Леонид Владимирович Аверьянов
Идентификационные коды автора: Web of Science ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID, РИНЦ, ORCID iD, Google Scholar
Ученая степень, ученое звание: доктор биологических наук, профессор, главный научный сотрудник
Должность: заведующий отделом
Электронная почта: av_leonid@binran.ru
Телефон: +7 (812) 372-54-57
Направления исследований:
- Таксономия, систематика и эволюция сосудистых растений.
- Ботаническая география.
- Охрана растительного мира.
- Ботанические коллекции.
Ключевые слова: Систематика, филогения и география высших растений Евразии, охрана растительного мира, Orchidaceae
Образование и опыт работы:
1977 — окончил Биолого-почвенный факультет Ленинградского государственного университета.
1983 —– степень кандидата биологических наук, Ботанический институт им. В.Л. Комарова АН СССР.
1991 — степень доктора биологических наук, Ботанический институт им. В.Л. Комарова АН СССР.
1999 — звание профессора по кафедре ботаники СПбГУ.
1977 — по настоящее время — штатный сотрудник Ботанического института им. В.Л.Комарова РАН.
В настоящее время заведующий отделом Гербарий высших растений БИН.
Научные проекты:
- 2023–2024. РНФ № 23-24-00516 «Выявление и документация таксономического разнообразия орхидный (Orchidaceae) Вьетнама».
- 2021–2022. РФФИ № 21-54-54001 «Критическая оценка орхидных (Orchidaceae) Вьетнама и установление их природоохранного статуса».
- 2020–2022. РФФИ № 20-04-00339 «Инвентаризация, таксономия и география орхидных (Orchidaceae) Вьетнама».
- 2018–2019. РФФИ № 18-54-54005 «Assessment of plant diversity in Bat Dai Son Mountains, Ha Giang Province».
- 2015–2017. РФФИ № 15-04-00419 «Taxonomy, geography and biology of plants in local floras of Eastern Indochina».
- 2018. The Deutsche Geselschaft für internationale zusammerbeit (GIZ) GmbH. «Plant diversity, flora and vegetation of Hin Nam No national protected area (Laos)».
- 2017. Assessment of plant diversity in main limestone areas of central Laos. USA National Geographic Society.
- 2017. Conservation assessment of endangered Lao-Vietnamese stenoendemic – Pinus cernua (Pinaceae). Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund.
Прочие проекты:
U.S.A. National Science Foundation:
- 1999–2001. DEB–9870231. Collaborative research: a multi-taxa inventory of threatened conservation areas in Viet Nam.
Henry Luce Foundation. Vietnam Botanical Conservation Program in Vietnam:
- 2008. Survey of the flora at Lo Go – Xa Mat national park.
- 2007. Flora and vegetation of Thuong Lo Municipality and allied areas (Thua Thien – Hue Province.
- 2007. Survey of the flora at Yok Don national park.
- 2006. Flora and vegetation of Pu Nat national park and allied areas.
- 2005. Preliminary Survey of the Flora and Vegetation of Bi Doup – Nui Ba National Park.
- 2005. Preliminary Survey of the Flora and Vegetation of Da Krong Nature Reserve and allied areas.
- 2004. Preliminary updated checklist of orchids (Orchidaceae) of Bu Gia Map National Park.
- 2003. Preliminary updated checklist of orchids (Orchidaceae) of Nui Chua National Park.
- 2002. Preliminary updated checklist of orchids (Orchidaceae) of Bach Ma National Park.
- 1999–2008. Preliminary updated checklist of orchids (Orchidaceae) of Ba Be National Park.
American Orchid Society:
- 2012–2013. Orchid flora of relict karstic formation in central Laos (Vientiane province, Vang Vieng and Kasi districts).
- 1999–2000. Exploration of endangered calcium dependent orchid flora in inaccessible rocky limestone areas of the north Vietnam.
- 2010–2011. Assessment of orchid endemism in NW Vietnam with special attention to Paphiopedilum canhii.
- 2008–2009. Exploration of orchid flora in Laos and allied areas of Vietnam.
- 2003–2005. Discovery of endemic orchid flora in remote limestone areas of northern Vietnam.
- 2001–2002. Population studies of endemical Paphiopedilum species in northern Vietnam.
- 1996–1997. Exploration of endangered Vietnamese Paphiopedilums.
National Institutes of Health, National Science Foundation and the Foreign Agriculture Research Service Department of Agriculture U.S.A.:
- 2000–2005. International Cooperative Biodiversity Groups (ICBG). 1–UO1–TW01015–01.
San Diego County Orchid Society Conservation Committee:
- 1999–2000. Exploration of endangered calcium dependent Paphiopedilum species in northern Vietnam.
Fund Fauna & Flora International (Vietnam Program):
- 2004. Preliminary survey of orchids and gymnosperms in Trung Khanh district, Cao Bang province northern Vietnam.
- 2002. Community-based Conservation of the Hoang Lien Mountain Ecosystem, Vietnam, Flora and vegetation survey of Van Ban district, Lao Cai province of northern Vietnam.
- 2000. The distribution of Paphiopedilum vietnamense and its current status in the wild.
Fauna & Flora International Vietnam Conservation Support Program and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Vietnam:
- 2003. Pu Luong – Cuc Phuong Limestone Landscape Conservation Project, preliminary botanical survey of primary vegetation in Pu Luong Nature Reserve.
Fund Fauna & Flora International, Vietnam Program & Counterpart International:
- 2005. Preliminary survey of Orchids (Orchidaceae) in Phong Nha – Ke Bang National Park.
