Elena Andronova
Author Identifiers: Web of Science ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID, Russian Science Citation Index, ORCID iD, Google Scholar
Academic degree, academic title: Ph.D.
Position: Senior Researcher
E-mail: elena_andronova@binran.ru
Research interests:
- Orchids: conservation of biological diversity; artificial reproduction; genetic structure of populations; intraspecific and intragenomic polymorphism; taxa of uncertain status, features of their origin and position in the structure of the genus.
Keywords: Reproductive biology, rare species of flowering plants, orchids, seed reproduction, post-seed development, genetic structure of populations, hybridization, polymorphism
Education and work experience:
1984 — graduated from Leningrad State University, Department of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry.
1984–1987 — postgraduate study at the Komarov Botanical Institute of Academy of Sciences of the USSR (scientific supervisor T.B. Batygina).
1989 — PhD in Biological Sciences, Komarov Botanical Institute Academy of Sciences of the USSR.
1987–1989 — Research Assistant of the Vavilov Institute of Plant Industry
1989–1993 — Research Scientist at the Vavilov Institute of Plant Industry.
1993–1998 — Research Scientist at the Komarov Botanical Institute of the RAS.
1998 — until now — Senior Researcher at the Komarov Botanical Institute of the RAS.
Grants and research projects:
Project leader:
- 2013–2015. RFBR №13-04-96605 р_юг_а. «South of Russia» «Features of the biology of some rare endangered and economically valuable plant species (family Orchidaceae, Dioscoreaceae, Campanulaceae, etc.), development of technologies for their accelerated reproduction to preserve the biological diversity of plant communities in the Krasnodar Territory».
- 2010. RFBR №10-04-10059 к «Organizing and conducting an expedition to study the reproductive biology, intraspecific variability and systematics of orchids».
- 2009. RFBR №09-04-10095-к «Organizing and conducting an expedition to study the reproductive biology, intraspecific variability and systematics of orchids».
- 2006. RFBR №06-04-63128-к «Organizing and conducting an expedition to study the reproductive biology, intraspecific variability and systematics of orchids».
- 2005. RFBR №05-04-10089-к «Organizing and conducting an expedition to study the reproductive biology, intraspecific variability and systematics of orchids».
Member of research team:
- 2015–2017. RFBR №15-44-02354 «Development of a comprehensive method for restoring populations of endangered species of slipper on the example of Cypripedium guttatum Sw. in the Nizhny Novgorod region».
- 2014–2016. RFBR №14-04-92004 ННС_а «Phylogeography and polymorphism of members of the genus Cypripedium in Taiwan and Russia».
- 2014–2015. Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for the support of leading scientific schools of the Russian Federation №NSH-5282.2014.4. «Development of the theory of plant reproduction from the standpoint of the problem of integrity and reliability of biosystems. Polyvariance of morphogenetic development programs, natural and artificial models of their implementation».
- 2013. RFBR №13-04-10179 к «Scientific project of an expedition to collect material for the study of the genetic and morphological polymorphism of orchids».
- 2012–2014. RFBR №12-04-01560-а «Evolution and systematics of orchids in Russia according to the study of their genetic and morphological polymorphism».
- 2010–2011. Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for the support of leading scientific schools of the Russian Federation №NSH-7637.2010.4 «Development of the theory and identification of reserves of plant reproduction. Morphogenetic programs and stem cells as a basis for sustainable development».
- 2008–2010. RFBR №08-04-00756-а «Orchids of Russia. Taxonomy, reproductive biology, genetic structure and population dynamics».
- 2008–2009. Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for the support of leading scientific schools of the Russian Federation №NSH-2096.2008.4 «Development of theoretical foundations of seed reproduction of flowering plants».
- 2005–2007. RFBR №05-04-49595а «Orchids of Russia. Taxonomy, reproductive biology, and artificial reproduction of populations».
- 2001–2003. RFBR №01-04-48806-a «Ultrastructural characteristics of glandular hairs of Droseraceae representatives and its taxonomic significance».
- 2000–2002. RFBR №00-01-00186-a «Mechanics of mass transfer in plant growth processes».
- 1999–2001. RFBR №99-04-48002-a «Algorithms of morphogenesis in seed and vegetative reproduction».
- 1996–1998. RFBR №96-04-48005-a «Embryological foundations of seed reproduction».
