Svetlana Smirnova
Author Identifiers: Web of Science ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID, Russian Science Citation Index, ORCID iD, Google Scholar
Academic degree, academic title: Ph.D.
Position: Research Assistant
Research interests:
- Study of the diversity of Cyanoprokaryotes in waterbodies of the Leningrad and Novgorod regions.
- Study of the diversity of Cyanoprokaryotes and Eukaryotic algae of continental waterbodies of Antarctica.
Keywords: Algae, springs, Cyanoprokaryota, Cyanophyta, Cyanobacteria, Novgorod region, Leningrad region, Antarctica
Education and work experience:
2004-2011 – student of St. Petersburg State University.
2011-2014 – Postgraduate student of the Komarov Botanical Institute RAS.
2014 – until now – Research Assistantat of the Komarov Botanical Institute RAS.
Grants and research projects:
Member of research team:
- 2018. RFBR № 18-04-20079. Project of organization of the IV Russian scientific conference with international participation «Algae: problems of taxonomy, ecology and use in monitoring».
- 2016-2018. Grant of Russian Foundation for Basic Research № АААА-А16-116012510021-0 «Spatial and functional relationships of plants and animals of the belt of red algae in the White Sea».
Conferences and workshops:
Organizing committee:
- IV All-Russian scientific conference with international participation «Algae: problems of taxonomy, ecology and use in monitoring». Russia, St. Petersburg, September 24-28, 2018. Member of the organizing committee.
- 20th IAC Cyanophyte/Cyanobacteria Research Symposium. Innsbruck, 2016. Oral presentation.
Selected publications:
Chaplygina O.Ya., Smirnova S.V., Balashova N.B. Algae and cyanoprokaryotes from the soils of the larsemann hills oasis (progress station, antarctica). Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2021. 106(10): 959-970.
Smirnova S.V., Safronova T.V., Luknitskaya A.F., Boldina O.N. Rare and new for Antarctica species of algae from the continental waterbodies of Schirmacher Oasis. Novosti sistematiki nizshyh rastenij. 2021. 55(2): 335-347.
Smirnova S.V., Chaplygina O.Ya., Luknitskaya A.F., Boldina O.N. New and rare species of algae for Antarctica from the waterbodies of the Schirmacher Oasis (East Antarctica). Issues of modern Algology. 2021. 2(26): 144-147.
Velichko N., Smirnova S., Averina S., Pinevich A. A survey of Antarctic cyanobacteria. Hydrobiologia. 2021. 848: 2627-2652.
Smirnova S.V., Chaplygina O.Y., Luknitskaya A.F. Algal communities of the waterbodies of Schirmacher oasis, East Antarctica. Arctic and Antarctic Research. 2020. 66(2): 198-216. (In Russian.)
Beljakova R.N., Smirnova S.V. Stichosiphon subarcticus sp. nov. (Cyanoprokaryota, Chroococcales) from the White Sea. Novosti Sist. Nizsh. Rast. 2018. 52(2): 235–244. (In Russian.)
Smirnova S.V. Analysis of cyanoprokaryote flora in waterbodies of «Valdaiskiy» National Park (Novgorod Region). Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2017. 102(5): 598-617. (In Russian.)
Smirnova S.V. Algae and Cyanoprokaryota from springs of Leningrad region rare and new for Russia. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2016. 101(11): 1309–1317. (In Russian.)
Smirnova S.V., Beljakova R.N. New species of genus Stichosiphon (Cyanoprokaryota) from waterbodies of Valdaysky national park (Novgorod region). Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2016. 101(12): 1466–1481. (In Russian.)
Smirnova S.V. Benthic Cyanoprokaryota from waterbodies of the National Park «Valdaisky» (Novgorod Region). Novosti Sist. Nizsh. Rast. 2015. 49: 52–74. (In Russian.)
Smirnova S.V. Planktonic Cyanoprokaryota from waterbodies of National Park “Valdaiskiy”. Novosti Sist. Nizsh. Rast. 2014. 48: 89–103. (In Russian.)
Cantonati M., Angeli N., Virtanen L., Wojtal A. Z., Gabrieli J., Falasco E., Lavoie I., Morin S., Marchetto A., Fortin C., Smirnova S. Achnanthidium minutissimum (Bacillariophyta) valve deformities as indicators of metal enrichment in diverse widely-distributed freshwater habitats. Science of the Total Environment. 2014. 475: 201–215.