Basic Research program in Life Sciences of Viet Nam:
- 2000–2002. Threatened conifers and cycads of Vietnam. 611001.
Swiss Orchid Society Conservation fund of Zurich Foundation for Orchid Conservation:
- 2009–2010, 2005–2006. The orchids of Vietnam, work on monograph manuscript.
Rufford Small Grant for Nature Conservation:
- 2014–2015. Mapping and assessment of Xanthocyparis vietnamensis subpopulations in Cao Bang, Ha Giang and Lang Son provinces (Vietnam).
- 2012–2013. Assessment of Xanthocyparis vietnamensis nature protected status in Tuyen Quang province, Vietnam.
- 2010–2011. Assessment of distribution and natural status of Paphiopedilum canhii.
Chicago Zoological Society. Chicago Board of Trade Endangered Species Fund:
- 2010–2011. Assessment of current natural status of critically endangered species – Paphiopedilum canhii for its conservation.
German Development Bank — Germany Development Cooperation:
- 2011–2012. Flora and vegetation of areas allied to Phong Nha – Ke Bang National Park.
The Deutsche Geselschaft für internationale zusammerbeit:
- 2018. Plant diversity, flora and vegetation of Hin Nam No national protected area.
- 2021–2024. Проект «Гербарные фонды биологического разнообразия растений и грибов Коллекционного фонда Ботанического института им. В.Л. Комарова РАН: модернизация, развитие и сетевое взаимодействие как основа фундаментальных исследований и совершенствования генетических технологий» в рамках соглашения с Министерством науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации № 075-15-2021-1056.
Научные мероприятия:
Организация мероприятий:
- XIV Съезд Русского ботанического общества и конференция «Ботаника в современном мире». Махачкала. 2018. Председатель оргкомитета.
- International Symposium on Orchid Conservation and Utilization. Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University. Fuzhou. April 9–10, 2019.
- International Conference on Biodiversity – Biodiversity for Sustainable Bioeconomy. Bangkok, May 22–24, 2019.
- XIV съезд Русского Ботанического Общества и конференция «Ботаника в современном мире». Махачкала, 18–23 июня 2018 г.
- Abstracts of XIX International Botanical Congress. Shenzhen, July 23–29, 2017.
- XIX International Botanical Congress. The IABG / BGCI Joint Conference: Botanic gardens – new challenges, new policies, new models. Shenzhen July 23–29, 2017.
- Conference dedicated to 85 anniversary of V. N. Tikhomorov. Moscow, January 31 – February 3, 2017.
- Second international Germany–Russian seminar Integrative and computer taxonomy. Krasnodar, May 16–17, 2016.
- International Congress Botanical Research in Tropical Asia. National University of Laos, Museum nationale d’histoire naturelle, Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement. Vientiane, Laos, December 6–11, 2015.
- Аверьянов Л. В., Майсак Т. В. 2018. Обзор декоративных орхидных Вьетнама. Cтр. 1. Программа международной конференции – Охрана и культивирование орхидей, 25–28 мая 2018. Нижний Новгород. 5 с.
- Annual meeting of International Association of Botanical Gardens Asian Division 2015. Asian Botanical Gardens for the Next Generation. Shanghai Chenshan Plant Science Research Center on Chinese Academy of Science. Shanghai Chenshan Botanical Garden. Shanghai, China. November 20–22, 2015.
- Охрана и культивирование орхидей: материалы Х Международной научно-практической конференции. Беларусь, Минск, 1–5 июня 2015 г.
- 5 Conf. Intern. Ass. Bot. Gard. Asian Division. Nanjing, Nanjing Bot Gard., China October 18–22, 2014.
Членство в научных обществах:
- Президент Русского Ботанического общества
- Вьетнам, Лаос – 1984-2019 гг.
Редакционная деятельность:
- Член редакционной коллегии журнала «Новости систематики высших растений» (Россия)
- Член редакционной коллегии журнала « Rheedea» (Индия)
- Член редакционной коллегии журнала «Takhtadjania» (Армения)
- Член редакционной коллегии журнала «Botanica Pacifica» (Россия)
- Рецензент рукописей для журналов «Phytotaxa», «Taiwania», «Nordic Journal of Botany», «PhytoKeys», «Ботанический журнал» и др.
Научно-организационная и педагогическая деятельность:
Чтение учебных курсов:
- Разработка и чтение курсов лекций и курсов практических занятий по курсу «Общая ботаника» в Санкт-Петербургской государственной химико-фармацевтической академии (общий преподавательский стаж 12 лет)
Руководство аспирантами:
- Руководство соискателями ученой степени доктора и кандидата наук БИН (всего защищено 1 докторская и 3 кандидатских диссертации).
Избранные публикации: Избранные монографии:
Аверьянов Л.В., Кудрявцева Е.П. 1987. Материалы по флоре и растительности Сейшельских островов. Бот. ин-т АН СССР. Л. 143 стр.
Аверьянов Л.В. 1988. Предварительный список орхидных СРВ. Часть 1. Бот. ин-т АН СССР. Л. 247 с.
Аверьянов Л.В. 1988. Предварительный список орхидных СРВ. Часть 2. Бот. ин-т АН СССР. Л. 152 с.
Аверьянов Л.В., Нгуен Тьен Бан, Кудрявцева Е.П. 1988. Материалы по флоре и растительности островного Вьетнама. Бот. ин-т АН СССР. Л. 190 с.
