Irina Lyanguzova
Author Identifiers: Web of Science ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID, Russian Science Citation Index, ORCID iD, Google Scholar
Academic degree, academic title: Dr.Sc.
Position: Leading Researcher
Research interests:
- Influence of aerotechnogenic pollution on mineral composition of plants and soils.
- Migration of heavy metals in the soil-plant system.
- Intracenotic heterogeneity of plant and soil cover in communities of northern taiga.
- Resistance of plants and soils to heavy metal pollution.
- Seed productivity and seed viability under conditions of heavy metal pollution.
Keywords: Ecology, heavy metals, environmental pollution, components of forest ecosystems, northern taiga, soil-plant system, biomass reserve, seed viability, mineral composition of plants and soils
Education and work experience:
1977 — graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry of Leningrad State University.
1990 — PhD thesis «Accumulation of chemical elements in the ecosystems of pine forests of the Kola Peninsula under conditions of atmospheric pollution» on speciality 03.00.16 V Ecology.
2010 — doctoral thesis «Tolerance of components of forest ecosystems of the north of Russia to aerotechnogenic pollution» on speciality 03.02.08 — Ecology (in biology).
1979 — until now — employee of V.L. Komarov Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Grants and research projects:
Project leader:
- 2023–2024. RSF №23-26-00193 «Monitoring, dynamics and quality of ecosystem services in northern taiga forests under different intensity of anthropogenic Load».
Professional memberships:
Editorial activity:
- Editorial Board member of the journal «Social and Ecological Technologies».
- Editorial Board member of the journal «Vestnik of Vyatka State Agricultural Academy».
Selected publications:
Lyanguzova I., Katjutin P. Effects of High and Low Aerotechnogenic Emissions of heavy Metals on Wild Plants. Forests. 2023. 14(8): 1650.
Lyanguzova I.V., Belyaeva A.I., Kataeva M.N., Volkova E.N. Stocks of potentially toxic elements in the ground cover of northern taiga pine forests under aerotechnogenic pollution. Botanical Journal. 2023. 108(11): 1001–1014.
Lyanguzova I.V., Belyaeva A.I. Mosaic Pattern of Soil and Vegetation Cover Stocks in Pine Forests under Conditions of Aerotechnogenic Pollution. Russian Journal of Ecology. 2022. 53(2): 68–82.