Other projects:
Projects in the framework of projects and programs of fundamental research of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Andronova E.V.:
- 2015–2018. «Molecular and genetic aspects of natural hybridization and features of the reproductive biology of orchids».
- 2012–2014. «Structure and renewal of interspecific evolutionary complexes in orchids (on the example of the genera Cypripedium, Dactylorhiza, Orchis, Ophrys) and development of methods for the conservation of rare species».
- 2009–2011. «Comprehensive study of rare species of orchids in connection with the development of methods for their conservation».
- 2006–2008. «Development of theoretical and practical bases for the repatriation of rare species of orchids for their conservation».
- 2000–2002. 6th competition examination of scientific projects of young scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the project «Reproductive biology of some rare and protected plants of Russia and the development of biotechnological methods of their reproduction».
During the implementation of the projects, a comprehensive study of the biology of orchids was carried out, using traditional and modern methods of taxonomy, embryology and genetics. The objects of the study were plants of several species listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation (2008) from the genera Orchis, Cypripedium, Dactylorhiza, Gymnadenia, Ophrys, and Liparis.
For the first time, the polymorphism and genetic structure of populations of some rare species of orchids were studied, and the genetic structure of interspecific introgressive hybrid complexes involving rare taxa was described. Previously unknown facts of the presence of intragenomic polymorphism of the ITS1 DNA site in Cypripedium calceolus, in C. shanxiense, and in C. × ventricosum and the existence of two different genetic lines of C. calceolus. It is finally proved that the individuals of C. x ventricosum is a hybrid of C. calceolus × C. macranthon. The absence of hybridization in sympatric populations between C. shanxiense — C. calceolus and C. shanxiense — C. macranthon is shown. It is suggested that the hybridogenic origin of C. shanxiense and the "eastern" race of C. calceolus. Previously unknown taxon-specific alleles have been identified for rare members of the genus Dactylorhiza (D. salina and D. ochroleuca). For the first time, a study of seed quality and offspring viability in Orchis purpurea Huds. ssp. caucasica was conducted. Based on the cytoembryological study of seeds at different stages of their development, the reason for the decrease in their quality at the time of dissemination was revealed — genetic disorders of the normal course of embryonic development.
Selected publications:
Chang J-T., Zhang Yu, Andronova E. et al. Middle Pleistocene climate change influenced northward divergence and cold adaptation in an Asian lady’s slipper orchid, Cypripedium macranthos Sw. (Orchidaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 2024. 205(2): 150–160.
Andronova E.V., Butuzova O.G., Kovaleva A.A., Semenova E.Ju. Microclonal propagation of Cardiocrinum cordatum var. glehnii (Liliaceae) using the culture of isolated embryos. Biotechnologia I seleczia rastenyi. 2024. 7(4). [In Russian]
Butuzova О.G., Kovaleva A.A., Andronova E.V. The effect of cold treatment on the germination of Cardiocrinum cordatum var. glehnii (Liliaceae) seeds. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2023. 108(12): 1119–1127.
Andronova E.V., Kovaleva A.A. The quality and variability of morphometric parameters of seeds in Dactylorhiza urvilleana (Steudel) Baumann et Kuenkele (Orchidaceae). Tomsk State University Journal of Biology.. 2023. 63: 43–58.
Nazarov V.V., Semenova E.U., Andronova E.V., Tsokalo I., Semenova E.F. Development of clonal micropropagation technology for Ludisia discolor (Ker Gawl.) A. Rich in vitro conditions. BIO Web of Conferences. 2023. 57: 03003.
Balashova A.V., Andronova E.V., Kovaleva A.A., Butuzova O.G. Photosensitivity of seed germination of Cymbidium dayanum (Orchidaceae). Botanicheskii Zurnal. 2022. 107(4): 385–396.
Shirokov A.I., Syrova V.V., Salokhin A.V., Markelov I.N., Andronova E.V., Ganyushkina E.V. Conservation issues and infraspecific polymorphism of Cypripedium guttatum on selected locations in Russia. Nature Conservation Research. 2020. 5(1): 145–154.
Andronova E.V., Kovaleva A. A., Evdokimova E. E, Nazarov V. V., Semeonov A. V. Fruitаge and seed viability of Orchis purpurea (Orchidaceae) at the northeast limit of distribution. The International Journal of Plant Reproductive Biology. 2020. 12(1): 56–66.
Butuzova O.G., Torshilova A.A., Andronova E.V. Seed dormancy in Cardiocrinum cordatum var. Glenii (Liliaceae) and ways of its overcoming. The International Journal of Plant Reproductive biology. 2019. 11(1): 51–57.