Averyanov L.V. 1990. The Introduction and Fam. Orchidaceae Juss. Vascular plants synopsis of Vietnamese flora, 1. Leningrad, Nauka. 167 pp.
Averyanov L.V. 1990. A review of the genus Dactylorhiza. In: Arditti (ed.) Orchid biology, reviews and perspectives, 5. Timber press, Oregon. P. 159–206.
Аверьянов Л.В. 1994. Определитель орхидных (Orchidaceae Juss.) Вьетнама. Мир и Семья, СПб. 432 с.
Averyanov L.V. 1994. Orchids of the Caucasus. Ber. Arbeitskrs. Heim. Orchid. 11, 2: 4–45.
Averyanov L. V. et al. 1996. Fam. Aponogetonaceae, Campanulaceae, Cannabaceae, Centrolepidaceae, Cymodoceaceae, Flagellariaceae, Goodeniaceae, Hanguanaceae, Hernandiaceae, Hippocastanaceae, Hydrocharitaceae, Lobeliaceae, Myoporaceae, Oxalidaceae, Philydraceae, Podostemaceae, Potamogetonaceae, Rafflesiaceae, Restionaceae, Sargentodoxaceae, Sparganiaceae, Sphenocleaceae, Strelitziaceae, Stylidiaceae, Taccaceae, Xyridaceae, Zosteraceae. Vascular plants synopsis of Vietnamese flora. Vol. 2. Ed. Averyanov L.V. & Nguyen Tien Ban. World and Family. SPb. 275 pp.
Аверьянов Л.В., Буданцев А.Л., Гельтман Д.В., Конечная Г.Ю., Крупкина Л.И., Сенников А.Н. 2000. Иллюстрированный определитель растений Карельского перешейка. Под ред. Буданцева А.Л. и Яковлева Г.П. СпецЛит, Изд. СПХФА, СПб. 478 с.
Аверьянов Л.В. 2000. Орхидные (Orchidaceae) Средней России. Turczaninowia 3, 1: 30–53.
Аверьянов Л.В., Нерсесян А.А. 2001. Порядок 6. Orchidales. Флора Армении. Т. 10. Под ред. А.Л. Тахтаджяна. A.R.G. Gantner Verlag, Ruggel & Liechtenstein. С. 165–225.
Averyanov L.V., Phan Ke Loc, Nguyen Tien Hiep, D.K. Harder. 2003. Phytogeographic review of Vietnam and adjacent areas of Eastern Indochina. Komarovia 3: 1–83.
Averyanov L.V., A.L. Averyanova. 2003. Updated checklist of the orchids of Vietnam. Vietnam National University Publishing House, Hanoi. 102 pp.
Averyanov L., P. Cribb, Phan Ke Loc, Nguyen Tien Hiep. 2003. Slipper Orchids of Vietnam. With an Introduction to the Flora of Vietnam. Royal Botanic Gardens Kew & Compass Press Limited, London. 308 pp. ISBN 1 84246 047 1.
Averyanov L., Cribb P., Phan Ke Loc, Nguyen Tien Hiep. 2004. Lan Hai Viet Nam. Giao Thong van tai Publishing house. Ho Chi Minh City. 308 pp. ISBN 1 84246 047 1 (2 ed. translation into Vietnamese).
Nguyen Tien Hiep, Phan Ke Loc, Nguyen Duc To Luu, P.I. Thomas, A. Farjon, L. Averyanov, J. Regalado. 2004. Vietnam Conifers: Conservation Status Review 2004. Fauna & Flora International, Vietnam Programme. Hanoi. 128 pp. ICBN 1 903703 16 6.
Nguyen Tien Ban, L.V. Averyanov, Duong Duc Huen. 2005. Orchidaceae Juss. 1789. – Ho Lan. P. 512–666. In Danh Luc Cac Loai Thuc Vat Viet Nam. Tap 3. Agriculture Publ. House, Ha Noi. 1248 P.
Аверьянов Л.В., Буданцев А.Л., Гельтман Д.В., Конечная Г.Ю., Крупкина Л.И., Сенников А.Н. 2006. Иллюстрированный определитель растений Ленинградской области. Под ред. Буданцева А.Л. и Яковлева Г.П. Т-во научных изданий КМК, М. 799 с.
Averyanov L.V., A.L. Averyanova. 2006. Orchidaceae. Manual of Identification Flowering Plants of Cuc Phuong National Park. 2. Agric. Publ. House, Ho Chi Minh. 264 p.
Аверьянов Л.В. 2006. Fam. 160. Orchidaceae Juss. Конспект флоры Кавказа. Том 2. Ред. Ю.Л. Меницкий, Т.Н. Попова. Изд-во СПб. ун-та, СПб. С. 84–101.
Vietnam Red Data Book. Part II. Plants. 2007. Tran Phuong Anh, Tran The Bach, Nguyen Tien Ban, Le Dinh Bich, Le Kim Bien, Nguyen Quoc Binh, Nguyen Chieu, Phan Huy Duc, Vu Van Dung, Nguyen Van Du, Tran Dinh Dai, Nguyen Huu Dai, Nguyen Kim Dao, Nguyen Thi Do, Nguyen Huu Hien, Nguyen Tien Hiep, Duong Duc Huyen, Tran Cong Khanh, Nguyen Khac Khoi, Tran Kim Lien, Phan Ke Loc, Tran Dinh Ly, Tran Ngoc Ninh, Vu Xuan Phuong, Nguyen Tap, Nguyen Nghia Thin, Dam Duc Tien, Nguyen Van Tien, Ngo Van Trai, Nguyen Hoang Tri, L.V. Averyanov. Ministry of science and technology & Vietnamese Academy of science and technology, Nha Xuat Ban Khoa Hoc Tu Nhien Va Cong Nghe. Ha Noi. 611 p. (in Vietnamese).
