Valentina Neshataeva

Valentina Neshataeva

Author Identifiers: Web of Science ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID, Russian Science Citation Index, ORCID iD

Academic degree, academic title: Dr.Sc.

Position: Laboratory Head


Research interests:

  • Vegetation science.
  • Phytogeography.
  • Vegetation of European Russia, Caucasus and Russian Far East.

Keywords: Vegetation, classification, plant cover structure, geobotanical subdivision; vegetation cover of mountains

Education and work experience:

1975 — entered the Leningrad State Univesity, Biology Department, from which graduated with honors in geobotany in 1982.
1984 — enrolled in graduate school BIN (B. N. Norin, head), from which graduated in 1988.
1988 — PhD thesis «Formation of Siberian dwarf-pine (Pinus pumila) of the Kamchatka Peninsula».
2000 — enrolled to doctoral probation Komarov Botanical Institute RAS, from which graduated in 2004.
2006 — doctoral thesis «Vegetation of the Kamchatka Peninsula».

1983 — entered the Komarov Botanical Institute (BIN) to the post of Research Assistant.
1988 — enlisted in BIN to the post Research Assistant in the Laboratory of Plant Community Ecology.
2015 — until now — Head of Laboratory of General Botany BIN RAS.

Grants and research projects:

State task

  • From 2021 No. 121032500047-1 " Vegetation of European Russia and Northern Asia: diversity, dynamics, principles of organization».

Project Leader:

  • 2023–2024. Grant of the Russian Science Foundation №23-27-00202 «Botanical and geographical patterns of vegetation cover differentiation of the north of Koryak district, vegetation classification and geobotanical zoning of its territory as the basis for typology of reindeer pastures».
  • 2019–2021. RFBR №19-05-00805-а «The patterns of the Beringian forest-tundra zone vegetation cover differentiation and the main phytogeography borders in Noth-East Asia».
  • 2016–2018. RFBR №16-05-00736-а «Vegetation cover of the North Koryak Land and its position in the phytogeographical subdivision of the North-East Asia».
  • 2017. RFBR №17-35-50111-mol_nr «The study of the community diversity, habitats and geographical distribution of the pine forests of Daghestan».
  • 2016. RFBR №16-34-501999-mol_nr «The patterns of species and community diversity of forest communities of the South –Western part of Moscow Region».
  • 2015. RFBR №15-34-51040-mol_nr «The study of species diversity and community diversity of the Daghestan Republic pine (Pinus kochiana) forests».
  • 2014. RFBR №14-34-50239-mol_nr «The study of the East Kamchatka mountain tundra vegetation cover and its resistance to volcanogenic disturbances».
  • 2011–2013. RFBR №11-04-00027-а «The patterns of the vegetation cover of volcanic areas of the Kamchatka Peninsula differentiation and dynamics».
  • 2008–2010. RFBR № 08-04-01294-а «The patterns of the vegetation cover volcanogenic transformation and dynamics on the example of Kamchatka».
  • 2005.RFBR №05-04-48035-а «The influence of volcanic eruptions to the Kamchatka vegetation dynamic and evolution».

Member of research team:

  • 2012–2013. RFBR №12-04-32157-mol_а «The patterns of vegetation cover formation on the juvenile volcanic substrata» (led by A.P. Korablev).
  • 2017–2019. RFBR №17-04-01754-а «The dynamics of the functional plant communities organization under the influence of modern volcanism» (led by A.P. Korablev).

Professional memberships:

Editorial activity:

Scientific-organizational and teaching activities:

  • Member of doctor scientific council in BIN RAS
  • The head of the Phd thesises: Korablev A. P. (2012), Pesterov A. O. (2012–2015), Abdurakhmanova Z. I. (2013–2016); M. P. Vyatkina (2011–2015), L. N. Beldiman (2014–2016).
  • Opponent of the PhD and Dr. Sci. thesises.

