn., Cabomba caroliniana A.Gray, Trapa natans L.)».
1976–2015 — Research Scientist of laboratory of plant embryology and reproductive biology of Komarov Botanical Institute of RAS.
2016 – until now – Head of laboratory of plant embryology and reproductive biology of Komarov Botanical Institute of RAS.
Grants and research projects:
Project leader:
- 2020–2022. RFBR №20-34-90134 Project name «Reproductive biology of some species of Pinguicula L. genus (Lentibulariaceae) at North-West of Russia».
- 2016–2018. RFBR №16-04-01809-а Project name «Morphogenesis, structural-functional organization and evolution of reproductive structures in the system of subgenus Esula Pers., genus Euphorbia L. (Euphorbiaceae)».
- 2016. RFBR №16-04-20739. Project name «Project of organization of the conference — V International School for young scientists «Embryology, genetics and biotechnology», devoted to Prof. Tatana Borisovna Batygina (Saint-Petersburg, 9–14 October 2016)».
Member of research team:
- 2017–2019. RFBR №17-04-00862-а «Mechanisms of plants adaptation to microgravity simulated by 3D-clinorotation» (Project leader S.S. Medvedev).
- 2016–2018. RFBR №16-16-00026. Project name «Mechanisms for the tolerance development in Pisum sativum L. and Brassica napus L. seeds to the oxidative stress and glycoxidative protein damage during a storage» (Project leader S.S. Medvedev).
- 2014–2015. Grant of the President of RF for the supporting of the leading scientific schools of Russian Federation № NSH-5282.2014.4. Project name «Elaboration of the theory of reproduction from the position of the problem of integrity and reliability of biosystems. Polyvariancy of morphogenetical developmental programs, natural and artificial models of their realization» (Project leader — T.B. Batygina).
- 2013–2015. RFBR №13-04-00541. Project name «Euphorbia L. subgenus Esula Pers.: the diversity of palynological, anatomical and embryological characters, geographical analysis» (Project leader — D.V. Geltman).
Professional memberships:
- Russian Botanical society
- Vice-President of The Society of Plant Reproductive Biologists
Editorial activity:
- Editorial Board member of Proceedings of the V International School-conference for young scientists «Embryology, genetics, biotechnology», devoted to Prof. Tatyana Borisovna Batgina (Russia, S.-Petersburg, 9–14 October 2016 г.).
- Editorial Board member «Embryology of flowering plants. Terminology and concepts». Ed. T.B. Batygina. Science Publishers. Inc. Enfield (NH), USA; Plymouth, UK. Vol. 2 — «Seed».
Selected publications:
Batygina T.B., Kruglova N.N., Gorbunova V.Yu., Titova G.E., Seldimirova O.G. From microspore — to variety. Moscow. Nauka. 2010. 177p. [In Russian]
Kruglova N.N., Batygina T.B., Gorbunova V.Yu., Titova G.E., Seldimirova O.G. Embryological basis of androcliny in wheats. Moscow. Sciences. 2005. 100 p. [In Russian]
Embryology of flowering plants. Terminology and concepts. Ed.T.B. Batygina. Science Publishers. Inc. Enfield (NH), USA; Plymouth, UK. 2000 — Vol. 1 Generative organs. 2006. Vol. 2 – Seed. Vol. 3 Reproduction systems — 2009.
Comparative embryology of flowering plants Ed. M.S. Yakovlev. L.: Nauka. Vol. 1 — 1981, Vol. 2 — 1983, Vol. 3 — 1985, Vol. 4 — 1987. Vol. 5 — 1990. [In Russian]
Comparative anatomy of seeds. Ed. A.L. Takhtajan, M.Ph. Danilova. L.: Nauka. Vol. 1 — 1988. Vol. 5 - 1996. Vol. 7 (Additional) — 2013. [In Russian]
Geltman D.V., Medvedeva N.A., Titova G.E., Yakovleva O.V. Sphaerocrystals in seeds of Euphorbia subgenus Esula (Euphorbiaceae): morphology, occurrence, and relationship with phylogeny. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 2024. 206(2): 1–18.
Nikolaeva (Pushkareva) L.A., Koroleva T.M., Titova G.E. Growing conditions and seed reproductivity of Pinguicula vulgaris (Lentibulariaceae) in Leningrad region. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2023. 108(7): 670–689. [In Russian]
Kruglova N.N., Titova G.E., Zinatullina A.E. Critical stages of cereal embryogenesis: Theoretical and practical significance. Russian Journal of Developmental Biology. 2022. 53(6): 1–17.