Vietnam Red List. 2007. Tran Phuong Anh, Tran The Bach, Nguyen Tien Ban, Le Dinh Bich, Le Kim Bien, Nguyen Quoc Binh, Nguyen Chieu, Phan Huy Duc, Vu Van Dung, Nguyen Van Du, Tran Dinh Dai, Nguyen Huu Dai, Nguyen Kim Dao, Nguyen Thi Do, Nguyen Huu Hien, Nguyen Tien Hiep, Duong Duc Huyen, Tran Cong Khanh, Nguyen Khac Khoi, Tran Kim Lien, Phan Ke Loc, Tran Dinh Ly, Tran Ngoc Ninh, Vu Xuan Phuong, Nguyen Tap, Nguyen Nghia Thin, Dam Duc Tien, Nguyen Van Tien, Ngo Van Trai, Nguyen Hoang Tri, L.V. Averyanov. Ministry of science and technology & Vietnamese Academy of science and technology, Nha Xuat Ban Khoa Hoc Tu Nhien Va Cong Nghe. Ha Noi. 412 p. (in Vietnamese).
Averyanov L. 2008. The orchids of Vietnam. Illustrated survey. Part 1. Subfamilies Apostasioideae, Cypripedioideae and Spiranthoideae. Turczaninowia 11, 1: 5–168.
Averyanov L. 2010. The orchids of Vietnam. Illustrated survey. Part 2 subfamily Orchidoideae. Turczaninowia 13, 2: 5–98.
Averyanov L.V. 2011. The orchids of Vietnam. Illustrated survey. Part 3. Subfamily Epidendroideae (primitive tribes – Neottieae, Vanilleae, Gastrodieae, Nervilieae). Turczaninowia 14, 2: 15–100.
Averyanov L.V. 2013. The orchids of Vietnam. Illustrated survey. Part 4. Subfamily Epidendroideae (tribes – Arethuseae and Malaxideae). Turczaninowia 16, 1: 5–163.
Averyanov L.V., N.T. Hiep, P.K. Loc, N.S. Khang, P.V. The, N.V. Tap, N.Q. Vinh, L.T. Kien, N.Q. Hieu. 2012. Flora and vegetation of areas allied to Phong Nha – Ke Bang National Park (Northern Vietnam). Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrucken. 224 p. ISBN 9783659217845.
Averyanov L.V., Nguyen Tien Hiep, Phan Ke Loc. 2013. The orchids of Cuc Phuong national park. Illustrated guide. Ed. J. Regalado. Moorland eBooks. E-book. 342 pp. ASIN B00BOVEFSW.
Averyanov L.V., Tien Hiep Nguyen, Khang Nguyen Sinh, The Van Pham, Vichith Lamxay, Somchanh Bounphanmy, Shengvilai Lorphengsy, Loc Phan Ke, Soulivanh Lanorsavanh and Khamfa Chantthavongsa. 2014. Gymnosperms of Laos. Nord. Journ. Bot. 32: 765–805. https://doi.org/10.1111/njb.00498.
Phan Ke Loc, Pham Van The, Phan Ke Long, J. Regalado, L.V. Averyanov, B. Maslin. 2017. Native Conifers of Vietnam – a review. Pakistan Jour. Bot. 49, 5: 2037–2068.
Averyanov L.V., K.S. Nguyen, T.V. Maisak. 2019. Plant diversity, flora and vegetation of Hin Nam No National Protected Area, Lao PDR. Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrucken. 431 p., 15 tables, 1397 figures.
Избранные публикации за последние 5 лет: 2014Averyanov L.V., Khang Nguyen Sinh, Tien Hiep Nguyen, The Van Pham, Shengvilai Lorphengsy. 2014. Trachycarpus ravenii sp.nov. (Arecaceae, Corypheae) from central Laos. Nordic Journal of Botany 32, 5: 563–568. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1756-1051.2013.00304.x
Kumar P., S.W. Gale, A. Kocyan, G.A. Fischer, L. Averyanov, R. Borosova, A. Bhattacharjee, J.-H. Li, K.S. Pang. 2014. Gastrochilus kadooriei (Orchidaceae), a new species from Hong Kong, with notes on allied taxa in section Microphyllae found in the region. Phytotaxa 164, 2: 91–103. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.164.2.3
Vislobokov N.A., N. Tanaka, L.V. Averyanov, H.T. Nguyen, M.S. Nuraliev, A.N. Kuznetsov. 2014. Tupistra khangii (Asparagaceae), a new species from northern Vietnam. Phytotaxa, 175, 5: 287–292. https://doi.org/0.11646/phytotaxa.175.5.8
Averyanov L.V., Khang Sinh Nguyen, Hiep Tien Nguyen. 2014. Checklist of mycoheterotrophic species of the genus Exacum (Gentianaceae) and new species, E. zigomorpha, from northern Vietnam. Phytotaxa 183, 2: 108–113. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.183.2.3
Averyanov L.V., Noriyuki Tanaka. 2014. New Species of Chionographis (Melanthiaceae) from Eastern Indochina. Taiwania 59, 1: 13–17. https://doi.org/10.6165/tai.2014.59.13
Averyanov L.V., N. Tanaka, Sinh Khang Nguyen. 2014. New Species of Peliosanthes and Rohdea (Asparagaceae) from Eastern Indochina. Taiwania 59, 1: 18–25. https://doi.org/0.6165/tai.2014.59.18
Averyanov L.V., V.V. Byalt, The Van Pham, Nguyen Tien Vinh, Phan Ke Loc, Nguyen Quang Hieu. 2014. Sinocrassula vietnamenis (Crassulaceae), New Species and New Generic Record in the Flora of Vietnam. Taiwania 59, 4: 348–352. https://doi.org/10.6165/tai. 2014.59.4.348
2015Averyanov L.V., H.-J. Tillich. 2015. Aspidistra laotica, A. multiflora, A. oviflora and A. semiaperta spp. nov. (Asparagaceae, Convallariaceae s.s.) from eastern Indochina. Nordic Journal of Botany 33: 366–376. https://doi.org/10.1111/njb.00664
