Ivan Shamrov
Author Identifiers: Web of Science ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID, Russian Science Citation Index, ORCID iD, Google Scholar
Academic degree, academic title: Dr.Sc., Professor
Position: Leading Researcher
E-mail: IShamrov@binran.ru
Research interests:
- Anatomy.
- Morphology.
- Embryology.
- Reproductive biology.
- Tissue culture in vitro.
Keywords: Ovule, seed, microsporogenesis, megasporogenesis, pollen grain, embryo sac, pollination, fertilization, embryo, apomixis
Education and work experience:
1975 – graduated from Evsevyev Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute.
1978-1981 – Postgraduate student at the Komarov Botanical Institute RAS.
1990-1993 – Doctoral studies at the Komarov Botanical Institute RAS.
1975-1978 – Assistant, Department of Botany, Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute.
1981-1990 – Research Assistant at the Komarov Botanical Institute RAS.
1993-1995 - Senior Researcher at the Komarov Botanical Institute RAS.
1995 – until now – Leading Researcher at the Komarov Botanical Institute RAS.
Grants and research projects:
State assignment
- АААА-А18-118031690084-9. The institutional research projects «Structural-functional bases of development and adaptation in higher plants» (Komarov Botanical Institute of RAS).
Project leader:
- 2006-2008. Grant RFBR № 06-04-62021d «Publishing of monography. Ovule of flowering plants: structure, fubctions, origin».
Member of research team:
- 2014-2016. Grant RFBR № 13-04-00852-а «Diversity of fruits and seeds of dicotyledons: anatomical structure features for systematics».
Professional memberships:
Editorial activity:
- Deputy editor-in-chief of the Journal «Botanicheskiy Zhurnal»
- Editorial Board member of the Journal «Plant resources»
- Editorial Board member of the Journal «Learning experiment in education» Editorial Board member of the Journal «Plant biology and horticulture: theory, innovation»
Selected publications:
Anisimova G M., Shamrov I.I. Gynoecium and ovule structure in Sedum kamtschaticum and Sedum palmeri (Crassulaceae). Botanicheskiy Zhurnal. 2021. 106(4): 50-68.
Shamrov I.I., Anisimova G.M., Babro A.A. Tapetum types and forms in angiosperms. Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Section B. 2021. 75(3): 167-179.
Shamrov I.I. Fertilization types in flowering plants. Botanicheskiy Zhurnal. 2020. 105(3): 3-27.
Shamrov I.I. Factors reducing seed productivity in flowering plants. Plant resources. 2020. 56(1): 1-16.
Shamrov I.I., Anisimova G.M., Torshilova A.A., Levichev I.G. Gynoecium and ovule structure in some species of Crinum (Amaryllidaceae). Botanicheskiy Zhurnal. 2020. 105(8): 3-18.
Shamrov I.I., Anisimova G.M., Babro A.A. Early stages of anther development in flowering plants. Botanica Pacifica. A journal of plant science and conservation. 2020. 9(2): 1-10.
Shamrov I.I. Structure and development of coenocarpous gynoecium in angiosperms. Wulfenia. 2020. 27: 145-182.
Shamrov I.I., Anisimova G M., Babro А.А. Formation of microsporangium wall of anther and tapetum typification in angiospers. Botanicheskiy Zhurnal. 2019. 104(7): 1001-1032.
Shamrov I.I. Modern problems of botany. St. Petersburg: Izdatelstvo RSPU. 2019. 216 p.
Shamrov I.I. Peculiarities of morphogenesis, diversity and possible transformations of ovules in flowering plants. Botanicheskiy Zhurnal. 2018. 103(2): 163-186.
Shamrov I.I. Diversity and typification of ovules in flowering plants. Wulfenia. 2018. 25: 81-109.
Anisimova G M., Shamrov I. I. Gynoecium and ovule morphogenesis in Kalanchoe laxiflora and K. tubiflora (Crassulaceae). Botanicheskiy Zhurnal. 2018. 103(6): 675-694.
Shamrov I.I. Morphological types of ovules in flowering plants. Botanicheskiy Zhurnal. 2017. 102(2): 129-146.
Shamrov I.I. Embryology and plant reproduction. St. Petersburg: Izdatelstvo RSPU. 2015. 200 p.
Shamrov I.I. Revisited: gynoecium types in angiosperm plants. Botanicheskiy Zhurnal. 2013. 98(5): 568-595.
Shamrov I.I. Gynoecium types in angiosperms: terminology and interpretation problems. Botanicheskiy Zhurnal. 2012. 97(4): 417-451.
Shamrov I.I., Kotelnikova N.S. Peculiarities of gynoecium formation in Coccyganthe flos-cuculi (Caryophyllaceae). Botanicheskiy Zhurnal. 2011. 96(7): 826-850.
Shamrov I.I. Peculiarities of syncarpous gynoecium formation in some monocotyledonous plants. Botanicheskiy Zhurnal. 2010. 95(8): 1041-1070.
Shamrov I.I. Morphological nature of gynoecium and fruit in Ceratophyllum (Ceratophyllaceae). Botanicheskiy Zhurnal. 2009. 94(7): 938-961.
Shamrov I.I. Ovule of flowering plants: structure, functions, origin. Moscow: KMK Scientific Press Ltd., 2008. 356 p.
Shamrov I.I. Morphological nature of the ovule and evolutionary lineages of its development in flowering plants. Botanicheskiy Zhurnal. 2006. 91(11): 1601-1636.
Batygina T.B., Titova G.E., Shamrov I.I. et al. Plant stem cells in terms of embryology. Acta Biologica Cracoviensia. Series Botanica. 2005. 47(1): 51-60.
Shamrov I.I. Structural differentiation of the ovule in flowering plants: chalaza, funiculus, obturator. Botanicheskiy Zhurnal. 2004. 89(3): 1-17.
Shamrov I.I. Ovule and seed in Capsella bursa-pastoris (Brassicaceae) with peculiar developmental pattern of endothelium formation. Acta Biologica Cracoviensia. Series Botanica. 2002. 44(4): 79-90.
Shamrov I.I. Translocation pathways for metabolites in developing ovules of Gentiana cruciate L., Gymnadenia conopsea (L.) R. Br., Gagea stipitata Merklin and Luzula pedemontana Boiss. et Reut. Acta Biologica Cracoviensia. Series Botanica. 2000. 42(1): 61-77.
Shamrov I.I. The integument of flowering plants: developmental patterns and evolutionary trends. Acta Biologica Cracoviensia. Series Botanica. 2000. 42(2): 9-20.
Shamrov I.I. Ovule as basis of seed reproduction in flowering plants: classification of structures. Botanicheskiy Zhurnal. 1999. 84(10): 3-35.
Shamrov I.I. Nucellus typification and ovule classification. Bulletin of Polish Academy of Sciences. 1997. 45(2-4): 1-10.
Sheridan W.F., Avalkina N.A., Shamrov I.I., Batygina T.B., Golubovskaya I.N. The mac1 gene: controlling the commitment to one meiotic pathway in maize. Genetics. 1996. 142(3): 1009-1020.
Shamrov I.I. The ovule of Swertia iberica (Gentianaceae): structural and functional aspects. Phytomorphology. 1991. 41(3-4): 213-229.