Nikolaeva (Pushkareva) L.A., Titova G.E. Microgametophytogenesis in Pinguicula vulgaris (Lentibulariaceae). Botanicheskii Zurnal. 2022. 107(2): 198–203.
Titova G.E., Nyukalova M.A. Embryo sac development in Euphorbia myrsinites and E. komaroviana (Euphorbiaceae). Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2021. 106(5): 438–459. [In Russian]
Smolikova G., Shiroglazova O. ... Titova G. et al. Comparative analysis of the plastid conversion, photochemical activity and chlorophyll degradation in developing embryos of green-seeded and yellow-seeded pea (Pisum sativum) cultivars. Functional Plant Biology. 2020. 47(5): 409–424.
Kruglova N.N., Titova G.E., Seldimirova O.A., Zinatullina A.E., Veselov D.S. Embryo of Flowering Plants at the Critical Stage of Embryogenesis Relative Autonomy (by Example of Cereals). Russian Journal of developmental biology. 2020. 51(1): 1–15.
Titova G.E., Yakovleva O.V., Zhinkina N.A., Nyukalova M.A., Geltman D.V. Seed development in some species of the sections Lathyris, Holophyllum и Myrsiniteae, of the subgenus Esula genus Euphorbia (Euphorbiaceae). Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2019. 104(4): 528–568. [In Russian]
Kruglova N.N., Titova G.E., Seldimirova O.A., Zinatullina A.E. Organogenesis in vitro in the callus culture of cereals. Russian Journal of Developmental Biology. 2018. 49(5): 245–259.
Titova G.E., Yakovleva O.V., Zhinkina N.A., Geltman D.V. Seed development in some species of Helioscopia and Esula sections, subgenus Esula of the genus Euphorbia (Euphorbiaceae). Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2018. 103(11): 1355–1359. [In Russian]
Pushkareva L. A., Vinogradova G. Yu., Titova G. E. Reproductive biology of Pinguicula vulgaris (Lentibulariaceae) in Leningrad region. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2018. 103(12): 1501–1513. [In Russian]
Seldimirova O.A., Kruglova N.N., Titova G.E., Batygina T.B. Comparative ultrastructural analysis of the in vitro microspore embryoids and in vivo zygotic embryos of wheat as a basis for understanding of cytophysiological aspects of their development. Russian Journal of Developmental Biology. 2017. 48(3): 185–197.
Torshilova A.A., Vinogradova G.Yu., Titova G.E. Development of female gametophyte in Dioscorea caucasica (Dioscoreaceae). The International Journal of Plant Reproductive Biology. 2017. 9(2): 148–152.
Seldimirova O.A., Titova G.E., Kruglova N.N. A complex morpho-histological approach to the in vitro study of morphogenic structures in a wheat anther culture. Biology bulletin. 2016. 2: 121–126.
Titova G.E., Seldimirova O.A., Kruglova N.N., Galin I.R., Batygina T.B. The phenomenon of «Syamese embryos» in grasses in vivo and in vitro: cleavage polyembryony and fasciations. Russian Journal of developmental biology. 2016. 47(3): 122–137.
Titova G. E. Germination biology of Pinguicula vulgaris (Lentibulariaceae). Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2012. 97(9): 1–26. [In Russian]
Rudskiy I.V., Titova G.E., Batygina T.B. Analysis of Space-Temporal Symmetry in the Early Embryogenesis of Calla palustris L., Araceae. Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena. 2011. 6(6): 82–106.
Titova G.E. Algorythms of embryo morphogenesis in Agapanthus praecox Willd. (Alliaceae) аt mono–, dicotyly and transitional forms. Acta Biologica Cracoviensia (Ser. Botanica). 2003. 45(1): 161–165.
Titova G.E., Batygina T.B. Is the embryo of Nymphaealean plants (Nymphaeales S.L.) a dicotyledonous? Phytomorphology. 1996. 46(2): 171–190.
Batygina T.B., Bragina E.A., Titova G.E. Morphogenesis of propagules in viviparous species Bryophyllum diagremontianum and B. calycinum. Acta Soc.Bot.Pol. 1996. 65(1–2): 127–133.