Van The Pham, Tuan Anh Le, L.V. Averyanov. 2015. Hoya hanhiae sp. nov. (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae) from central Vietnam. Nordic Journal of Botany 33: 64–67. https://doi.org/0.1111/njb.00541
Averyanov L.V., Truong Ba Vuong. 2015. Review of the genus Miguelia (Orchidaceae) with a new species, M. cruenta, from southern Vietnam. Taiwania 60, 1: 33–38. https://doi.org/10.6165/tai.2015.60.1.33
Averyanov L.V., Khang Sinh Nguyen, Hiep Tien Nguyen, D.K. Harder. 2015. Preliminary assessment for conservation of Pinus cernua (Pinaceae) with a brief synopsis of related taxa in eastern Indochina. Turczaninowia 18, 1: 5–17. https://doi.org/10.14258/turczaninowia.18.1.1
Averyanov L.V., N. Tanaka, Khang Sinh Nguyen, E.L. Konstantinov. 2015. A new species and two new records of Ophiopogon and Peliosanthes (Asparagaceae) in the flora of Laos. Taiwania 60, 2: 86–90. https://doi.org/10.6165/tai.2015.60.86
Nong Van Duy, Averyanov L.V. 2015. Bulbophyllum bidoupense and Schoenorchis hangianae—new species of orchids (Orchidaceae) from southern Vietnam. Phytotaxa 213, 2: 113–121. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.213.2.4
Averyanov L. V., Tanaka N., Nguyen K. S., Nguyen H. T., Konstantinov E. L. 2015. New species of Ophiopogon Ker Gawl., Peliosanthes Andrews and Tupistra Ker Gawl. (Asparagaceae) in the flora of Laos and Vietnam. Adansonia 3, 37, 1: 25–45. https://doi.org/10.5252/a2015n1a4
Averyanov L.V., N.T. Tich, N.V. Canh. 2015. New species of the genus Cleisostoma in the flora of Vietnam. Taiwania 60, 3: 107–116. https://doi.org/10.6165/tai.2015.60.107
Averyanov L.V., N.V. Duy, T.T. Vinh, Q.V. Hoi, V.K. Cong. 2015. Four new species of orchids (Orchidaceae) in eastern Vietnam. Phytotaxa 238, 2: 136–148. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.238.2.2
2016Averyanov L.V., H.-J. Tillich. 2016. Aspidistra anomala, A. elegans and A. sinensis spp. nov. (Asparagaceae, Convallariaceae s.s.) from China, Laos and Vietnam. Nordic Journal of Botany 34, 2: 141–147. https://doi.org/10.1111/njb.01014
Averyanov L.V., H.-J. Tillich. 2017. Notes on taxonomy and new taxa of Aspidistra (Ruscaceae) in the flora of Laos and Vietnam. Nordic Journal of Botany 35, 1: 48–57. https://doi.org/10.1111/njb.01249
Averyanov L.V., Noriyuki Tanaka, Khang Sinh Nguyen, Ba Vuong Truong, Duc Trong Nghiem and Tien Hiep Nguyen. 2016. New species of Ophiopogon, Peliosanthes and Tupistra (Asparagaceae s.l.) in the flora of Vietnam. Nordic Journal of Botany 34: 23–37. https://doi.org/10.1111/njb.00854
Pimenov M.G., G.V. Degtjareva, T.A. Ostroumova, T.H. Samigullin, L.V. Averyanov. 2016. Xyloselinum laoticum (Umbelliferae), a new species from Laos, and taxonomic placement of the genus in the light of nrDNA ITS sequence analysis. Phytotaxa 244, 3: 248–262. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.244.3.2
Gale S.W., A. Schuiteman, S. Watthana, T. Sando, K. Souvannakhoummane, L. Averyanov, S. Suddee. 2016. Studies in Asian Nervilia (Nervilieae, Epidendroideae, Orchidaceae) VI: N. mekongensis, a new species from Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. Phytotaxa 247, 4: 267–273. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.247.4.4
Averyanov L.V., P.A. Ormerod, Nong Van Duy, Tran Van Tien, Tao Chen, Dian-Xiang Zhang. 2016. Bidoupia phongii, new orchid genus and species (Orchidaceae, Orchidoideae, Goodyerinae) from southern Vietnam. Phytotaxa 266, 4: 289–294. https://dx.doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.266.4.6
Averyanov L.V., N. Tanaka, K.S. Nguyen. 2016. New Species – Lilium procumbens and its allies in the flora of Vietnam. Taiwania 61, 1: 1–7. https://doi.org/10.6165/tai.2016.61.11
Averyanov L.V., E.V. Boltenkov, T.V. Maisak, Khang Sinh Nguyen, Hiep Tien Nguyen. 2016. The iris family (Iridaceae) in the flora of eastern Indochina. Turczaninowia 19, 1: 27–33. https://doi.org/10.14258/turczaninowia.19.1.3
Averyanov L.V., K.S. Nguyen, T.V. Maisak, E.L. Konstantinov, T.H. Nguyen, Somchanh Bounphanmy. 2016. New and rare orchids (Orchidaceae) in the flora of Cambodia and Laos. Turczaninowia 19, 3: 5–58. https://doi.org/10.14258/turczaninowia.19.3.1
Averyanov L.V., N. Tanaka, K.S. Nguyen, T.H. Nguyen. 2016. New Species of Ophiopogon and Peliosanthes (Asparageceae) from Laos and Vietnam. Taiwania 61, 3: 201–217. https://doi.org/10.6165/tai.2016.61.201
Averyanov L.V., H.-J. Tillich, Guo Xiaoming, Q.H. Bui, K.S. Nguyen. 2016. Three new species of Aspidistra (Convallariaceae) from Vietnam. Wulfenia 23: 57–67.
