Maria Yaroslavtseva (Bolshakova)

Maria Yaroslavtseva (Bolshakova)

Author Identifiers: Web of Science ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID, Russian Science Citation Index, ORCID iD, Google Scholar

Position: Research Assistant


Research interests:

  • Introduction of plants.
  • Greenhouse collections.
  • Educational activities of the Botanical Gardens.

Keywords: Plant introduction, greenhouse collections, Commelinaceae family, ecological and botanical education

Education and work experience:

2001-2005 – bachelor’s degree program of Herzen University, faculty of the Institute of Natural Sciences.
2005-2007 – master’s degree program of Herzen University, faculty of Biology.

2006-2007 – Biology Teacher, school №516.
2007 – Garden Worker, Botanical Garden Department, BIN RAS.
2007 – Trainee Researcher, Botanical Garden Department, BIN RAS.
2009 – until now – Research Assistant, Botanical Garden Department, BIN RAS.

Professional memberships:

Editorial activity:

Editorial board member:

  • Jenkins Martin. A world of plants. St. Petersburg: Polyandria Print, 2020. 64 p., scientific editor.
  • Floriculture: history, theory, practice. Collection of articles of the IX International Scientific Conference. St. Petersburg, September 7-13, 2019.
  • Proceedings of the XIV Congress of the Russian Botanical Society and the conference "Botany in the Modern World". Makhachkala, 2018.
  • HORTUS BOTANICUS International e-journal of botanical gardens. Proceedings of the Second International Scientific and Practical Conference "Botanic Gardens in the Modern World: Science, Education, Management". St. Petersburg, October 3-7, 2018.

Selected publications:

Arnautova E.M., Yaroslavtseva M.A. Biodiversity conservation in Botanical Gardens: collection of Cycadales Pers. ex Bercht. & J. Presl representatives in the greenhouses of the Peter the Great Botanical Garden (BIN RAS). Asian Journal of Conservation Biology. 2021. 10(1): 10-14.

Yaroslavtseva M.A. The collection of the representatives of Commelinaceae Mirb. in greenhouses of Peter the Great Botanical Garden and features of its exposition. [Kollekciya predstavitelej semejstva Commelinaceae Mirb. v oranzhereyah Botanicheskogo sada Petra Velikogo i osobennosti ee eksponirovaniya]. Biologiya rastenij i sadovodstvo: teoriya, innovacii. 2020. 155: 81-84. [In Russian]

Arnautova E.M., Yaroslavceva M.A. Biodiversity Conservation in Botanical Gardens: The Collection of Pinaceae Representatives in the Greenhouses of Peter the Great Botanical Garden (BIN RAN). KnE Life Sciences. 2019. 851-859.

Arnautova E.M., Korshunova I.A., Yaroslavceva M.A. Rare and endangered species of Taxaceae Gray in the greenhouses of the Botanical Garden of Peter the Great (BIN RAS). [Redkie i ischezayushchie vidy Taxaceae Gray v oranzhereyah Botanicheskogo sada Petra Velikogo (BIN RAN).] Novosti nauki v APK. 2019. 1(12): 3-8. [In Russian]

Yaroslavtseva M.A., Volchanskaya A.V. The practice of organizing courses for the preparation of guides in the Botanical Garden of Peter the Great BIN RAS. [Praktika organizacii kursov po podgotovke ekskursovodov v Botanicheskom sadu Petra Velikogo BIN RAN]. Hortus bot. 2018. 13(suppl. I): 806-810. [In Russian]

Arnautova E.M., Yaroslavtseva M.A. Greenhouse thematic collections of Botanical Garden of Peter the Great BIN RAS and their role in educational activity. [Tematicheskie kollekcii oranzherej Botanicheskogo sada Petra Velikogo BIN RAN i ih rol' v prosvetitel'skoj deyatel'nosti]. Hortus bot. 2018. 13(suppl. I): 596-603. [In Russian]

Arnautova E.M., Yaroslavtseva M.A. The exposition «Fruit and spice-aromatic plants» as an example of a thematic collection in the Botanical Garden of Peter the Great. [Ekspoziciya «Plodovye i pryano-aromaticheskie rasteniya» kak primer tematicheskoj kollekcii v Botanicheskom sadu Petra Velikogo]. Sb. nauch. trudov GNBS. 2018. 147: 192-194. [In Russian]

Yaroslavtseva M.A., Musinova L.P. Excursions-quests «ecotropics» as an example of interactive ecological education in the Botanical Garden of Peter the Great. [Ekskursiya-kvest «Ekotropiki» kak primer interaktivnogo ekologicheskogo obrazovaniya v Botanicheskom sadu Petra Velikogo]. Nauchnye trudy CHeboksarskogo filiala Glavnogo botanicheskogo sada im. N.V. Cicina RAN. 2018. 11: 154-157. [In Russian]

Bolshakova M.A. New species of Commelinaceae Mirb. for rooms and winter gardens. [Novye vidy Commelinaceae Mirb. dlya komnat i zimnih sadov]. Subtropicheskoe i dekorativnoe sadovodstvo: sb. nauch. tr. Sochi: GNU VNIICiSK Rossel'hozakademii. 2013. 49: 65-68. [In Russian]