Natalya Stavrova

Natalya Stavrova

Author Identifiers: Web of Science ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID, Russian Science Citation Index, ORCID iD, Google Scholar

Academic degree, academic title: Dr.Sc., Senior Researcher

Position: Leading Researcher


Phone number: +7 (812) 372-54-45

Research interests:

  • Phytocenology.
  • Ecology.
  • Population biology.

Keywords: Community ecology, population structure, post-fire successions, dendrochronology, anthropogenic impact

Education and work experience:

1975 – graduated from Department of Biogeography, Lomonosov Moscow State University.

1976 – until now – Komarov Botanical Institute RAS research staff member.

Grants and research projects:

Member of research team:

  • 2015-2017. RAS Program «Biodiversity of Natural Systems. Biological Resources of Russia: Assessment of the State and Fundamental Basis of Monitoring»Project «Dynamics of Vegetation in Natural and Anthropogenically Disturbed Ecosystems» (project leader V.T. Yarmishko).
  • 2014-2015. RFBR № 14-04-01394-a «Structural organization of pine and spruce-pine forests and dynamics of radial growth of the main forest-forming species in connection with fires in the European North» (project leader V.V. Gorshkov).
  • 2013-2014. RAS program «Biological Resources of Russia: Dynamics in the Conditions of Global Climatic and Anthropogenic Impacts». Project «Restorative dynamics of forest resources under conditions of intensive anthropogenic impact in the European North» (project leader V.T.Yarmishko).
  • 2011-2013. RFBR № 11-04-01664-a «Polyvariance of the structural organization of northern taiga pine forests in connection with fires in the European North of Russia» (project leader V.V. Gorshkov).

Professional memberships:

Editorial activity:

Selected publications:

Gorshkov V.V., Stavrova N.I., Katjutin P.N., Lyanguzov A.Yu. Radial Growth of Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in Lichen Pine Forests and Woodlands of the Northern Taiga. Biology Bulletin. 2021. 48(2): 214-223.

Stavrova N.I., Gorshkov V.V., Katjutin P.N., Bakkal I.J. The Structure of Northern Siberian Spruce–Scots Pine Forests at Different Stages of Post-Fire Succession. Forests. 2020. 11(5): 558.

Katjutin P.N., Stavrova N.I., Gorshkov V.V., Lyanguzov A.Yu., Bakkal I.Ju., Mikhailov S.A. Radial growth of trees differing in their vitality in the middle-aged Scots pine forests in the Kola peninsula. Silva Fennica. 2020. 54(3): 10263.

Stavrova N.I., Kalimova I.B., Gorshkov V.V., Drozdova I.V., Alekseeva-Popova N.V., BakkalI.Yu. Long-Term Postfire Changes of Soil Characteristics in Dark Coniferous Forests of the European North. Eurasian Soil Science. 2019. 52(2): 218–227.

Mishko A.E., Stavrova N.I., Gorshkov V.V. Polyvariety of individual development of Picea obovata (Pinaceae) in middle-aged pine-spruce forests of the Kola Peninsula. Rastitelnye resursy. 2019. 55(1): 56–71. (In Russian)

Mishko A.E., Stavrova N.I., Gorshkov V.V. Ontogenetic structure of Picea obovata (Pinaceae) cenopopulations at different stages of post-fire successions in northern taiga forests. Botanicheskij zhurnal. 2018. 103(9): 1124-1152. (In Russian)

Lyanguzova I., Yarmishko V., Gorshkov V., Stavrova N. and Bakkal I. Impact of Heavy Metals on Forest Ecosystems of the European North of Russia. Heavy Metals. 2018.

Stavrova N.I., Gorshkov V.V., Mishko A.E. Ontogeny of Picea obovata (Pinaceae) in old-growth northern taiga dwarf shrub-green moss pine-spruce forests. Botanicheskij zhurnal. 2017. 102(2): 163-185. (in Russian)

Stavrova, N.I., Gorshkov, V.V., Katjutin, P.N. Structure formation of forest tree species coenopopulations during post-fire recovery of northern taiga forest. Transactions of Karelian Resarch Centre RAS. 2016. 3: 10–28. (In Russian)