Leonid V. Averyanov, Van Duy Nong, Khang Sinh Nguyen, Tatiana V. Maisak, Van Canh Nguyen, Quang Thinh Phan, Phi Tam Nguyen, Thien Tich Nguyen, Ba Vuong Truong. 2016. New species of orchids (Orchidaceae) in the flora of Vietnam. Taiwania 61, 4: 319–354. https://doi.org/10.6165/tai.2016.61.319
Averyanov L.V., J. Ponert, P.T. Nguyen, V.D. Nong, K.S. Nguyen, V.C. Nguyen. 2016. The Survey of Dendrobium sect. Formosae in Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. Adansonia 3, 38, 2: 55–73. https://doi.org/10.5252/a2016n2a5
2017Averyanov Leonid V., Khang Sinh Nguyen, Van Duy Nong, Van Canh Nguyen, Ba Vuong Truong, Tatiana V. Maisak. 2017. Bulbophyllum sect. Hirtula in eastern Indochina. Taiwania 62, 1: 1–23. https://doi.org/10.6165/tai.2017.62.1
Averyanov L.V., C.X. Canh, N.H. Tuan, V.A. Phu, K.S. Nguyen, T.H. Nguyen, T.V. Maisak. 2017. The genus Cypripedium (Orchidaceae) in the flora of Vietnam. Turczaninowia 20, 1: 118–124. https://doi.org/10.14258/turczaninowia.20.1.10
Nguyen Hoang Tuan, L.V. Averyanov. 2017. Two endangered ornamental orchid species, Bulbophyllum coweniorum and Esmeralda bella (Orchidaceae), new in the flora of Vietnam. Turczaninowia 20, 1: 68–74. https://doi.org/10.14258/turczaninowia.20.1.5
Roy D. K., Odyuo N., Averyanov L.V. 2017. Tupistra ashihoi (Asparagaceae), a new species from north-eastern India. Phytotaxa 305, 1: 52–56. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.305.1.8
Averyanov L.V., P.K. Endress, Bui Hong Quang, Khang Sinh Nguyen, Dzu Van Nguyen. 2017. Disanthus ovatifolius (Hamamelidaceae), a new species from northwestern Vietnam. Phytotaxa 308, 1: 104–110. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.308.1.9
Averyanov L.V., Hans-Juergen Tillich, Tua Anh Le, Van The Pham, Maisak T.V., Tien Chih Vu. 2017. Aspidistra letreae (Asparagaceae), a new species from central Vietnam. Phytotaxa 308, 1: 137–140. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.308.1.14
Remizova M.V., Nuraliev M.S., Averyanov L.V. Kuznetsov A.N., Kuznetsova S.P. 2017. A revision of the family Petrosaviaceae in Vietnam. Nordic Journal of Botany 35: 262–271. https://doi.org/10.1111/njb.01480
Odyuo N., Roy Dilip Kr., Averyanov Leonid V. 2017. Rohdea extrorsandra (Asparagaceae), a new species from north-eastern India. Phytotaxa 309, 3: 283–287. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.309.3.11
Schuiteman A., Averyanov L.V. 2017. Systematics of Yoania prainii (Orchidaceae: Calypsoinae). Phytotaxa 309, 3: 288–290. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.309.3.12
Khang Sinh Nguyen, Leonid V. Averyanov, Noriyuki Tanaka, Eugene L. Konstantinov, Tatiana V. Maisak, Hiep Tien Nguyen. 2017. New taxa of Peliosanthes and Tupistra (Asparagaceae) in the flora of Laos and Vietnam and supplemental data for T. patula. Phytotaxa 312, 2: 199–212. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.312.2.3
Roy D. K., Mao A. A., Averyanov L. V. 2017. Tupistra khasiana (Asparagaceae), a new species from Meghalaya, India. Taiwania 62, 3: 257–260. https://doi.org/10.6165/tai.2017.62.257
Van The Pham, Tien Chinh Vu, Ranil Rajapaksha, Ngoc Bon Trinh, Leonid Averyanov, Thi Lien Tuong Nguyen. 2017. Phyllagathis phamhoangii (Sonerileae, Melastomataceae), a new species from central Vietnam. Phytotaxa 314, 1: 140–144. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.314.1.15
Averyanov L., N. Tanaka, K.S. Nguyen, N. Nguyen, T. Maisak, H.T. Nguyen. 2017. New species of Peliosanthes, Rohdea and Tupistra (Asparagaceae) from Laos and Vietnam. Nordic Journal of Bot. 35: 697–710. https://doi.org/10.1111/njb.01660
Khang Sinh Nguyen, L.V. Averyanov, H.J. Tillich, Van The Pham, T.V. Maisak, Ly Ngoc Sam. 2017. Aspidistra cyathiflora var. bifolia and A. neglecta spp. nov. (Convallariaceae) from northern Vietnam. Nordic Journal of Botany 35: 482–487. https://doi.org/10.1111/njb.01504
