Vasilii Neshataev
Author Identifiers: Web of Science ResearcherID, Russian Science Citation Index, ORCID iD
Position: Research Assistant
Research interests:
- Large-scale geobotanical mapping.
- River valley vegetation.
Keywords: Arctic, cartography, geomorphology, geobotany, ecology, GIS
Education and work experience:
2009-2013 – Russian State Pedagogical University. AI Herzen, Faculty of Geography, direction «Geography» (bachelor's degree).
2013-2015 – Russian State Pedagogical University. AI Herzen, Faculty of Geography, Department of Physical Geography (Master's degree).
2015-2019 – Postgraduate study Komarov Botanical Institute RAS.
2018 – until now – Research Assistant at the Laboratory of Vegetation Cover Dynamics in the Arctic Komarov Botanical Institute RAS.
Grants and research projects:
Member of research team:
- 2020-2022. RSF № 20-17-00160 «Classification and mapping of the East European tundra habitats in the EUNIS system as a basis for their study and protection, preparation of a Red List of habitats».
- 2019. RFBR № 19-05-00805 «Regularities of differentiation of the vegetation cover of the Bering forest-tundra region and the most important botanical and geographical boundaries of North-East Asia».
Conferences and workshops:
- Second International Scientific Conference «Vegetation of Eastern Europe and Northern Asia». Bryansk, October 12-13, 2020. Oral report.
- Second International Scientific Conference «Modern fundamental problems of vegetation classification». Yalta, 2019. Poster.
- IV (XII) International Botanical Conference of Young Scientists. St. Petersburg, April 22–28, 2018. Oral report.
- XIV Congress of the Russian Botanical Society and conference «Botany in the modern world». Makhachkala, June 18-23, 2018. Poster.
Professional memberships:
Selected publications:
Neshataev V.V., Lavrinenko I.A. Distribution of vegetation in the Bolshaya Khekheganyakha river valley (Bolshezemelskaya tundra). Botanical Journal. 2020. 105(6): 36–58.
Neshataev V.V., Karsonova D.D., Kurka A.A. Second International scientific conference «Vegetation of Eastern Europe and Northern Asia» (Bryansk, 12–13 October 2020). Rastitel’nost’ Rossii. 2020. 39: 149–153.
Ivanova K. V., Lapina A. M., Neshataev V. V. Second international scientific conference «Present fundamental problems of vegetation classification» (Yalta, 15–20 September 2019). Rastitel’nost’ Rossii. 2019. 37: 135–142.