Selected publications:


Neshataeva V.Yu., Korablev A.P., Vyatkina M.P. et al. Vegetation Cover of the Central Kamchatka volcanic plateaus (Kluchevskaya volcano group, Kamchatka) / ed. by V.Yu Neshataeva. Moscow: KMK, 2014. 461 p. [In Russian]

Neshataeva V.Yu. Vegetation of the Kamchatka Peninsula. Moscow: KMK, 2009. 572 p. [In Russian]

Neshataeva V.Yu, Neshataev V.Yu., Yakubov V.V., Chernyadjeva I.V., Potemkin A.D., Dobrysh A.A., Selivanova O.A. The Flora and Vegetation of Southern Kamchatka / ed. by V. Yu. Neshataeva. Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. 2002. 304 p. [In Russian]


Neshataeva V.Yu., Neshataev V.Yu., Skvortsov K.I., Kuzmina E.Yu., Korablev A.P. Classification of dwarf pine communities in the North of the Koryak District (Kamchatka Territory). Botanicheskii Zhurnal. 2023. 108(11): 951–970. [In Russian]

Neshataeva V.Yu., Skvortsov K.I., Yakubov V.V. Plant, lichen and fungi forage species of reindeer pastures in the Olyutorsky District of the Koryak Region (Kamchatka Territory). Rastitelnye Resursy. 2023. 59(2): 109–128. [In Russian]

Neshataev V.Yu., Neshataeva V.Yu., Sinelnikova N.V., Skvortsov K.I. Species and coenotic diversity of the floodplain forests’ communities in the North-East of Russia. Russian Journal of Forest Science (Lesovedenie). 2022. 6: 713–726. [In Russian]

Shczepetov S.V., Neshataeva V.Y. On the Chaun paleoflora in the Chukotka nonmarine cretaceous. Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2021. 15(2): 134–143.

Neshataeva V.Yu., Yakubov V.V., Kuzmina E.Yu., Potemkin A.D., Kirichenko V.E. Outline of flora and vegetation of the Tintikun Lagoon hot springs (Olutorsky Bay of Bering Sea). Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2021. 106(12): 1204–1226. [In Russian]

Paal J., Pesterov A., Neshataeva V. Diversity of Pinus pumila-dominated communities on the Kamchatka Peninsula. Forestry Studies. 2021. 74(1): 26–57.

Korablev A., Neshataeva V., Nekrasov T., Smirnov V., Kuzmin I. Plant dispersal strategies in primary succession on the Tolbachinsky Dol volcanic plateau (Russia). Journal of Vegetation Science. 2020. 31(6): 954–966.

Korablev A.P., Smirnov V.E., Neshataeva V.Yu., Khanina L.G. Plant life-forms and environmental filtering during primary succession on loose volcanic substrata (Kamchatka, Russia). Biology Bulletin. 2018. 45(3): 255–264.

Neshataeva V.Yu., Neshataev V.Yu, Korablev A.P., Katiutin P.N. Flood-plain forests of the Penzhina District (Kamchatka). Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2018. 103(10): 212–1239. [In Russian]

Neshataeva V.Yu., Neshataev V.Yu., Yakubov V.V. Vegetation cover of the Nizhne-Chazhminskie Thermal Springs (Eastern Kamchatka). Fitoraznoobrazie Vostochnoi Evropy. 2017. 11(4): 4–26. [In Russian]

Korablev A.P., Neshataeva V.Yu. Primary plant succesions of forest belt on the Tolbachinskii Dol volcanic plateau (Kamchatka). Biology Bulletin. 2016. 43: 307–317.

Neshataeva V.Yu., Korablev A.P., Neshataev V.Yu. Stone-birch forests of the South of the Koryak Upland (Kamchatka Region) on the northern limit of their distribution. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2016. 101(12): 50–69. [In Russian]

Pesterov A.O., Ovcharenko M.S., Neshataeva V.Yu. Mountain tundra of the Kronotsky State Reserve volcanic areas (Eastern Kamchatka). Fitoraznoobrazie Vostochnoi Evropy. 2015. 9(1): 121–137. [In Russian]

Neshataeva V.Yu., Pesterov A.O., Himelbrant D.E., Fedosov V.E. The patterns of the vegetation cover formation on the Krasheninnikov Volcano lava flows (Eastern Kamchatka). Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2014. 99(3): 282–302.

Neshataeva V.Yu., Pesterov A.O., Korablev A.P. Vegetation of the thermal fields of the Uzon Caldera (Eastern Kamchatka). Trudy Karelskogo nauchnogo tsentra RAN. Biogeographia. 2013. 2: 22–38. [In Russian]

Neshataeva V.Yu., Pesterov A.O. The structure of the vegetation Сover of the Uzon Kaldera. Trudy Samarskogo nauchnogo tsentra RAN. 2012. 14(1-4): 1080–1083. [In Russian]

Korablev A.P., Neshataeva V.Yu. The dynamics of forest vegetation on the plateau Tolbachinsky Dol lava flows (Kluchevskaya volcano group, Kamchatka). Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2011. 96(11): 1440–1457. (Web of Science-RSCI) [In Russian]