Andronova E.V., Butuzova O.G., Torshilova A.A. Mechanisms of seed dormancy in Cardiocrinum cordatum var. Glenii (Liliaceae). Botanica Pacifica: a Journal of Plant Science and Conservation. 2019. 8(2): 19–24.
Andronova E. V., Kovaleva A. A., Evdokimova E. E., Nazarov V. V. Causes of low viability of Orchis purpurea (Orchidaceae) seeds in the Crimea. Botanicheskii Zhurnal. 2018. 103(8): 992–1002.
Andronova E.V., Filippov E.G. Genetic polymorphism of Orchis militaris. Ekosistemy. 2018. 16(46): 58–67.
Filippov E. G., Andronova E. V. Genetic Structure of Populations and Natural Hybridization between Dactylorhiza salina and D. incarnata (Orchidaceae). Russian Journal of Genetics. 2017. 53(3): 325–337.
Filippov E. G., Andronova E. V., Kazlova V. M. Genetic Structure of the Populations of Dactylorhiza ochroleuca and D. incarnata (Orchidaceae) in the Area of Their Joint Growth in Russia and Belarus. Russian Journal of Genetics. 2017. 53(6): 661–671.
Andronova E.V., Machs Ed. M., Filippov E.G., Raiko M.P., Yung-I Lee, Averyanov L.V. Phylogeography of the genus Cypripedium (Orchidaceae) taxa in Russia. Botanicheskii Zhurnal. 2017. 102(8): 1027–1059.
Andronova E.V., Evdokimova E. E, Semeonov A. V. Reasons for the formation of an unviable seeds in Orchis purpurea subsp. caucasica (Orchidaceae). Nauka Kubani. 2016. 3: 13–20.
Andronova E.V., Machs Ed. M., Filippov E.G. Genetic polymorphism in Cypripedium calceolus, C. macranthon, C. shanxiense, C. × ventricosum (Orchidaceae) according to pyrosequencing data. Problems of botany in Southern Siberia and Mongolia. 2016. 15: 95–100.
Andronova E.V., Evdokimova E. E, Semeonov A. V. Fruiting, heterosperm, and seed quality in Orchis purpurea (Orchidaceae). Botanichesky Zhournal. 2015. 100(4): 359–372.
Poluboyarova T.V., Novikova T.I., Vinogradova G.Yu., Andronova E.V. Morpho-histological analysis of direct shoot organogenesis induced in flower buds cultures of Allium altissimum. American Journal of Plant Sciences. 2014. 5(13): 2015–2022.
Andronova E.V. Heterogeneity of seeds and seed progeny in some species of orchids in experiments in vitro and in natural conditions. In: Fundamental and applied aspects of modern orchidology. Kiev. 2014. 1: 9–19.
Poluboyarova T.V., Andronova E.V., Novikova T.I., Vinogradova G.Yu. Regeneration of shoots from flower tissues Allium altissimum (Alliaceae) in culture in vitro. Rastitelnie resursi. 2011. 3: 33–42.
Andronova E.V., Ivasenko Zh. V., Vakhrameeva M. G., Varlygina T.I. Experiments of transplantation Dactylorhiza maculata s.l. plants grown in culture in vitro to natural conditions. Proceedings of S.N. Skadovsky Zvenigorod biological station. M., Moscow University Press. 2011. 5: 97–107.
Filippov E. G., Andronova E. V. Genetic Differentiation in Plants of the Genus Cypripedium from Russia Inferred from Allozyme Data. Russian Journal of Genetics. 2011. 47(5): 538–545.
Andronova E.V. Letal anomalies of the structure and development of the embryo in Dactylorhiza fuchsii (Orchidaceae). Botanichesky Zhournal. 2011. 96(7): 858–863.
Andronova E.V., Kulikov P.V., Philippov E.G., Vasilyeva V.E., Batygina T.B. Problems and Perspectives of in vitro seed propagation in orchids of temperate zone. In: Embryology of flowering plants. Terminology and concepts. (Ed. T.B. Batygina). 2009. Vol. 3. Reproductive systems. Science publishers. Enfield, USA, Plymouth UK. 367–375, 567.
Andronova E.V., Batygina T.B., Vasilyeva V.E. Protocorm. In: Embryology of flowering plants. Terminology and concepts. (Ed. T.B. Batygina). 2009. Vol. 3. Reproductive systems. Science publishers. Enfield, USA, Plymouth UK. 244–248.
