Отдел Гербарий высших растений


Михайлова М.А., Сочивко А.В. Трофические связи растений и насекомых Средней Азии и Казахстана: хохлатки ― парусники. М.: Товарищество научных изданий КМК. 2024. 299 с.

Андреев М.П., Бондарь Л.Д., Змитрович И.В., Лефельдт В., Сластунов Д.Д., Стасевич В.А., Сытин А.К., Худин К.С. От кунсткамеры к травопознанию. Развитие ботаники в России в первой половине XVIII века. / Сост. А.К. Сытин, Д.Д. Сластунов; отв. ред. А.К. Сытин. Россия. СПб.: Келлер. 2022. 408 с.

Атлас сосудистых растений Северо-Запада европейской части России. Т. 1. Под ред. И.А. Сорокиной и Г.Ю. Конечной. М.: Товарищество научных изданий КМК. 2021. 296 с.

Averyanov L.V., Nguyen K.S., Tran T.H., Averyanova A.L., Maisak T.V., Nguyen H.T. Plant diversity, flora and vegetation of Bat Dai Son Mountain area, northern Vietnam. St. Petersburg: STRATA. 2020. 561 p.

Травопознание Абрахама Энса, доктора медицины. Авт.-сост. А.К. Сытин, Д.Д. Сластунов. СПб.: Любавич. 2020. 272 с.

Цвелëв Н.Н., Пробатова Н.С. Злаки России. М.: Товарищество научных изданий КМК. 2019. 646 с.

Фирсов Г.А., Орлова Л.В. Хвойные в Санкт-Петербурге. Издание второе, расширенное и переработанное. СПб.: Дом садовой литературы. 2019. 492 с.

Бялт В.В., Фирсов Г.А., Бялт А.В., Орлова Л.В. Обзор культурной флоры Санкт-Петербурга (Россия). М.: РОСА. 2019. 180 с.

Ефимов П.Г., Конечная Г.Ю. Конспект флоры Псковской области (сосудистые растения). М.: Товарищество научных изданий КМК. 2018. 471 с.

Сытин А.К. Ботаник Пётр Симон Паллас. М.: Товарищество научных изданий КМК. 2014. 456 с.

Kwak M., Lim J., Lee B., Grabovskaya-Borodina A.E., Illarionova I.D., Tatanov I.V. Korean Type Specimens of Vascular Plants Deposited in Komarov Botanical Institute. Incheon: National Institute of Biological Resources. 2013. 255 p.

Конспект флоры Восточной Европы. Т. 1. Под ред. Н.Н. Цвелева. М., СПб.: Товарищество научных изданий КМК. 2012. 630 с.


Geltman D.V., Medvedeva N.A., Titova G.E., Yakovleva O.V. Sphaerocrystals in seeds of Euphorbia subgenus Esula (Euphorbiaceae): morphology, occurrence, and relationship with phylogeny. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 2024. 206(2): 151–168.

Averyanov L.V., Nguyen K.S., Tillich H.-J., Maisak T.V., Shvanova V.V. Aspidistra pentagona (Asparagaceae, Convallarioideae), new species from northern Vietnam. Nordic Journal of Botany. 2024. e04094.

Sennikov A.N., Kozhin M.N. Taxonomic revision of the Erigeron acris group (Asteraceae) in Murmansk Region, Russia, reveals a complex pattern of native and alien taxa. PhytoKeys. 2023. 235: 83–128.

Efimov P.G. Orchids of Russia and Crimea: herbarium collections provide sufficient data to recover the distributional changes with time. Flora. 2023. 305: e152334.

Averyanov L.V., Nguyen Van Canh, Tanaka N., Nguyen Khang Sinh, Maisak T.M. Three new taxa and two noteworthy species of Peliosanthes (Asparagaceae, Convallarioideae) from Laos and Vietnam. Phytotaxa. 2023. 609(3): 209–221.

Arabi Z., Ghahremaninejad F., Rabeler R.K., Sokolova I., Weigend M., Zarre S. Intergeneric relationships within the tribe Alsineae (Caryophyllaceae) as inferred from nrDNA ITS and cpDNA rps16 sequences: A step toward a phylogenetically based generic system. Taxon. 2022. 71(3): 608–629.

Sennikov A.N. The concept of epitypes in theory and practice. Nordic Journal of Botany. 2022. e03535.