Averyanov L.V., Van The Pham, T.V. Maisak, Tuan Anh Le, Van Canh Nguyen, Hoang Tuan Nguyen, Phi Tam Nguyen, Khang Sinh Nguyen, Vu Khoi Nguyen, Tien Hiep Nguyen, M. Rodda. 2017. Preliminary checklist of Hoya (Asclepiadaceae) in the flora of Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. Turczaninowia 20, 3: 103–147. https://doi.org/10.14258/turczaninowia.20.3.10
Roy D.K., Mao A.A., Averyanov L.V. 2017. Peliosanthes arunachalensis (Asparagaceae), a new species from north-eastern India. Turczaninowia 20, 3: 14–19. https://doi.org/10.14258/turczaninowia.20.3.2
Roy Dilip K., Mao Ashiho A., Averyanov Leonid V. 2017. Lectotypification of Peliosanthes macrophylla (Asparagaceae), and its amended morphological description. Phytotaxa 323, 2: 194–196. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.323.2.8
Averyanov L.V., K.S. Nguyen, T.H. Nguyen, T.S. Nguyen, T.V. Maisak. 2017. Conservation assessment of Pinus cernua (Pinaceae). Turczaninowia 20, 4: 159–184. https://doi.org/10.14258/turczaninowia.20.4.16
Odyuo N., Dilip Kr. Roy, Leonid V. Averyanov. 2017. Gleadovia konyakianorum (Orobanchaceae), a new species from Nagaland, India. Phytotaxa 326, 4: 274–278. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.326.4.7
Chen W.H., D.J. Middleton, H.Q. Nguyen, H.T. Nguyen, L.V. Averyanov, R.Z. Chen, K.S. Nguyen, M. Möller, Y.M. Shui. 2017. Two new species of Oreocharis (Gesneriaceae) from Northwest Vietnam. Garden Bulletin Singapore 69, 2: 295–305. https://doi.org/10.26492/gbs69(2).2017-08
Tillich H.-J., Chun-Rui Lin., L.V. Averyanov. 2017. What is Aspidistra tonkinensis (Gagnep.) Wang et Lang (Asparagaceae)? Feddes Repertorium 128: 102–104. https://doi.org/10.1002/fedr.201700012
2018Averyanov L.V., N. Tanaka, Hoang Thanh Son, Khang Sinh Nguyen, T. Maisak, Tien Hiep Nguyen, Ching-I Peng. 2018. Tupistra cardinalis (Asparagaceae), a new species from limestone areas in northern Vietnam. Phytotaxa 334, 1: 60–64. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.334.1.9
Averyanov L.V., M.S. Nuraliev, A.N. Kuznetsov, S.P. Kuznetsova. 2018. Biermannia longicheila (Orchidaceae, Aeridinae), a new species from southern Vietnam. Phytotaxa 343, 2: 194–198. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.343.2.11
Savinov I.A., M.S. Nuraliev, N.A. Vislobokov, Bo Pan, Fang Wen, Long-Fei Fu, Yi-Gang Wei, L. V. Averyanov. 2018. Lectotypification and new data on distribution of Glyptopetalum sclerocarpum (Celastraceae). Phytotaxa 350, 1: 33–41. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.350.1.4
Averyanov L. V., Van Canh Nguyen, Ba Vuong Truong, Tatiana V. Maisak, Hong Truong Luu, Khang Sinh Nguyen, Quang Diep Dinh, Hoang Tuan Nhuyen, Xuan Canh Chu, Gioi Tran, Van Khang Nguyen, Hong Son Le. 2018. New Orchids (Orchidaceae, Cymbidieae and Vandeae) in the Flora of Vietnam. Taiwania 63, 2: 119–138. https://doi.org/10.6165/tai.2018.63.119
Averyanov L.V., Khang Sinh Nguyen, T.V. Maisak. 2018. Xylacanthus laotica (Acanthaceae, Acanthoideae), a new genus and species from Laos. Turczaninowia 21, 2: 101–110. https://doi.org/10.14258/turczaninowia.21.2.11
Tanaka N., D.P. Hannon, D.K. Harder, L.V. Averyanov, S.C. Lahmeyer. 2018. Rohdea harderi (Asparagaceae), a new species from northern Vietnam. Kew Bulletin 73: 31, 1–7. https://doi.org/10.1007/S12225-018-9756-3
Tillich H.-J., L.V. Averyanov. 2018. A critical survey of infraspecific taxa in the genus Aspidistra (Asparagaceae). Feddes Repertorium 128, 1–4. https://doi.org/10.1002/fedr.201800002
Averyanov L.V., H.-J. Tillich, Van The Pham, Sinh Khang Nguyen, Tuan Anh Le, Hoang Tuan Nguyen, Tatiana V. Maisak, Anh Hoang Le Tuan, Danh Duc Nguyen, Quang Cuong Truong, Thi Lien Thuong Nguyen, Tien Chinh Vu. 2018. New taxa and taxonomic notes in Aspidistra (Convallariaceae s.s.) in China, Laos and Vietnam. Nordic Journal of Botany 36, 7: 1–19. https://doi.org/10.1111/njb.01833
Averyanov L.V., Van Dzu Nguyen, Khang Sinh Nguyen, Quang Diep Dinh, T.V. Maisak. 2018. Silvorchis vietnamica (Orchidaceae, Orchidoideae, Vietorchidinae), a new miniature mycotrophic species from southern Vietnam. Nordic Journal of Botany 36, 7, e01883: 1–7. https://doi.org/10.1111/njb.01883