Andronova E.V. On the biological variety, the seed multiplication in vitro and the repatriation of orchids. Vestnik of the Tver University. Ser. Biol. and Ecol. 2007. 7(35): 8–11.
Andronova E.V., Ivasenko Zh.V. Viability of different plant offspring of Dactylorhiza maculata s.l. (Orchidaceae) after transfer from in vitro culture to natural conditions. Botanichesky Zhournal. 2007. 88(5): 64–74.
Andronova E.V., Ivasenko Zh.V. Viability of the plants of Dactylorhiza maculata s.l. (Orchidaceae) after transplantation from the culture in vitro into the natural conditions. Vestnik of the Tver University, Ser. Biol. and Ecol. 2007. 7(35): 11–16.
Andronova E.V., Ivasenko Zh.V., Vakhrameeva M.G. Survival of Dactylorhiza maculata s.l. (Orchidaceae) plants after replantation from culture in vitro to natural conditions (Moscow region.). Rastitelnie resursi. 2007. 1: 57–61.
Andronova E.V., Ivasenko Zh.V., Feodorova N.A. Viability and rates of seedling development in Dactylorhiza maculata s.l. in vitro. Botanichesky Zhournal. 2007. 92(7):1035–1048.
Andronova E.V., Filippov E.G. Morphological peculiarities of flowers in autogamous plants of Cypripedium calceolus and C.chanxiense (Orchidaceae). Botanichesky Zhournal. 2007. 92(3): 360–364.
Andronova E.V., Filippov E.G., Melnikova A.B., Averyanov L.V. Morphological analysis and relationship of the typical and deviated forms in the populations of Cypripedium calceolus in the south of Khabarovsk and Primorye regions. Vestnik of the Tver University, Ser. Biol. and Ecol. 2007. 7(35): 17–19.
Andronova E.V. Epidermis of Embryo. In: Embryology of flowering plants. Terminology and concepts. (Ed. T.B. Batygina). Vol. 2. Seed. Science publishers. Enfield, USA. Plymouth UK. 2006. 212–216, 656.
Andronova E.V. Epiphysis. In: Embryology of flowering plants. Terminology and concepts. (Ed. T.B. Batygina). Vol. 2. Seed. Science publishers. Enfield, USA, Plymouth UK. 2006. 219–220, 661.
Andronova E.V. Epicotyl. In: Embryology of flowering plants. Terminology and concepts. (Ed. T.B. Batygina). Vol. 2. Seed. Science publishers. Enfield, USA, Plymouth UK. 2006. 227–229.
Andronova E.V. Embryogenesis in Orchidaceae. Embryology of flowering plants. Terminology and concepts. (Ed. T.B. Batygina). Vol. 2. Seed. Science publishers. Enfield, USA, Plymouth UK. 2006. 355–363, 742–745.
Andronova E.V. New aspects of the study of seed reproduction of northern orchid species. Biol. vestnik. 2003. 7(1–2): 67–69.
Andronova E.V. Features of the development of seedlings of some species of the genus Dactylorhiza (Orchidaceae) after their transplantation from in vitro culture into nature. Botanichesky Zhournal. 2003. 88(9): 105–109.
Andronova E.V. Seed germination of Dactylorhiza maculata s.l. (Orchidaceae) in situ. Botanichesky Zhournal. 2003. 88(5): 63–71.
Vinogradova T., Andronova E.V. Development of orchid seed and seedlings. In: Orchids Biology: Reviews and Perspectives, Vol. VIII. (Eds.: J.Arditti and T. Kull). Dordrecht, Boston, London: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 2002: 167–234.
Batygina T.B., Andronova E.V. The Orchid protocorm: an opinion. In: Glimpses in Botany (Ed.: Mukerji K.G., Chamola B.P., Sharma A.K.). A.P.H. Pub.Corp., New Delhi, India. 2000: 60–74.
Аndronova E.V. Polaric protodermal cell growth during embryo and seedling organogenesis. Biologia, Vilnius. 1999. 1: 45–49.
Batygina T.B., Andronova E.A. Is there a cotyledon in the Orchidaceae?: an opinion. In: Recent Advances in Plant Biology (Eds. Malik C.P., Abrol Y.P.). India, Delhi, APN Publ. Corp. 1991: 369–374.