Supported by Federal agency for science and innovations of the Russian Federation.
Herbaria of Russia
Index Herbariorum Rossicum
Herbarium collections is major tool for investigations of the biological diversity plant kingdom. Without their use any work on study of flora is impossible. Only herbarium specimen authentically confirms presence of plants species in the territory at the concrete moment of time.
The special importance have type specimens, on the basis of which the new species and infraspecies taxa have been described.
The inventory of herbaria of Russia was carried out in 1996-1997, however its results have remained unpublished. Now, with the support of Federal agency of science and innovations, the information system "Herbaria of Russia", being a part of information system on genetic resources of the Russian Federation ( is created. For a lot of collections the updated information has been received.
List of Herbaria
Cities and Towns
Last update : 02.08.2024