Averyanov L.V., H.-J. Tillich, Sinh Khang Nguyen, T.V. Maisak. 2018. Aspidistra bella (Aparagaceae), a new species from northern Vietnam. Phytotaxa 364, 2: 205–208. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.364.2.8
Averyanov L. V., Nong Van Duy, Nguyen Hoang Tuan, M. S. Nuraliev, T. V. Maisak, Nguyen Cong Anh. 2018. New species of Bulbophyllum (Orchidaceae) in the flora of Vietnam. Phytotaxa 369, 1: 1–14. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.369.1.1
Averyanov L.V., V.C. Nguyen, H.T. Nguyen, B.V. Truong, P.T. Nguyen, S.K. Nguyen, T.V. Maisak, H.T. Nguyen, D.N. Bui, X.C. Chu. 2018. New Orchids (Orchidaceae: Epidendroideae and Vandoideae) in the Flora of Vietnam. Taiwania 63, 3: 195–219. https://doi.org/10.6165/tai.2018.63.195
Averyanov Leonid V., Khang Sinh Nguyen, Tatiana V. Maisak. 2018. Chiloschista pulchella (Orchidaceae: Aeridinae) new orchid species from Lao PDR. Taiwania 63, 4: 389–392. https://doi.org/10.6165/tai.2018.63.389
Averyanov L.V., P.K. Endress, K.S. Nguyen, T.H. Thai, T.V. Maisak, A.L. Averyanova, L.N. Diep. 2018. Loropetalum flavum (Hamamelidaceae), a new species from northern Vietnam. Phytotaxa 385, 2: 94–100. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.385.2.5
Chen W.-H., Radbouchoom S., Nguyen H.Q., Phuttal T., Averyanov L.V., Shui Y.-M. 2018. Reassessment of Begonia arboreta and B. sonlaensis (Begoniaceae) based on field observation and type examination. Phytotaxa 381, 1: 132–140. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.381.1.17
2019Fu L.-F., Monro A., Do T.V., Nuraliev M.S., Averyanov L.V., Wen F., Xin Z.-B., Maisak T.V., Kuznetsov A.N., Kuznetsova S.P., Nguyen K.S., Wei Y.-G. 2019. Checklist to the Elatostema (Urticaceae) of Vietnam including 19 new records, ten new combinations, two new names and four new synonyms. PeerJ 7: e6188: 1–38. https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.6188
Borah D., Kafley P., Das A.P., Tangjang S., Averyanov L. 2019. Chlorophytum assamicum (Asparagaceae), a new species from Northeast India. Phytotaxa 394, 1: 123–125. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.394.1.12
Averyanov L.V., V.C. Nguyen, K.S. Nguyen, T.V. Maisak, B.V. Truong. 2019. New Orchids (Orchidaceae) in the Flora of Vietnam I. Epidendroideae. Taiwania 64, 2: 176–188. https://doi.org/10.6165/tai.2019.64.176
Rajapaksha R., N. Gunawardena, U, Garasin, G. Pushpakumara, T. Premakantha, S. Wijesundara, L. Averyanov. 2019. Elatostema rigidiusculum (Urticaceae), a new species endemic to Sri Lanka. Phytotaxa 404, 2: 85–90. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.404.2.4
Van The Pham, Van Dung Luong, L.V. Averyanov, Ngoc Bon Trinh, Thi Lieu Nguyen, Thi Lien Thuong Nguyen. 2019. Camellia velutina (Theaceae, sect. Chryasantha), a new species from northern Vietnam. Pakistan Journal of Botany 51, 4: 1–6. https://doi.org/10.30848/PJB2019-4(33)
Averyanov L.V., Khang Sinh Nguyen, Ba Vuong Truong, Van Canh Nguyen, T.V. Maisak, Tran Huy Thai, Pham Thi Thanh Dat, Bao Ngan Tu. 2019. New species of Bulbophyllum (Orchidaceae) in the flora of Vietnam Ⅱ. Phytotaxa 404, 6: 231–244. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.404.6.2
Averyanov L.V., Tuan Anh Le, Khang Sinh Nguyen, H.-J. Tillich, Danh Duc Nguyen, Le Tuan Anh Hoang, Hoang Dung Trang, Pham Thi Thanh Dat, T.V. Maisak. 2019. Aspidistra erosa, A. sarcantha, and A. verruculosa (Asparagaceae), three new species from Vietnam. Phytotaxa 404 (3): 102–110. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.404.3.2
Averyanov L.V., Nuraliev M.S., Maisak T.V., Kuznetsov A.N., Kuznetsova S. P. 2019. Didymoplexis holochelia (Orchidaceae, Gastrodiinae), a new species from northern Vietnam. Phytotaxa 405, 1: 54–60. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.405.1.5
Averyanov L.V., A.L. Averyanova, K.S. Nguyen, T.V. Maisak. 2019. Hoya aphylla (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae), a new leafless species from Laos. Nordic Journal of Botany e2241: 1–4. https://doi.org/10.1111/njb.02241