Апробация новейшей микроскопической камеры Carl ZEISS Axiocam 506 color

Microscope Camera Axiocam 506 color
Axiocam 506 color allows you to take images of large sample areas in the shortest time. The 6 megapixel color camera has a 1" sensor with an image diagonal of 16 mm. Combined with the large number of pixels (2752 × 2208 pixels), you benefit from a field of view twice as large as that of 2/3" cameras. As a result, you always have a good overview of your sample and enjoy an extremely fast live view of up 19 images/s in full resolution. Axiocam 506 color offers a dynamic range of 1:2500 – making the finest color differences and tiniest details visible in lossless quality. The Peltier cooling guarantees low-noise and reproducible color image quality, even with longer exposure times and dark sample areas.
- 4.54 µm pixels for the highest resolution of fine structures
- Simple connection to a PC using USB 3.0 interface technology with 5 gigabit data transfer rate
- Fast scanning of larger sample areas
- Ideal use of the microscopic field of view: Overview of the sample thanks to twice the field of view compared to 2/3" cameras
- Simple connection to a PC using USB 3.0 interface technology with 5 gigabit data transfer rate
- Quad-port, high-end CCD sensor technology for optimal image acquisition speed
- Rapid live image in full-screen mode with 19 images/second or with HDTV image view at up to 33 fps
- Dynamic range of 1:2500 for optimized color reproduction