Gennady Firsov
Author Identifiers: Web of Science ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID, Russian Science Citation Index, ORCID iD, Google Scholar
Academic degree, academic title: Ph.D.
Position: Senior Researcher
Research interests:
- Dendrology.
Keywords: Dendrology, arboriculture, phenology, reproductive peculiarities
Education and work experience:
1973 – Graduated from Forest-Technical Academy.
1976 – until now – Botanical Garden of Komarov Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Professional memberships:
Selected publications:
Firsov G.A., Yarmishko V.T., Zmitrovich I.V., Bondartseva M.A., Volobuev S.V., Dudka V.A. Frost cracks and pathogenic xylotrophic fungi in the arboretum of the Peter the Great Botanical Garden. SPb.: Ladoga, 2021. 304 p.
Firsov G.A., Yarmishko V.T. Annotated Catalogue of Arboretum of Peter the Great Botanic Garden BIN RAS. Moscow: ROSA, 2021. 452 pp.
Firsov G.A., Byalt V.V., Sagalaev V.A. Woody flora of Nizhnekhopersky Nature Park (Volgograd region, Russia). Moscow: ROSA, 2021. 264 pp.
Firsov G.A., Volchanskaya A.V. Woody plants in conditions of climatic changes at Saint-Petersburg. Moscow: "MASKA", 2021. 128 pp.
Firsov G.A., Gavrilova O.A. Introductional potential of Carya ovata (Juglandaceae) at Saint-Petersburg. Rastitelnie Resources. 2021. 57(1): 83-88.
Volchanskaya A.V., Firsov G.A., Tkachenko K.G. Introduction of Sorbocotoneaster pozdnjakovii Pojark. in Peter the Great Botanic Garden. Sibirsky Lesnoj Journal. 2021. 1: 77-83.
Firsov G.A., Volchanskaya A.V. Woody plants and climate of Saint-Petersburg in XX ceuntury. Universal History. 2021. 1: 42-51.
Firsov G.A., Volchanskaya A.V. Woody exotic and aboriginal species and changes of warm supply at Saint-Petersburg. Bull. Glav. Botan. Sada. 2021. 1: 30-39.
Firsov G.A. Collection of trees and shrubs of Peter the Great Botanic Garden BIN RAS before and after Great Patriotic War. Rastitelnie Resources. 2021. 57(3): 1-6.
Firsov G.A., Baranova O.G., Zeitin N.G. About seed reproduction of Tamarix ramosissima Ledeb. in collection of Alpinarium of Peter the Great Botanic Garden. Vestnik Udmurt. Un-ta. Ser. Biologia. Nauki o zemle. 2021. 31: 137-142.
Firsov G.A., Trofimuk L.P. About seed reproduction of Metasequoia glyptostroboides Hu et W.C. Cheng, Taxodiaceae at Saint-Petersburg. Vestnik Udmurt. Un-ta. Ser. Biologia. Nauki o zemle. 2021. 31(2): 143-151.
Firsov G.A., Trofimuk L.P., Zmitrovich I.V. Cercidiphyllum Siebold et Zucc., Cercidiphyllaceae, at Peter the Great Botanic Garden: results of introduction, state and prospects of cultivation. Hortus bot. 2021. 16: 187-202.
Shibanov S.A., Orlova L.V., Firsov G.A. Modern collection of the genus Larix Mill. in dendrogardens of Botanic garden of Saint-Petersburg State Forest-Technical University named after S.M. Kirov (SPbFTU). Izv. SPb. FTA. 2021. 237: 16-41.
Belyaeva I.V., Byalt V.V., Epanchintseva O.V., Firsov G.A., Kovtonyuk N.K., Semkina L.A. Salix ledebouriana Trautv. f. fastigiata I.V. Belyaeva, V.V. Byalt, O.V. Epanch. et Firsov (Salicaceae) — a new form. Novosti sist. vissh. rast. 2021. 52: 33-37.