Ufimov R., Gorospe J.M., Fér T., Kandziora M., Salomon L., van Loo M., Schmickl R. Utilizing paralogues for phylogenetic reconstruction has the potential to increase species tree support and reduce gene tree discordance in target enrichment data. Molecular Ecology Resources. 2022. 22(8): 3018–3034.

Averyanov L., Maisak T., Dat P.T.T., Truong B.V., Orlov N., Nguyen T.H., Dinh Q.D. Studies of Bulbophyllum (Orchidaceae) in eastern Indochina IV. New species in the flora of Laos and Vietnam. Phytotaxa. 2021. 514(3): 187–204.

Melnikov D., Tretyakova A., Grudanov N. et al. Pteridophyte distribution of the Urals and adjacent areas: a dataset. Biodiversity Data Journal. 2021. 9: e76680.

Sukhorukov A.P., Sennikov A.N., Veranso-Libalah M.C. et al. Evolutionary relationships, biogeography and morphological characters of Glinus (Molluginaceae), with special emphasis on the genus composition in Sub-Saharan Africa. PhytoKeys. 2021. 173: 1–92.

Kozlov M.V., Sokolova I.V., Zverev V., Egorov A.A., Goncharov M.Y., Zvereva E.L. Biases in estimation of insect herbivory from herbarium specimens. Scientific Reports. 2020. 10: 12298.

Orlova L., Gussarova G., Glazkova E., Egorov A., Potokin A., Ivanov S. Systematics and distribution of spruce species in the North-West of Russia. Dendrobiology. 2020. 84: 12–29.

Ngan Thi Lu, Hung Nguyen Duy, Sennikov A.N., Averyanov L.V., Truong Van Do, Kuznetsov A.N., Kuznetsova S.P., Nuraliev M.S. Checklist of Lycopodiaceae in Vietnam with three new records and one lectotypification. Phytotaxa. 2020. 452(1): 19–32.

Ren C., Wang L., Illarionova I.D., Yang Q.E. Circumscription and phylogenetic position of Ligularia sect. Stenostegia (Asteraceae: Senecioneae) based on morphological, cytological, and molecular phylogenetic evidence. Taxon. 2020. 69(4): 739–755.

Wasowicz P., Sennikov A.N., Westergaard K.B. et al. Non-native vascular flora of the Arctic: taxonomic richness, distribution and pathways. Ambio. 2020. 49: 693–703.

Szukala A., Korotkova N. … Sennikov A.N. et al. Phylogeny of the Eurasian genus Jurinea (Asteraceae: Cardueae): Support for a monophyletic genus concept and a first hypothesis on overall species relationships. Taxon. 2019. 68(1): 112–131.

Grabovskaya-Borodina A.E., Illarionova I.D., Jang H.D., Lee B.-Y., Suh M.H., Park J.M. A considerable review on type specimens of Korean vascular plants in the Herbarium of the Komarov Botanical Institute (LE) Addition. Journal of Species Research. 2018. 7(1): 73–79.

Averyanov L.V., Van The Pham, Maisak T.V. et al. Preliminary checklist of Hoya (Asclepiadaceae) in the flora of Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. Turczaninowia. 2017. 20(3): 103–147.

Sennikov A.N., Kurtto A. A phylogenetic checklist of Sorbus s.l. (Rosaceae) in Europe. Memoranda Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica. 2017. 93: 1–78.

Efimov P.G. A revision of Platanthera (Orchidaceae; Orchidoideae; Orchideae) in Asia. Phytotaxa. 2016. 254(1): 1–233.

Geltman D.V. Phytogeographical analysis of Euphorbia subgenus Esula (Euphorbiaceae). Polish Bot. J. 2015. 60(2): 147–161.

Zhang M.-L., Sanderson S.C., Sun Y.-X., Byalt V.V., Hao X.-L. Tertiary montane origin of the Central Asian flora, evidence inferred from cpDNA sequences of Atraphaxis (Polygonaceae). Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 2014. 56(12): 1125–1135.

Riina R., Peirson J.A., Geltman D.V. et al. A worldwide molecular phylogeny and classification of the leafy spurges, Euphorbia subgenus Esula (Euphorbiaceae). Taxon. 2013. 62(2): 316–342.

Efimov P.G. Revealing the decline and expansion of Orchids of NW European Russia. Eur. J. Env. Sci. 2011. 1(2): 7–17.